so here is yet another stupid question, but here it goes: what to do about my kind of inherent and deep-seated distrust of "ugly" people?!?! anyway, sometimes i don't trust ugly people, is this wrong? I just figure, logically thinking here, that ugly people are more apt to be evil and have ugly i just think about some of the ugly gf's i used to know in the past, and they can be very miserable human beings deep down, like trying to sabotage and even poison others at times....WTF!!?! I really don't want to hang out with them that much, all they talk about is nasty stuff a lot anyway ugh.....what to do, what to do!!?!
I also kind of think my mom is ugly, so i don't really feel safe at home sometimes btw. by ugly, i'm also referring to just like an unpleasant attitude or persona in general.....