Would you rather be deaf, blind, or dumb?
loco io
2006-08-02 18:12:08 UTC
Which and why?

Me? I'd rather be deaf. As much as I love music, to never see my family's face or read another And dumb? Definitely not. I love my precious brain.
81 answers:
2006-08-02 18:17:51 UTC
After having the Senses... I'd rather go deaf... it would just make it easier for me to ignore the idiots in this world... But if I was born without one of those... I'd Rather be blind. To never hear anything, ever... it would be like being trapped behind a plexi-glass wall forever. But being born blind would be better than being born deaf.
2006-08-02 21:19:02 UTC
Dumb For Two Reasons

1) I Want To See The World And Its Beauty. Imagine If You Could Never Look At Gorgeous Women.

2) If I Was Deaf, I Couldn't Enjoy Music.
2006-08-02 18:22:48 UTC
I'll go with most of the others and say ...deaf. I already have to wear a hearing aid for one ear (too much rock, Dudes) but i want to get the record straight about "dumb."

This is a very old expression... and it was used to describe people who were unable to talk, mute people. You see? That's the reason that you often hear it in association with the other common sensory disabilities, deafness and blindness. i.e., deaf, dumb and blind ... they've been a trio for a long time.

Here's a tid bit to think over - you've all heard of Helen Keller, haven't you? She was deaf, dumb and blind all at once, poor girl, but she learned to communicate all the same.

WWW r u randy? WWW

(Hey 'fly lady ... go find a different pond to dribble in... you're messin' up our Lilli pads here.)
2006-08-02 18:19:15 UTC
the word 'dumb' in this case does not mean retarded, it means unable to speak. Many deaf people are also unable to speak because they haven't heard words and don't know how to say them,,, so we often say that someone is 'deaf and dumb'.

I think that of the three choices here I would rather be unable to speak, dumb. If I could see and hear that would be great,,, not being able to see and hear is a real deprivation. But not being able to talk might do everyone a favor,,,, and they wouldn't know how dumb in the other way that I am. *winks*
Peach Tree
2006-08-02 18:17:10 UTC
Dumb actually means you can't doesn't mean that you are literally "dumb".

I'd rather be deaf if I had to choose. Not being able to see this beautiful world, and my family and friends, and not being able to speak to them would be awful. If I was deaf, I could at least learn to read lips, or sign language. All would be terrible in their own way.
2006-08-02 18:22:43 UTC
Most people are all three whether they realize it or not who knows.

Most people are blind to the needs of others around them, also to the beauty and creations that surround them.

Most people are able to tune out all the wonderful noises around them yet if they take the time to listen they could hear the song of a bird or even the noises of crickets, or even the quiet whisperings of the spirit.

And all humans have an innate ability to be dumb at least a few times in their life, although they'll deny it until the end. They just can't accept the fact that there is a God and that they really do need his help and guidance but would rather go it on their own. Which is really dumb.

Just my opinion.....I myself am working on overcoming all three of them.
2006-08-02 18:18:43 UTC

Because I can't live without good sounds and music, and voices. Good music is my heart and soul!

Blind is second only because it'd be VERY difficult to get around in normal life- and dangerous too. Plus people would ignore me more, I think, if I walked with a stick, as opposed to being able to make eye contact and at least attempt to communicate, and, be able to hear what they say.

Being mute is not so bad because sign language is still a language. Braile is still vision, you could say though-- but I'd be scared as heck to be blind!!
2006-08-02 18:18:27 UTC
For the people that say "neither" don't even bother answering this... I would rather be deaf out of all of them because although I love music I would rather be able to still run and see people and all of that stuff than listen to music... Also if you are deaf you can still communicate using sign language... And I don't want to be dumb although they say "ignorance is bliss"
Matt M
2006-08-02 18:21:03 UTC
Da Wizard
2006-08-02 18:16:47 UTC
When the term ' dumb' is used as in deaf and dumb- it means unable to talk, mute- not ignorant. And I'd rather lose the ability to speak then my sight or hearing.
2006-08-02 18:16:01 UTC
I'd rather be deaf. I can always learn sign language. If you mean dumb as not being able to speak, well I don't like to be so, since I tell my loved ones that I love them every single day. As for being dumb as the opposite of smart, I wouldn't want to be such as well, since I value intelligence a lot. I wouldn't want to be blind, because seeing my loved ones' faces brighten up my day all the time! :)
2006-08-02 18:22:37 UTC
The proper word is MUTE, not DUMB, Has no attachment at all to intelligence,,,GEEEZ,,,,,,,,,and to lose any "sense" is to lose as much of us as what could be experienced from that time on.

