Is the world getting better or worse?
2014-11-08 02:16:24 UTC
Is the world getting better or worse?
232 answers:
2014-11-09 15:19:21 UTC
My Mom who will be turning 88 this month say's things are getting worse. She was born in Holland in 1926 and say's things were a lot better then. I told Her that WW1 had ended 8 years before She was born and WW2 started in 1938 when She was 12 years old. The Nazis occupied Her village and She personally saw the war on Her doorstep and yet She claims life was better then. Personally I figure each generation has it's own problems ,But with today's instant communications We simply hear and know more of what's actually happening anywhere on this planet. When She was born there was no Radio in Her home. Her family did not have a Radio until She was about 4-5 years old So that explains why Her family would not have had much access to what was happening in the world.
2014-11-08 02:25:32 UTC
The world can look after itself, the outlook for life on earth is getting worse by the day.
2014-11-08 04:10:23 UTC
Is the world getting better or worse?

~~~ Then what?

For whom?


From what Perspective?

The 'world' isn't "getting" anything, it is only your own Perspective that is always unique!

There is only One (unchanging, ALL inclusive) Reality!

"We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are!"

You gaze, dreamingly, into the mirror and imagine "world"...

"Perhaps it is the curvature of space that, like a funhouse mirror distorting our own reflection, we imagine strangers." - Mythopoeicon
2014-11-09 15:58:26 UTC


Racism in the us

Police brutality


Anti Americanism

Cartoon Network Disney and nick getting crapier

Economy screwed

90s kids ranting of today's shows

Definitely worse
2014-11-12 21:19:24 UTC
Fs Aslam Shah
2014-11-10 01:33:04 UTC
The world become worse.
2014-11-09 13:01:17 UTC
the world is becoming worse but yet people are fighting to make it a better place. People are trying to recycle and are starting beach clean ups because people know the world is just becoming more polluted by the day; it is better now to realize our mistakes then to never do anything to fix anything.
2014-11-09 05:24:03 UTC
The same as it was in any other time. It is good to be the King Money rules.
2014-11-08 02:24:15 UTC
worse for the better
2014-11-10 00:59:58 UTC
2014-11-13 15:53:27 UTC
This is a excellent question!

I believe it's half and half and ill explain why. First starting with why the world is a better place.

These are my opinions from where I live in the UK

• The NHS System was not around. I attended the Labour Party Conference this year in Manchester and there was a old man there who told a story of back in WW2 when the NHS System was not around at a young age of about 8 he watched his sister of 12 die in agony from a tragic illness that would have been prevented if the NHS System was around.

• Race, there was so much racism back in the day and still is today not everywhere in the world but where I'm from nobody is discriminated against because of the colour of their skin. Life for all of us is so much better in that way. Only now do people realise we're all the same colour on the inside.

Please read my comment on this post to see why I think the world was better back then.
2014-11-10 11:19:48 UTC
This is a very good question In my own opinion I believe half/and half but getting worse more we as in people suppose be brothers and sisters so say the church my question is why are we killing are own race over stupididity and knowing consequence will be pend against us I just don't get t we need to learn how to Respect one another and better our world we living in the generation will only get worse only if people don't put forth the effort of trying to better the world im seeing so much drama and killing now sometimes I get paranoid and cant even trust people anymore theres been so many teens death not even able to see a full life someone son or daughter gone that its sad to hear I don't understand people in this world anymore ima stay in church and continue praying because we as people are setting a bad example for the kids that's trying to grow up people we need to get it together and issues we have and get some help im done witht this convo I could go on but why when some people don't even care.
2014-11-09 22:20:02 UTC
Ultimately, the world will continue to get better in some aspects and worse in others. These times are stressful, as society is undergoing many paradigm shifts as a result of the information age, but for time immemorial people have mocked the new age in favor of the sweet years of old; "All things new are fought against, even though their time has come."

The challenges both society and humanity will face both today and in the future will be the greatest they ever have faced before, and by extension that means things will grow, either for better or worse. Ultimately, social and intellectual constructs will radically shift anew, and many forces will be at play to influence this change, so whether things get better or worse will be solely in the hands of us and our children; "Might does not make right, but it does make results."

TL;DR...A little bit of both.
2014-11-13 09:44:10 UTC
Sadly the world is worse because the resources are out of balance and while some people are over-powered in a global scale others are defenceless and this has become even more true as the years pass in the beginning of the WW2 despite what happened the world was more balanced then because resources where shared more fairly than today.
