2009-07-24 21:11:24 UTC
Please choose which topics would interest you the most and pls indicate if you are male or female.
1. Website with positive tips, encouragement, motivational articles, quotes, etc. (and hopefully forums soon) dealing with a variety of topics revolving around improving quality of your life. Community atmosphere. Very open, etc.
2. Sex, love, dating, relationship advice with articles, quotes, etc. related to topics
3. Website dealing with common "mental illness" health topics dealt with from a positive aspect. Most common "mental health" diagnoses defined in simple terms. Support. Advice. Forums. Support. Simple exercises to help you. Articles, Quotes, etc. related to all subjects in this area.
By-the-way, I have many experiences in these areas, although I don't have an "official degree". These ideas are based on what talents I have, what I have wanted to find myself. Now I need to know who might be interested in any as well.
Thanks so much for your participation...more ?'s will be coming soon!