2010-12-08 20:14:10 UTC
I've done well this semester, but one class in particular (Calculus) has been stressing me out since day 1, and I've never had the courage to ask for help. Now, I'm at a high enough grade (C+) that I should still pass the class after next week (finals), but I've always asked the professor for his office hours, and even when I told him I would stop by and ask for help, I never did, once, and mainly because I psych myself out of it and it's been like this the entire semester.
So what I'm asking is: why is it so DAMN hard for me to ask for help? I always put myself down whenever I'm not able to, and even now I'm completely frustrated with myself.
I know it's a bit late to ask for help now, considering the fact that tomorrow's our last day of class before finals week. But what can I do to make asking for help easier come next semester? Overall, I HATE this feeling of letting myself down simply because I can't ask for help.