2014-11-11 06:44:50 UTC
The world has changed since the beginning of time, change is normal, there are ups and downs, and the circle which brings back things when people are tired of things going wrong. If you stressed out on the downs then you'd get a heart attack (or just shorten your own life) and would become a toxic person to others and ruin your own life. So it's ok to talk about what's going on in the world but move away from it if it starts to get stressful.
2014-11-12 15:49:28 UTC
Well ive certainly seen a dramatic change. What is acceptable today was in many cases out of bounds in the eyes of the general public just 20 to 30years ago. Crime, pornography, drugs use has escalated. Same sex couple relationships, divorce rates have shy rocketed in recent years. All of this are indicators that things are worse. Hey that my two cents here a scripture that prophesied that things would be worse. (2 Timothy 3:1-7) 3 But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. 6 From among these arise men who slyly work their way into households and captivate weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, 7 always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth. . .
2014-11-11 11:20:33 UTC
I will give you a short answer to this!

The world is not getting worse the inly diffrence is that now more people know what happens

Back in the day people got raped and killed but no one knew about it,

Now people get raped and killed but because of the news everybody knows it. So the world not getting worse but the truth is being revealed
what's next
2014-11-09 13:44:16 UTC
The World will get better or worse dependent on the hearts of those within it,if it' getting worse it's because the hearts, the desires ,thereby the actions that we make/ that come from it will determine how the world is, all things depend not just on god but on the actions we ourselves make or take towards each other and whether we allow the enemy, the devil to use us to do what is reffered to in the bib le as evil /wicked things to one another acting in/ with selfish desires enacting them without consideration for what those actions/acts will do our neighbors. now don't get me wrong..there are some actions/decision that we make foe our benefit that is necessary for they benefit our live in a positive way d also those around us in some fashion: taking care of ourselves, getting informed on what's going on in the world.,at least a basic knowledge of it, getting a education that could become result in an good job that will benefit yourself and family also you'll be less likely to want to steal because you'll have what you need to take care of yourself, etc .There are some decisions made that benefit no one esp in the long run or at all: overindulgence in things that could result in terrible results for others as in drinking too much(which is bad in itself)and the decision to drive also the decisions that benefit no one: to rob ,rape ,murder ,etc In conclusion as we decide to do thing for the benfit of and not against/to in a negative(hateful, disrespectfully, etc) way our neighbor the world will either get better or grow as it seemingly /happen to be "worse" Without God changing the way we do things... the world will consistently get worse because god changes the heart which affects the desires of a person the same things that lay at the root of every problem we have in life and this world.
Dakota Hughes
2014-11-12 18:15:29 UTC
Its getting worse. Everyday its always drama and social media really don't help either. it ruins lives everyday. I see it all the time. I know there are good people out there but they always get screwed. our government don't help either it has become so corrupt, our 4 fathers would be spinning in their graves right now because of it. The only thing I can say good about the world is the life expectancy due to technology. people today can practically live till there 100 or older!
2014-11-12 02:41:33 UTC
much(which is bad in itself)and the decision to drive also the decisions that benefit no one: to rob ,rape ,murder ,etc In conclusion as we decide to do thing for the benfit of and not against/to in a negative(hateful, disrespectfully, etc) way our neighbor the world will either get better or grow as it seemingly /happen to be "worse" Without God changing the way we do things... the world will consistently get worse because god changes the heart which affects the desires of a person the same things that lay at the root of every problem we have in life and this world.
2014-11-09 11:39:10 UTC
Don't let the lost and depressed drag you down with them. There is still much in this world that needs fixing but the fact is that in the past, it was much worse. As time passes, it does get better. There will always be evil people who are not happy loosing their power and privilage, so they will tell you things are not getting better. Pitty them but do not help them spread their darkness.
No More
2014-11-08 04:40:05 UTC
When you start your day, continue through your day and finally finish and go to bed.... think about all you did for the day... did you somehow make a positive or negative impact on someone or a situation? Whichever way you chose... that is how the world is for today.

For me... the world is just a little bit better each day and I'd like to make that so for more of the world.
2014-11-12 17:27:27 UTC
It depends on which areas you're looking at. If you keep watching the news, you'll only see media bias, sensationalism and all the terrible things that go on thousands of miles from where you are. The media doesn't report that millions of children go to school safe and sound, and that guns save more lives than they kill. I personally boycott the mainstream media for this reason. You won't hear that America is still the safest developed country compared to her contenders. You'll be oblivious to the millions of people who help in the communities and give to the poor. In contrast to the previous century, we experience the positive benefits of modern technology and social networking. Many diseases can be cured. Less people die in conflicts, and there are more people who want peace than war. Take a walk outside and don't let your fears get the better of you. Then you will see reality not through the news, but through your own eyes.