The question, though hypothetical, is Inane. What possible "Correct" answer could there be?

If I never "Hear" again, I'd have to imagine what others can, and be frustrated.

If I became Blind, I'd have only memories of sight and all I recalled in "seeing"

If I lost the ability to speak, however, I'd still do what I very much enjoy. I'd still be able to ramble on, share thoughts, preach, advise, even express,,,in every other way still left to me.

Rev. Steven
2006-08-02 18:16:22 UTC
I'd rather be blind. Being dumb would take away my mind. Being deaf would take away music and the sounds of people's voices. I would miss reading, but I think my imagination and the enhanced other senses would make up for it.
2006-08-02 18:16:11 UTC
From birth, I would choose blindness. I spend far too much time being jealous of the other people for their looks. But now, I suppose deafness, since I have already seen so much.
2006-08-02 18:18:29 UTC
All of the above. Because the deaf. dumb blind boy sure plays a mean pinball.
2006-08-02 18:24:24 UTC
My definition for dumb is being unable to speak & I rather be; Because I can always learn sign language; Somebody said I talk to much(smile)...That way I can get get through without saying a word!!! Just let me see(smile); & I can take it from there; Keep my hearing & I'll know where they're coming from(smile)!!!
2006-08-02 18:17:19 UTC
Id rather be deaf too cause even if I cants hear I can lip read, sometimes, a little bit
2006-08-02 18:16:44 UTC
I agree, I would rather be deaf also. I work in the same office as this chick that smacks her gum all day long. I thought about smacking her in the face, but your way would be the perfect resolution to my problem don't ya think?
2006-08-02 18:15:38 UTC
Deaf, would be the rather obvious; dumb would not be good; blind would be a major challenge and would be horrible. I agree with you.
2006-08-02 18:17:38 UTC
I agree that iw ould like to be deaf. neither one of the choices are preferable but i would always like to see what am i gonna eat or who am i going to touch and if i was dumb than i wouldnt be worth dealing with.
2006-08-02 18:15:34 UTC
Deaf- as I can still watch Star Wars with subtitles. Besides, I already have the lines memorized. PS- My girlfriend just broke up with me.
2006-08-02 18:19:51 UTC
I'd be dumb. I can still hear and see. As long as I could communicate somehow, there's no need for the ability to speak.
martin b
2006-08-02 18:19:00 UTC
Dumb in this phrase (deaf, dumb and blind) means you do not have the power of speech, not that you are stupid. Of course we need to make an exception for the folks who asked and are answering this question, Duh
2006-08-02 18:16:28 UTC
When you say dumb, I assume you mean mute. In which case, I'll take that.

If you mean stupid, well, a wise man once said, "stupid is as stupid does."
Vinny C
2006-08-02 18:19:01 UTC
me dumb sayad....i dont know i think i am too kind hearted. most of the time i am sovling other peoples problems giving adivse and i realized the world has gone real bad,..actually not bad but worse,...its better to stay away from all if u are cruel but having a kind heart u cant survive in ths world...anywaz..thats what i think sometimes then i also know we are better off with people who are in that sitiuation..actaully we should be greatful.....hmmm long thought now
2006-08-02 18:16:30 UTC
I'd prefer to be dumb, it seems to be the least important sense of all, and i think the world would be a better place if there were one less yakking mouth in it
2006-08-02 18:25:28 UTC
Thank you, oOoioOo, for pointing out what "dumb" means. I would hate not hearing and I love to read too much. I could probably handle being "dumb", because you can always write or type!
2006-08-02 18:15:34 UTC
deaf. The world is set up for deaf people, there are deaf schools and subtitled movie theatres.
2006-08-02 18:19:14 UTC
deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow, what you need is someone strong to guide me....
2006-08-02 18:16:27 UTC
I agree with you. I mean, my answer is none of the above, but if I had to chose, it would be deaf. *hope God isn't listening* The world would be so much scarier without sight than without hearing.
2006-08-02 18:16:48 UTC
deaf - i love music but you can still feel the vibrations :)

I'd rather be able to see and function properly by myself.

Read, watch tv, enjoy hot people LOL
2006-08-02 18:17:36 UTC
2006-08-02 18:17:16 UTC
Gee, I can only pick one?

