help me please!?
2014-06-04 10:34:27 UTC
I recently used the ouija board with my mates as a joke. There were three of us. My dad is a paranormal investigator, so he has loads of cool equipment. We were able to get our hands on an EVP recorder:D When we actually did the board, absolutely nothing happened. We were a bit annoyed as i had just spent £25 pounds on this, and it was the main bit of the fun. However, later on we listened to the EVP recorder which we had left recording throughout the ouija board session. The results were hell scary. Me and my mates were terrified. In the EVP, the start is silent, and you sort of hear a sucking sound, then a muffled, "im free." About when we finished, you could hear a deep male voice saying, "get Elliot." That was the name of one of my mates. It was a sleepover that night, and we all slept in the same room where we had done the ouija board. I woke up strangely at about 4:00AM. Elliot wasn't in his bed. I went out the the staircase, and saw that he was stood there with his video recorder he had brought. He left it recording by accident before we went to sleep. It was facing the room, so you could see all four of us asleep. The recorder had about 35 hours of battery left, so it recorded it all. I asked Elliot what was wrong, and he said that he had seen something in the room watching us as we slept. When we went over the video, we saw that the door slowly opened, and a hooded figure walked into the room and started pulling at Elliot's leg. Elliot woke up and the figure dissap
Nine answers:
2014-06-05 07:30:51 UTC
The use of an Ouija board can often just be a random diversion in which nothing happens. But sometimes it can open up the door to the demonic. It sounds like this is the case with you. This is since you are actually calling upon a spirit to converse with you. The spirit can claim to be an angel, a deceased relative or the like, but do not be fooled. What the Ouija board connects you with (if anything) will be a demon.

One person on Yahoo Answers wrote, “After I played that Ouija ,I never wanted to do it again...I remember asking it when I was going to die and it said "56"...and I asked it how I was going to die and it said "sick".. Of course I wasn't moving the thing, and my friend said she wasn't moving it....It scared me shitless to be honest.. I just hope what it said isn't true…

Another said, “My sister received one for her birthday and used it regularly. We then noticed a pattern that every time she or I used it we wear hurt pretty bad, not broken bones, but serious cuts. After finally deciding to get rid of it, and throwing it in the trash I told it to ‘burn in hell’ later that day I had to go to the emergency room with 1st, 2nd, & 3rd degree burns to my face from a gasoline accident.”

And another on Yahoo Answers wrote, “Once my aunt and grandpa were playing with one and it said they would die on a bridge close to my aunt's house. Another time when my youngest uncle was in fifth grade the teacher brought an Ouija board out. He played with it and when he got home his mom told him to ask it if it believes in Jesus Christ as the Savior. He did and the spinny thing flew off the table and they never saw it again.”

Someone else shared, “A good friend of mine was tormented by a spirit her brother had let loose with this. It even followed her to college. Do not use it. The stronger spirits will come through and they are usually the bad ones.”

You can do your own search on Yahoo Answers for “Ouija beard experiences” and the like and you will see the stories are never good.

The only real way to be freed from oppression from the Ouija board is through Jesus Christ. Only in him and through him is there victory over demonic spirits. Those that have experienced the forces of darkness and see that the spiritual realm is very real need to now turn to the good to obtain freedom. Have a look at the links below (mostly videos) and see what you think. You need to get help. Look up or Google “prayer ministry” or “healing rooms” or “deliverance ministry” in your area. Or ask a committed Christian friend about this. You can go to those people and explain your situation.


Tara’s Ouija Board story

Jeff’s Ouija board & Satanism

Getting out of occult story

Mel Bond – Hell and Demons

Jonathan Welton – seeing the spirit world
2014-06-04 11:33:55 UTC
The ouija board is just that - a board - a piece of wood with some words and letters on it. It cannot hurt you or anybody. You have frightened yourselves by playing with the board and hearing silly nasty stories about ghosts and demons. Your father's recording equip' has only picked up the voices of you and your friends and now your minds are making something out of nothing.

If you can't be mature about the ouija board then you should not play with it. Get on with your life and grow up.
2014-06-04 13:57:07 UTC
Go and see a Catholic priest for help. The church is used to dealing with things like this, so he should be able to help you. You can ask the priest to do a blessing in your house, and to give you some holy water.

Also, try praying to God for help. If you don't know any other prayer, you can use the 'Our Father', and focus particularly on the last line - 'deliver us from evil'. Another prayer which you might find helpful is the prayer to St Michael the Archangel.
2014-06-04 16:43:18 UTC
You are aware that Ouija boards are fake, right? They were created by the Hasbro toy company. I own one myself. If you take it seriously, you are either gullible, or crazy.
2014-06-04 10:36:27 UTC
holy **** i'm scared just reading that wth i don't know how to help you besides saying don't freaking use that ouija board man hahahahaha
2014-06-04 11:11:30 UTC
Take dat Ouija board out back and BURN it.
2014-06-04 12:59:21 UTC
If you wasted your money on such things, and then were conned, perhaps you need to find someting of real worth insread
moon watcher
2014-06-04 10:37:57 UTC
sounds like someone is playing an evil trick on you.
Dan in Boston
2014-06-04 10:37:37 UTC
You are the victim of a hoax or prank, my friend.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.