2014-11-09 18:16:22 UTC
This world is definitely getting worse by the second.
2014-11-08 09:16:33 UTC
Much worse. This world is close to the end. The bible teaches it. It cannot get any worse than it is.
2014-11-09 17:56:31 UTC
The life is getting better, while the source is getting worse.
2014-11-10 01:40:32 UTC
Worse for lots of people, better for others
2014-11-09 14:12:23 UTC
The world is getting nowhere close to better, it's just getting worse each and everyday. Where are our leaders, huh? just shouting and bombing our nations, why can't we just all drop our weapons and join hands to make this world a better place, huh? instead of being greedy dictators angry for power !?!
nancy b
2014-11-08 10:48:38 UTC

More people are getting rights so that is a good thing.

As for everything else, it's getting worse.
2014-11-09 16:51:47 UTC
The world is about the same maybe a little worse in ways but not as extreme as everyone thinks. We now have the internet which gives us more information around the world than ever so it's not really a fair comparison.
2014-11-08 04:37:56 UTC
In what sense? Compared to when? Some things are much better; some things are worse. Humans have a thousand times easier, safer, happier life than they used to hundreds of years ago, if that's what you mean.
Imran Hasan
2014-11-09 16:12:33 UTC
The world is becoming worse.
2014-11-09 19:57:09 UTC
well, looking at a scientific view of the population on earth, the human population has risen like hell compared to many many many many years back on the timeline. or, you could call it the exponential growth of human population. the massing growth of humans will eventually use up all of earths natural resources if not efficient with them. i find it terrible to have a projected growth of 9 billion humans by the year of 2050.

lol my simple solution is that people should stop having so much *** i mean seriously... have you ever seen 16 and pregnant? america is going to affect the population at a high rate. so if you see this comment you people make sure you dont have more than 1-2 kids :P
2014-11-08 22:54:29 UTC
take a step back from the world and reality. look at the world and just think about all those in poverty war fights lies and all those other bad things happening to the world, lets just say when god created the world in the beginning the world was peaceful till humans step foot in the word. the world became such a mean and awful place to live. 99% people in the world don't believe in god so from my point of view its getting worser cause hardly no one believes in god! people need to read the bible these days!
2014-11-08 02:25:18 UTC
getting worse
2014-11-08 13:14:40 UTC
Worse and it will continue to get worse until the Lord Jesus Christ returns to set up His kingdom here.
2014-11-09 19:53:38 UTC
The white man The white race is the first man and people pioneer more faster into the tree of good and bad

out of this reason Satan the devil made the white man the white race his favorite race of people on this earth.Therefore,the world is worse.
2014-11-09 09:57:53 UTC
Generally better but with some bad spots and bad dudes. Read a few books by Dickens if you want to see how bad it used to be. Enactment of child labor restrictions made a HUGE difference. Flame-resistant clothing alone has saved millions of women and children from horrible burns, scarring, or death. Many other examples.
2014-11-11 10:49:01 UTC
Its getting worse.
2014-11-10 12:29:06 UTC
This question is very good. Sometimes it looks great with paper-thin TVs coming off the production line every minute and technology to attend to our personal things. Then we have the oil wondering if it might run out, scared of the terrible things on the news so its 50:50 really.
2014-11-08 02:18:42 UTC
Things never really get better or worse, they just stay at the same level of a good and bad balance.
2014-11-10 02:51:15 UTC
The world is always getting better but the crooked cultural idiots always trying to destroy the world thinking themselves that only they can form a better world.
Banana Monkey
2014-11-10 09:08:45 UTC
It is better toady. They say today is the best generation in humanity. The past and the future will be dark for humans, or at least worse.
2014-11-08 05:25:16 UTC
Its getting better at getting worse. It can be efficiently extreme in an ever shorter timescale, and at a lower cost.
2014-11-08 14:51:16 UTC
getting worst in my view. All this human rights rubbish has allowed cultures to mix and extremism to be at a much greater height than it ever was. More Terrorism more wars, lives being lost etc. I think everyone should all stay in their own countries and deal with their own issues. Sorry for my extreme views to those who may be offended but this mixing thing ain't working..
2014-11-10 02:13:41 UTC
getting worse
2014-11-09 22:37:20 UTC
its in the middle but many people back then in the 60-80s have said the world was better before then now
2014-11-10 16:35:10 UTC
It seems worse, but that's because we have access to so much information. There has always been evil, but we just didn't hear about it or it manifest itself in different ways.
