I'm American: Why is there so much negative sentiment towards my country?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I'm American: Why is there so much negative sentiment towards my country?
112 answers:
2014-09-28 15:00:31 UTC
ry other freggin country. I love my country for my country not for leaders or the negative. I guess because America is such a large country and so powerful some people feel as though they should trash talk us and state all the negative. Basically they're just giving us a bias name. To me it's almost as if every country is a politic and they're all running for presidiency of the world and they go deep inside each other records and pull out b.s. from years and years back so people just have a have this idea about you (america) that we're such bad people, but we do the same thing back. It's like when you're in an argument with an annoying sibbling they know stuff about you and use it against you. So don't even trip every country sucks in it's own way but when such a popular country... people are gonna hate on you and make up, or black mail you to the fullest.
2006-08-20 08:23:54 UTC
In my opinion America sucks, just like every other freggin country. I love my country for my country not for leaders or the negative. I guess because America is such a large country and so powerful some people feel as though they should trash talk us and state all the negative. Basically they're just giving us a bias name. To me it's almost as if every country is a politic and they're all running for presidiency of the world and they go deep inside each other records and pull out b.s. from years and years back so people just have a have this idea about you (america) that we're such bad people, but we do the same thing back. It's like when you're in an argument with an annoying sibbling they know stuff about you and use it against you. So don't even trip every country sucks in it's own way but when such a popular country... people are gonna hate on you and make up, or black mail you to the fullest.
2006-08-12 09:19:23 UTC
You are taking too much notice of the press and other media. I have travelled to many countries and I meet many people. I find in general that Americans are friendlly and helpful people. As far as the way other people view you I do not encounter a negative opinion against Americans. Whatever the political climate is and if it is negative at the time then people will generalise about a nation. Sometimes in England people call the French and then it's the Germans turn and very often it's the Scots who get called a lot.

I say come to England and enjoy yourself and you will be welcomed.
hugo b
2006-08-12 09:52:18 UTC
The first problem is that America is big.

It has overwhelming presence worldwide in political and economical affairs and the nasty habit of interfering abroad.

The "let's spread democracy" argument for invading countries and overthrowing governments is, obviously a lullaby for stupid children (see the Panama affair, the support of undemocratic regimes worldwide as long as America's interests are safeguarded, the absolute neglect of far more serious conflicts when these happen in countries with no relation to American economical interests). Everybody sees through this hypocrisy and it rubs us wrong when a nation tries to take you for a fool.

Americans are indeed ignorant. America is so big that the news are mostly focused on internal affairs. Since most people's world view is shaped by television, the average american's knowledge of the world outside its borders is, then, negligible. The problem is not so much with people that get their information through newspapers and combine media, but with those that get all their information through commercial TV.

Americans are shaped throughout their schooling to be patriotic. This american brand of patriotism is disturbing to us, as there is nothing in Europe like the daily pledge of allegiance or the flags on every public building and if one would try to start something of the sort, accusations of fascism would ensue.

Religion is a big one too, as European states are ferocious advocates of state and church separation. The whole evolution/creation debate involving the President and government is inconceivable over here, and, frankly, quite ridiculous.

There are fat people in Europe, but give me a brake, if you board a bus or plane in say, Minneapolis or say, Lyon or Antwerp, it's a pretty safe bet which group of passengers averages a higher gross weight.

Last but not least, american popular culture, supported by corporate economy is slowly asphyxiating everybody.

It's so powerful a combination that the whole world is becoming more and more the same and more and more like a sanitized, Starbucks and McDonald's ridden bland version of american downtown. The fact that American tourists are not typically adventurous and want to find in Venice the same moccacino they'd get in downtown Houston gets another franchise built and another small local business closed down.

The world is becoming more and more a Nike wearing, burger eating, R&B listening franchise and these corporations are so strong there is nothing much one can do but watch the tide and try not to get wet.

America is, indeed powerfull, but the logic of the strongest wins is not the a logic we want to live by.

We are helpless because in the 21st century only money matters, and money is uninterested in culture, diversity or complication. Little by little we are losing all that made us different from one another and for this we cannot forgive America.
Lady D
2006-08-18 22:51:25 UTC
maybe people who are making these comments have just had poor experiences with Americans. The first impression tends to set the tone for all the others. It really is too bad that you feel this way HOWEVER, these people who make these comments may be from other countries and are able to compare the people of their country with their encounter with Americans and then make a judgement. You however, being an american, only have americans to compare. I am canadian and YES... there is a tendency for Americans to much more prideful, ignorant and bull headed COMPARED to Canadians. Maybe you shoudl do some travelling around the work to get some opinions on other cultures and then you can do a better comparison for yourself. you may be suprised with what you find out
2006-08-17 02:37:48 UTC
I am a Brit. and am ashamed of the way that some people on this sight keeping criticising the US; we should, in fact, be sticking together.

