2009-04-30 04:39:42 UTC
Here is what they will need to do to gain equality:
Commit suicide at 4-5 times their current rate. Men are way ahead in this area so women will need to step up their act if they want to be equal.
Find guys who have fallen on hard times, are unemployed, and need someone to give them a break, a house, a new job opportunity etc. Currently only men "rescue" women, and not the other way around. When I fall on hard times and some woman comes and pays for everything and sets up a new job for me, etc, I will consider your application for equality.
Quit your cozy little "customer service" jobs and go work in a coal mine doing hard labour all day rather than updating your status on facebook while the boss isn't looking.
Spend your days asking men out and being rejected in an unpolite fashion.
Work while the men sit at home playing with the kids.
Work much longer than you are now. Currently men work almost twice as many hours as women (not including housework). We will clean the sink while you work in the pressure cooker corporate landscape engaging in highstakes mergers.
Any takers?