2014-11-13 09:02:34 UTC
Better if you regard trying to make technologies simpler and available for all and finding answer to illnesses and making more efficient systems

Worse if you regard making more money means someone else has to lose his share
2014-11-09 20:44:08 UTC
When you begin your day, continue through your day and eventually end and attend bed.... accept all you probably did for the day... did you somehow create a positive or negative impact on somebody or a situation? Whichever method you selected... that's however the planet is for these days.

For me... the planet is simply somewhat bit higher day by day and i might prefer to create that thus for additional of the planet.
2014-11-08 06:06:13 UTC
2014-11-09 17:48:45 UTC
2014-11-08 03:46:00 UTC
Better - technological advancement.....

Worse - changing the environment n people within it drastically.....
2014-11-08 05:14:31 UTC
2014-11-09 12:14:28 UTC
Worse. The Earth has unfortunately been infected the the terrible virus known as... (pause for suspense) ... HUMANS.
2014-11-08 21:45:52 UTC
Well there's pretty much massive amounts of killing going on in Syria.. also another thing with Iraq.. genocide much? Oh and Israeli vs Palestine.. lets not forget that.. other than that though.. life's good!
2014-11-11 12:02:08 UTC
2014-11-10 00:42:44 UTC
2014-11-08 21:34:16 UTC
Don't u have eyes dude??? It's getting worse day by day
2014-11-09 14:30:34 UTC
2014-11-08 16:32:48 UTC
It depends on which aspect you point.Some become worse, some become better.
2014-11-08 16:54:19 UTC
In some ways the world is improving and some ways it is declining. We have been able to help in many medical illnesses & diseases. We also have much yet to accomplish. We are improving on technology, such as computers, phones, Internet, etc. but some would say we have much yet to improve. Regarding morals, many would say that it is declining.
2014-11-09 15:00:33 UTC
yes the world is getting better now,some are not.
2014-11-14 07:00:35 UTC

the world is expanding in new ideas and lessons and such but it is hurting the earth in the process

the people are getting smarter.which is better.but the earth and its beauty is being sacrificed with the fact
2014-11-09 20:34:55 UTC
Obviously the world is getting worse -- but it will until Jesus Christ returns and fixes everything.
2014-11-08 02:28:46 UTC

there are positive and happy things out there

but the media focuses on the negative stuff.
2014-11-12 09:26:20 UTC
every day is a kick in the ***
Adam Christopher Arcangel
2014-11-11 18:57:59 UTC
Getting worse overall
2014-11-11 18:20:56 UTC
Better I think.
2014-11-11 06:10:32 UTC
the world getting better
2014-11-10 10:06:30 UTC
worse ...
2014-11-12 08:11:57 UTC
2014-11-11 11:42:12 UTC
worse~~~ people stop believing and losing faith in humanity
2014-11-11 05:46:34 UTC
2014-11-11 05:07:55 UTC
worse. sometimes i wish i was born a few decades ago :/
2014-11-10 22:00:16 UTC
My oppinion is that it gets worse and will get even worse according to the book of Revelations in the Bible
2014-11-10 18:29:50 UTC
If you are young the world is what you make it. Good or Bad. As I grow older I belive my Father was right who lived to be 102 years of age. The day he said I seen all of a good century! And the start of a D@M bad one.
2014-11-10 15:38:17 UTC
worse ofc

world fuckedup & the ending is coming :)
2014-11-10 14:58:27 UTC
Its getting worst everyday but it will get better when god destroys this world and make paradise
2014-11-10 14:27:10 UTC
I remember Aron-Ra gave an amazing talk on this idea. He pointed out that "the good old days" of america were actually about putting children in low-income factories. This is when the middle-class were workers that belonged to a company, and when the world wars had every country in the middle of a military industrial complex.

Go back even further, we have slavery rampant around most of the world.

Go back even further than that, we have corrupted fundamentalist monarchies, where they put witches through the worst torture devices imaginable.

The problems that people talk about today are problems that have always existed. Yeah, the economy sucks, but about 100 years ago, the economy was so bad people killed themselves over it. Racism exists, but america has it's first black president. Police brutality happens, but we're finally catching it and stopping it. Yes, there's hatred of other people, but that's a constant, IMO.

I'm amazed there's even confusion on the subject. The world is exponentially getting better.