I visit the US quite a bit, so does my son, we have long standing friends there. I like the US and its people, particularly New York.

Let me try and offer a possible answer to your question, particularly regarding young people. Unfortunately, many of our educationalists (teachers/lecturers) are left of centre/liberal, they, together with the Left wing TV media and current government, seem to have an unpatriotic attitude toward traditional Britain and the West generally. This has a strong influence on the attitudes of students and the general public. America gets caught up in that, because it is seen as the centre of the Capitalist system. In recent years the British centre ground has been moved to the left. Young people don't realise that, however, they think that the current climate represents centre ground commonsense. We older ones know better.

The Iraq war has become a 'cause celebre' for the 'left' to attack

both Britain and the US. The negative sentiment that you have noted, has increased quite a bit over the last three years or so.

Please regard these offensive people as representing those that have been indoctrinated by the forces I have mentioned above, and are also unable to think for themselves. I worry about their attitude toward their own country (Britain). I think that there is something a little more sinister going on though. Through mass communication, people are able to try and influence the American people direct. They don't need to go 'top down', they can go 'bottom up'. You must not allow these lefties, or indoctrinated people, to influence you, because it will destabilise the Country.

Incidentaly, attacking George Bush, is another way of undermining his administration by putting pressure directly onto the American people.

I think that the personal insults flow from the general attitude described above. We, more sensible Brits. take a different view.

Don't forget that it is probably the more vocal ones that come onto this site anyway.
2006-08-12 09:32:43 UTC
Country's have always hated each other. I'm a pan-Asian girl living in a pretty rough area of England (i've lived in da UK since I woz 2 weeks old! I woz so cute bac then not so cute now! hehe damn puberty! damn u!) and I just put up with it. Just walk on by if anyone says anything. You've gotta be pretty thick skinned. Remeber that they can't judge you on where you come from. Just ignore it but obviously if it gets violent or if you feel really scared run away and tell the police. It's mostly to do with the whole Bush invading Iraq and Tony Blair doin w/eva Bush sez or summat. That's what I've heard anyway. And probably Super-Size Me and all that. Don't let it stop you from coming to England. We may be wet, windy, cold and up to our knees in mud but many of us are very friendly! Besides if good American's didn't come to the UK who would prove all these prejudices and negative opinions wrong?
dennis p
2006-08-17 22:04:58 UTC
I don't mean for anybody to take this the wrong way,but the facts speak for themselves. If you really paid attention in history class,this country was founded by the oppression of others. Forget all those stories about the English fleeing religious prosecution. This land was snatched from the Native Americans,worked the Africans,all for the pleasure of the white man. And today,both groups are still oppressed. No other nation has been born thru the indignities as America. Finally,adding fuel fuel to the fire,Bush's war on terrorism has really strained all relations with other countries throughout the world.
2006-08-15 22:13:25 UTC
There is lot of anti american sentiments in the world.The Americans mostly I have seen/had dealings are really good.But it is bad publicity that has created the image.American councils/embassies are there in almost all contries.They are not properly projecting the image of America,that is the main problem.The publicity materials released,advertisement expenses of American Embassies/councils/Centres are meagre.The local people are not involved in publicity.I am from India, about 10,years back,documentaries on America,American life and other lietrature were freely available.Now American publicity is almost closed or ineffective.We get information in news channels about American intervention /killings in Iraq and Iran only.That is adverse publicity is more. Solution is publicity /public relation sections in Embassies has to be revamped to improve the image of America or Americans.This is the case in most of the coutries.Revamping American Embassies all over the world and high impact publicity are the immediate requirements.
2006-08-12 10:32:17 UTC
It is lazy stereotyping about individual Americans brought on by anger about the cynical way your government has exploited the biggest terrorist attack of recent years to put in place policies that have led to the death of tens of thousands of innocent people & the suspension of ancient liberties like trial by jury.

