2014-06-03 21:09:13 UTC
Anyway, my family is going on a ski trip to the Sierra Nevada to go skiing... now ordinarily I would wear snow pants but since snow pants are worn by men, I do not feel like I Biblically can wear them since men and women are supposed to wear separate clothing types and styles, etc. However, it might be a bit cold up there in a skirt,even a maxi skirt so I'm wondering how I should dress to be comfortable and warm without wearing pants (I have a nice North Face jacket to use as a top so don't worry about that aspect of it).
This may seem crazy to you non-believers out there but this is what our family does as part of our faith and I would appreciate legitimate answers instead of "you're crazy" and "just wear snow pants". I don't want to wear them, period.
Best answer goes to person who writes a well thought answer (around 2-3 paragraphs) and gives links to any websites, etc if needed.