2014-11-10 13:25:12 UTC
sometimes things just have get worse before they get better, humans have only been on the earth for a small portion of its history. things MAY be getting worse for US at THIS TIME, but the events that are unfolding now will EVENTUALLY lead to better lives for the entire human race... unless we blow ourselves up first. ya gota make the best a watcha got
2014-11-10 11:32:16 UTC
I know everyone is adding there opinion on this so I thought I would add mine. We actually just talked about this in a films class I have at school. Many people like to say that it's getting better due to advances in science and technology and in that way it is getting much better or more advanced you could say. However when it comes to the morals of people now it is getting much worse. A friend of mine put it this way "We are becoming caveman again just with advanced technology and the ability to exterminate an entire country with the push of a button." My teacher though put a chart on the board and asked the class what are bad things today and good things and the bad were far greater than the good and was kind of surprising to me. My personal opinion is that we are getting worse I think that we are becoming more and more driven by hatred for each other and the desire to have more.
2014-11-10 09:18:15 UTC
2014-11-10 08:10:58 UTC
worse i agree with moira
2014-11-10 08:02:05 UTC
2014-11-10 06:52:10 UTC
Depends on the person/situation
2014-11-10 06:20:27 UTC
in a cycle
2014-11-10 04:35:36 UTC
we belive the world was going to end in 2012 what does that tell you.
2014-11-10 02:11:23 UTC
better and worse in ways
2014-11-10 01:26:15 UTC
2014-11-09 14:26:13 UTC

Not gonna try and explain it.
2014-11-11 23:10:08 UTC
2014-11-11 10:07:11 UTC
Worst than ever!
2014-11-11 06:05:50 UTC
The world is getting worse, but as recorded in the Scriptures, Jesus said as these things (bad things) start to occur, raise yourselves erect, for your deliverance is getting near... So things are bad, getting worse, but the end result will be good for those whom God approves. Luke 21:28 and Psalm 37:29
2014-11-11 05:00:06 UTC
I don't know about everybody else but from my point of view, it's getting worse and worse.
2014-11-10 23:59:23 UTC
i think, the answer is both, the world is getting better, at the same time become worse. the technology making easier our life, but our technology also destroy the environment.
2014-11-10 17:41:09 UTC
Worse because of all the wars in the world
2014-11-10 17:06:33 UTC
Alex B
2014-11-10 14:31:43 UTC
Doha Asrir
2014-11-10 12:45:21 UTC
It's me who should ask you about that !!
2014-11-10 11:58:52 UTC
better with invention but at the same time worse with religions or beliefs
2014-11-10 11:43:59 UTC
well surly you know that we all are going to die from Ebola
2014-11-10 08:28:31 UTC
The big difference between today and yesterday is that bad news travels much faster than it did in the past. There is little difference in the world besides that.
2014-11-10 05:50:04 UTC
In the UK: Worse for the good people. Better for the bad people. That's what you get from a culture that mixes socialism with capitalism.
2014-11-10 00:04:58 UTC
It's getting worse....
2014-11-10 00:04:10 UTC
Some of them r better and some of them r worse. No world is perfect, so it's both.
2014-11-09 22:49:54 UTC
I am sorry it is getting worse
2014-11-09 22:07:49 UTC
It just depends on which aspect you make as basis to judge. For example, if you mean science and technology, it's getting better; while as for environment, it's much more worse than before.
2014-11-09 21:51:38 UTC
I take it that you are young. I hope you live to get old, but I doubt it. That is my answer.
2014-11-09 19:14:04 UTC
Getting worse,of course..
2014-11-09 18:08:51 UTC
2014-11-11 23:13:51 UTC
The world is getting worse. We are gradually exhausting resources necessary to survival and as a result humanity will suffer as turf wars erupt over scarcity of said resources. The other thing is that our populace continues to grow despite this fact. Only a few nations enjoy ZPG (Zero Population Growth) and I'm not talking Africa or So America. The Bible is NOW WRONG in terms of being fruitful and multiplying and yet most religions still frown upon abortion and birth control. SHAME ON THEM!
2014-11-11 22:57:37 UTC
2014-11-11 21:30:44 UTC
World is better and worse also in different region or locality area. All peoples have different religions and different thinking about their life or about the humanity. If all peolpes have good thinking andd good nature world is become more better.
2014-11-11 10:07:00 UTC
Well, I may only be 8 years old, but my mommy says that it is getting better because of the violence and death that happens all of the time. I can trust her because she is turning 98 next year.
2014-11-11 08:09:32 UTC
For the majority...worse. Television feeds us images of the 'things' we should have, the places we should visit and the people we should be and be with. Every day there is less and less opportunity to achieve these artificial goals we are being set and so ultimately more and more people are dissatisfied with life. Machines help us to do things both physically and mentally, and we subsequently do less and less for ourselves. As a species by and large we definitely devolving...
