Well I have seen some very interesting comments !!! from
the darn right stupid to some reasonable .... but just to add
my two penny worth here .... I am a PROUD "Englishman"
I served in the British Forces for over 26 years, since I retired
in 94, I have lived and worked in many parts of the world,
Germany, Bosnia, Iraq (3 Years), Liberia, South Korea,
Angola and now Qatar .... so I have been around a bit !!!
We In Britain, should be PROUD of our Island and what it has
achieved TOGETHER !!!!! I must say that on many occasions
I have found it quite sickening when confronted by idiots
shouting the virtues of Nationalism .... and that has happened
on many ocassions throughout my life, especially from certain
factions within our Island ..... mainly ignorant idiots to boot ...
I have on ocasions had to "Fight" alongside some of our
nieghbours .... and PROUD of it too ..... Being English we
tend to be the butt of many a derogatory comment ..... and
there was a time when idiots in Government and Local
Government saw fit to frown on such things as being English
or British for fear of "Upsetting" non indiginous peoples of
so called minority groups ... well they did come to the UK and
must learn to part of it !!! become part of the comunity and
not isolated from it ..... language being the biggest barrier ...I
lived for many years in Germany, and I did manage to learn
the language and reaped the benifits of that !!! and a very
nice country it is too, they do seem to find the balance much
better .... To All Scotts, Welshman and the Irish too ... we let
you have your day (even in England) and enjoy it with you ...
please let us have ours without silly comments or ridicule ....