Deaf. It would kill me if I couldn't physically see my son grow up.
2006-08-02 18:16:26 UTC
I would say dumb. It was nice to be innocent and not be so aware of the evil in the world.
2006-08-02 18:15:39 UTC
id rather be dumb. i want see and hear the beauty of Gods world, but i dont have to talk about it
2006-08-02 18:15:49 UTC
Deaf...most people get deaf eventually, anyways.
2006-08-02 18:15:37 UTC
Deaf for sure... as annoying as people are I often wish this upon myself.
2006-08-02 18:16:50 UTC
Dumb--sign language could be used,but I would still be able to see my children's beautiful faces and hear their sweet voices.
2006-08-02 18:15:31 UTC
Deaf since i'm already half there anyway
2006-08-02 18:17:04 UTC
id rather be deaf
2006-08-02 18:15:49 UTC
Dumb as in 'stupid', or Dumb as in 'can't talk'?

Ignorance is bliss. Just LOOK AROUNNND!
2006-08-02 18:16:27 UTC
dumb. most of us are dead to the world anyway. id rather see evil hear evil then think it ;o)

good question though
2006-08-02 18:16:35 UTC
I imagine I'd cope with it if, knock on wood, it happened to me, but I don't want to wish any of those things onto myself.
I Bleed Black & Gold
2006-08-02 18:15:54 UTC
2006-08-02 18:15:43 UTC
2006-08-02 18:15:12 UTC
2006-08-02 18:16:27 UTC
When i'm young i'd say deaf because i would want to drive.

when i'm old i'd say blind because i would want to coverse easily.
2006-08-02 18:15:06 UTC
DUMB Ignorance it bliss.
e star
2006-08-02 18:27:11 UTC
dumb (i no u mean it as in stupid but im taking it is mute) because i comunicate better w/ writing then w/ speech and i talk to much as it is
2006-08-02 18:16:17 UTC
I have to go with dumb. You can always educate yourself.
2006-08-02 18:17:14 UTC



oh yeah...

2006-08-02 18:16:29 UTC
dumb, my senses mean to much to me im an athlete
2006-08-02 18:16:06 UTC
2006-08-02 18:15:34 UTC
deaf i would wear hearing aids
2006-08-02 18:14:43 UTC
neither of the 3.
I am watching your every move.
2006-08-02 18:14:07 UTC

i had to say that cuz deaf blind and . were alerady taken
2006-08-02 18:19:11 UTC
WHAT A SILLY QUESTION. The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Use your brain more sufficiently.
2006-08-02 18:16:14 UTC
dumb the less I know the better.
Kel Kel
2006-08-02 18:17:10 UTC
deaf. i wouldnt hear yelling or rumors about me!
2006-08-02 18:19:47 UTC
I just hope you're stricken with one of the three, I'm sure anyone who knows you wishes your were mute.
2006-08-02 18:17:17 UTC
2006-08-02 18:16:41 UTC
deaf, that way I would have to hear my girlfriend b*itch all the time.
Scott c
2006-08-02 18:16:36 UTC
well I have been deaf just about my whole life , so it is not an option ,,,,,,
May C
2006-08-02 18:16:30 UTC
isn't dumb mean can't talk? i rather can't talk, at least i can listen, can see, i can write.
2006-08-02 18:15:29 UTC
with 4 teens in the house ..........i wouldn't mind being all of the above :-)
2006-08-02 18:17:16 UTC
Neither. I could not perform.
2006-08-02 18:16:09 UTC
neither of the 3!!!!
2006-08-02 18:16:08 UTC
blind, i need to hear and speak
2006-08-02 18:15:47 UTC
2006-08-02 18:15:55 UTC
some say I'm all them now
2006-08-02 18:14:12 UTC
WHAT?? Who said that, speak up, I can't see you...
2006-08-02 18:13:36 UTC
Fluffington Cuddlebutts
2006-08-02 18:15:55 UTC
um.. DUMB means CAN'T SPEAK..
2006-08-02 18:17:45 UTC
i'm happy that God gave me all 3....Praise God !
2006-08-02 18:15:18 UTC
Cable guy
2006-08-02 18:17:36 UTC
I would rather be ...
2006-08-02 18:14:31 UTC
neither, if not already this way
Nerdly Stud
2006-08-02 18:14:38 UTC
2006-08-02 18:15:46 UTC
la dolce vita
2006-08-02 18:14:47 UTC
2006-08-02 18:15:58 UTC

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