2014-11-11 05:44:16 UTC
Marxism has swept across America and many fair weather Christians left the faith. It is not too late to come back. Sadly, this wave of skepticism has caused bitterness to fall over our land. It will never be the same.
2014-11-11 04:42:30 UTC
Cable TV , Satnav, Iphone....too many good things.
Soul Wanderer
2014-11-10 19:43:04 UTC
Thats up to you to find out. Sure people can compare past and present. But is there really a difference? sure maybe there are plenty. But I think regardless of past or present the suffering/struggling will always be there and times are just always changing. Some examples would be the new technology we got and how much we can access it instead of many years ago and how its effecting all types of people, kids, adults, etc. The media/news always talks about a recent shooting or some suicide or anything negative really "a story worth to be told". I cant remember when the media/news ever talked about something "good" happening. I wonder if ignorance s bliss. Is it good that we have so much access to this technology or is it a bad thing?
2014-11-10 16:48:56 UTC
There is a gradual progressive trend throughout the world.
2014-11-10 16:29:32 UTC
The World is not to Blame.......It's the people in it..........
2014-11-10 16:06:29 UTC
In my opinion its getting worse.
2014-11-10 14:45:08 UTC
2014-11-10 13:09:23 UTC
Way ******* better by every single metric.
2014-11-10 10:21:48 UTC
its a mix
2014-11-10 09:00:17 UTC
2014-11-10 05:42:21 UTC
2014-11-10 04:03:55 UTC
Worse, People destroy this world day by day.
2014-11-10 01:07:28 UTC
2014-11-10 01:00:08 UTC
Yes. every second world getting change.
2014-11-09 20:29:41 UTC
Depend of you my body i think the world is getting better just relax whith this song
2014-11-12 08:51:00 UTC
my penis has gotten much bigger since i was 12 yrs old do u really think i give a **** about the world
2014-11-11 22:50:22 UTC
2014-11-11 07:56:26 UTC
Both, society is becoming more divided.
2014-11-11 01:37:59 UTC
2014-11-10 21:56:53 UTC
one second leave your question! just think about yourself are you getting constructive or destructive?you'll find your answer automatically,

For me world is getting constructive all the way.

A picture has two aspect one is positive and one is Negative, if either you go one or two. it's your choice.
2014-11-10 20:51:14 UTC
The world is getting worse. All of our "role models" have turned to the worse with twerking, less clothing then what everybody should actually wear, respecting people, and knowing what's right to do. Eventually we will not know what manners are, or how to treat yourself with respect. I feel like with what is happening now in the world will effect us more than we would think it will in the future.
2014-11-10 19:39:15 UTC
2014-11-10 17:11:07 UTC
The last generation of man will be worse then the first generation. Just look at the serial killer muderure rapists.
2014-11-10 15:10:12 UTC
It's been getting worse.....!!
2014-11-10 14:34:43 UTC many problems that didn't exist more. The more we can interact with other human beings the more problems there are
2014-11-10 10:53:29 UTC
How does Ebola make the world worse though? It's something which cannot be controlled by humans. Anyways, the world is getting better because of the new research for various challenging topics and worst because of the jealousy and crime there is. :/
2014-11-10 10:13:42 UTC
I think it's a sum total of zero- no better, no worse. For various reasons, some people will view it as better, some as worse. There's always something horrible, unjust, etc. going on somewhere in the world and there always has been.
2014-11-10 08:25:21 UTC
I think the world is getting better even though the opposite seems to be happening. By 'better' I mean more honest and more aware of itself. I know this sounds New Agey, but that's how I can best describe it. For example, in you mom's time people were afraid to explore their sexuality because of religious beliefs. People did not deal with racism on a personal and collective level because nation states were mostly homogeneous. There was more absolutism and less relativism because people from distant parts of the world did not communicate as we do now. The seeds of evil were there, they just didn't have as many means to manifest.
2014-11-10 08:09:52 UTC
There will no doubt be global societal collapse before the middle of this century, as forecasted many years ago. You tell me, if that is "better or worse" than before.
2014-11-10 07:34:41 UTC
2014-11-10 03:04:32 UTC
totaly worse....
2014-11-09 22:51:59 UTC
It will continue to get worse until this world is gone.
2014-11-09 19:56:40 UTC
life is better~
2014-11-09 19:42:21 UTC
2014-11-09 19:11:56 UTC
2014-11-12 14:26:29 UTC
Worse. People Just Don't Care For Society, Or Anything Anymore
2014-11-12 06:49:40 UTC
It's getting terribly worse. It makes me scared for my children.
2014-11-11 22:44:57 UTC
looks like it is getting worse

- school shooting

- lousy teachers

- ineffective politicians

- spread of disease

- war and conflict

- climate change
Zlatko Zmijanak
2014-11-11 16:40:02 UTC
That is a really good question..I don't think anyone can decide that...It could be getting better in some places..and could be getting worse in others..
2014-11-11 16:39:04 UTC
The world is getting worse this is the WTF Generation. Humanity is no more
2014-11-10 19:48:05 UTC
this is an exceleltn qeustion
The Revolutionary
2014-11-10 14:04:18 UTC
2014-11-10 11:18:13 UTC
worse because i still see poor people on the side of the streets i still see people go to jail for stuff they didnt do i still see people not equal and also i still see people in africa with no food so why havent they been a change because people think bout there own self instead of helping each other and standing up for each other
2014-11-10 11:08:55 UTC
2014-11-10 10:01:37 UTC
its getting better, just watch 12 years a slave if you don't agree and you will see what it was like hundreds of years ago
2014-11-10 08:55:13 UTC
2014-11-10 07:47:01 UTC
It getting worse for human until human EXTINCTION.
2014-11-10 07:15:28 UTC
well most people who say worse are most likely immature and cynical. they only see the world through their eyes. ofcourse this is a disputable and its not constantly going to get better or worse, but most of the events going on right now could definately been worse. i mean this generation havent lived through wars like WW2, Vietnam, WW1. havent seen economic strife like in the great deppression/dustbowl, crack epidemic. seen human rights attrocities such as those of the soviet gulags, holocaust, kmer rouge ext.
2014-11-10 05:59:34 UTC
the world is getting worse trust is hard to come by people don't give you time of day petty disputes get out of control people get viciously criticized because someone might have committed a crime 30 years ago does not matter how small the crime is it gets dragged back up and broadcasted over the news for the whole world to see know one has privacy anymore that's a problem it effects everyone
2014-11-09 19:10:47 UTC
2014-11-09 14:12:19 UTC
The Bible may predict that the world is getting worse, and it's true that the politics in America are hell right now, if that's what we're judging the state of the world on.

In my opinion, however, life on Earth (for humans!) is the "best" (in general) that it has been in our history.

But that is entirely subjective to how you define best. Personally, life is improved by an increase socially in understanding, both in the sense of knowledge of how our universe works and in the sense of having empathy for each other.

In this sense, at least in America, I'd say we're headed for the right path, albeit slowly. Finally we're at the point where we aren't enslaving each other, women have almost equal rights to men, medicine is no longer based around leeches and salt circles, and reliance on archaic religions for our morals is decreasing on the whole.

There are certainly things getting worse - mental illness for one, the population is too damn big for the planet, and while developed countries are getting better at managing the environment properly, Africa and Asia have decided it's their turn to make the world a little worse.

Additionally, with our increased population and use of antibiotics, odds of a plague killing off lots of people are pretty high. Throw in the possibility of nuclear war, however small, and it makes you worry a bit more.

Looking at all that I've said so far, my conclusion is that life as a whole is improving, but is rather more unstable and vulnerable to crazies or ecological disaster.

Some people are really getting upset about wars, and true, war is awful. Compared to how it was in the past, however, the wars today are almost tame. Just look at the casualty counts. Of course any deaths in war are tragic, but we've clearly made it past the worst of it as far as bloody wars go (1700s - WWI(I) was the worst)

Just listening to the media would have you thinking the apocalypse is coming for sure, but take it with a grain of salt. Ever heard Fox news tell the story of the Boy Scout helping the old lady carry groceries to her car? Of course not, because it's not as *interesting* as talking about political sex scandals or violently murdered children. Seriously, screw the media.

But I think that if you can wade through those calling for the apocalypse and look at the big picture, our standard of living has only gotten better since around the Renaissance, and will most likely only continue to do so.

The music is getting worse though, that's for sure!
Teddy Farrel
2014-11-09 12:43:08 UTC
2014-11-09 12:32:15 UTC
Obviously it's not the world it's self, but the corruption of mankind. People think what they're doing right is what they're actually doing wrong. People have belief systems to think they're doing right but the only thing that's going to restore this world is peace love and harmony within each ones heart.
2014-11-09 11:02:14 UTC
most of our values are based on life itself. while there are many governments and religions, none actively work toward the 'peace' of the country or the world. many are involved in their own self-perpetuation even if they are not successful in living a fulfilled or peaceful life.

most are concerned with social-prestige, political power and wealth; without the consideration of the values of life and true values based upon it.

in the past 50-years, there is neither any positive change nor growth. it seems that many feel that rebuilding the past is the only hope for success in life; however, for the past 2000-years, no country has come to 'peace'.
2014-11-09 10:43:02 UTC
The world is getting worse as humans become more capable.
Shelog Gill
2014-11-11 02:18:18 UTC
Yeah, The world is progressing.
2014-11-11 01:04:34 UTC
Its neutral for me. .
2014-11-10 23:48:47 UTC
Ofcourse worse
Anas A
2014-11-10 23:07:30 UTC
Better because I am a muslim and Allah ordered me to be optimistic !
2014-11-10 20:50:20 UTC
2014-11-10 17:22:21 UTC
2014-11-10 16:54:16 UTC
Its not the world that is getting worse it is the people the world is just a metaphorical giant board game and we(humans) are the players/characters.The world has not that much to do with the problems of mankind it is "whoever is in charge" that is making the problems worse or better not the world and us, as humans can make it a little better put never perfect.
2014-11-10 16:43:03 UTC
2014-11-10 15:35:56 UTC

...Look at all the **** that is being shown on the news.
2014-11-10 10:58:20 UTC
2014-11-10 08:39:39 UTC





Water shortages




YES . it`s getting worse !!
2014-11-10 08:20:39 UTC
I think Both is correct
2014-11-10 05:05:25 UTC
hard to tell.
2014-11-10 00:48:11 UTC
2014-11-09 15:06:09 UTC
Very worse and if you can't see it, I am sorry but you are also the problem.

Work your brain ! ! !
2014-11-15 03:47:13 UTC
2014-11-14 02:58:29 UTC
2014-11-13 06:24:32 UTC
2014-11-13 02:05:34 UTC
2014-11-14 06:49:32 UTC
2014-11-14 00:12:31 UTC
2014-11-08 14:27:03 UTC
It's the same **** for the last 4000 years , still wars , racism , discrimination and stupid people.
2014-11-08 22:44:03 UTC
worse bc california is losing water
2014-11-08 16:29:28 UTC
definitely getting worse, we kill each other everyday, we hurt each other, the human race is a terrible race
2014-11-13 14:35:32 UTC
better. things are easier, more amazing then they've ever been. we can build atomic clocks. if we can do that theres no reason we cant fix the worlds problems.
2014-11-14 20:21:19 UTC
2014-11-14 07:49:01 UTC
2014-11-14 00:45:05 UTC
2014-11-13 21:56:51 UTC
2014-11-13 15:24:00 UTC
2014-11-09 16:22:49 UTC
By what objective criteria? Answer that and perhaps a decent opinion might be provided.
2014-11-14 10:34:17 UTC
Worse :(
Sweetdaddy Rex
2014-11-10 09:06:15 UTC
Better; I don't have to go to church anymore; My phone has an APP for that !
2014-11-10 07:00:37 UTC
I think it is getting worst, let us take care of the environment before it is too late.
2014-11-09 23:08:33 UTC
Seriously? Read the news. Mothers abusing their kids or watching while it happens. Inmorality. ISIS, diseases.
Gabriel Monzagi
2014-11-13 06:43:46 UTC
everyday, its getting worse
2014-11-09 22:07:40 UTC
Everybody don't have same thoughts. Its depends on condition.
2014-11-09 15:26:40 UTC
worse. Time is almost at its end..
2014-11-11 02:44:54 UTC
Just as bad as it's always been?
2014-11-09 12:19:36 UTC
Worse. See 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and 2 Peter 3:1-5.
2014-11-08 13:00:44 UTC
It depends upon you. If you are good then everything around you looks good.
Alan H
2014-11-10 00:50:41 UTC
Both. Not all fare equally
2014-11-09 05:55:13 UTC
2014-11-10 19:25:12 UTC
well, too many cooks may spoil the broth but they fill the house with so much so much lovvvvvve!
2014-11-08 15:41:20 UTC
different parts yes
2014-11-09 15:01:43 UTC
Depends to whom.
2014-11-09 07:59:58 UTC
2014-11-08 04:20:52 UTC person hurting the other.
2014-11-09 10:48:30 UTC
worse. Corruption
2014-11-08 06:25:37 UTC
Neither. It just 'is'.
2014-11-15 04:32:23 UTC
2014-11-14 22:51:40 UTC
2014-11-14 00:09:14 UTC
2014-11-13 09:34:01 UTC
2014-11-09 22:06:43 UTC
2014-11-14 05:39:54 UTC
2014-11-13 23:20:01 UTC
2014-11-10 01:57:59 UTC
really doing
2014-11-08 08:28:14 UTC
MHM, it is.
2014-11-13 21:18:51 UTC
2014-11-12 22:58:16 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.