Most of the people posting those comments would be polite if they met you face to face. They understand individual Americans are not responsible for the stupid things done by your government. But you did elect them - this time it seems he really did get more votes than the other guy. Foreigners are angry, frustrated and alienated. Dubya would be a better target, but until he deigns to post here you'll make an acceptable target.

If you do choose to come to the UK there are three things you might want to remember;

- There was a massive amount of sympathy around the world about 9/11. I was in a hotel in a Muslim country at the time and I saw locals apologising to US citizens - just because the attacks were by fellow Muslims. However the rest of the world has spent the last 40 years dealing with terrorism, including many groups funded by Americans and their government. The IRA used American money to murder thousands of people across Europe. You've stopped inviting their leaders to the White House but you still refuse to extradite the bombers to face justice. So we welcome your conversion to the right side of the debate but the way your government has tried to lecture the rest of the world and claim leadership in the fight against terrorism is revolting. Given that people were dying in the UK barely 10 years ago when bombs paid for with American money went off a little humility would not go amiss.

- No one in the UK believes Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. It was payback for when Sadaam was nasty to Daddy. And the

fact that your leaders continue to justify so many deaths by trying to tie in Iraq to the attack on the WTC makes it easy to dismiss they all as amoral morons.

- Most importantly, we are led by the only world leader who gets less respect than Bush. The fact that Blair cannot or will not get his lips off Bush's *** and stand up for his country is a source of deep humiliation.

Enjoy your trip.
2006-08-18 02:06:46 UTC
I lived most of my life in the states and when I came home to the UK it was a cultural shock for me. Here it's like 1950's America was with good honest people working hard to enrich their lives. People stand up for their privacy and what they believe.

Would I ever want to go back to the US? No. I've had time to think about this and the fast pace, horrendous crime, and little tolerance for others has jaded me on it.

Most people that I speak with here about it only know what they see on the telly and that is where they get their opinions of Americans. Anyone who gets into the political part of it is just blowing wind because until they have lived there they really have no clue as to how it works in the states.

Don't let a few of the tossers dictate to you where you visit or go, most of the people here in the UK are nice and I wouldn't trade them for anything. The others? well all countries have their loud mouthed, fat, arrogant, ignorant and lazy types.
2014-09-28 14:54:56 UTC
I'm a pan-Asian girl living in a pretty rough area of England (i've lived in da UK since I woz 2 weeks old! I woz so cute bac then not so cute now! hehe damn puberty! damn u!) and I just put up with it. Just walk on by if anyone says anything. You've gotta be pretty thick skinned. Remeber that they can't judge you on where you come from. Just ignore it but obviously if it gets violent or if you feel really scared run away and tell the police. It's mostly to do with the whole Bush invading Iraq and Tony Blair doin w/eva Bush sez or summat. That's what I've heard anyway. And probably Super-Size Me and all that. Don't let it stop you from coming to England. We may be wet, windy, cold and up to our knees in mud but many of us are very friendly! Besides if good American's didn't come to the UK who would prove all these prejudices and negative opinions wrong?
2006-08-18 14:12:09 UTC
Very simply put, its the ironic doublestandardness of the US. The government goes around creating havoc in the world and killing -i won't say dozens- think hundreds of people in quite a few places, basically butting in people's lives when its none of its freaking business. And all the while, US citizens live in complete ignorance of the atrocities that their government perpetrates in their name. And when I say "ignorance" I mean complete denial, that's why we have comments like this :

"In a word "JEALOUS", this Country gives more to other countries than any other country. We are the best and some people resent this."

Americans are made to believe that they're all doing the world a favor with it's foreign policy when in reality, all people want is America to stay out of their business.

I don't have anything against American individuals-i think they're very friendly. I just HATE your government,that's all.
2006-08-12 09:27:53 UTC
If you look at the total history of the United States, you will see a majority of its history is good. The U.S. has its flaws like any other nation, but please read on. The United States has won the wars in Europe, so that the Nazi would not kill more people. So many people want to come to the United States for its freedoms and its respect for human rights. The French can be the most terrible people. If you look at U.S. in total and in an honest way, you will find many good things about the U.S. The U.S. is the sole super power and so is the baseless object of hate. They are jealous of the strength of our nation pure and simple. I am sure that you will find many nice people in the UK, its just the leftist radicals there and in Europe, that will cause you problems. Just be the best person that you can be and you can demonstrate the best of the USA.
2006-08-17 06:32:05 UTC
Much of the feeling is created by your president, and its passed down because you voted for him.

Who thinks that a low IQ war mongerer is the best man for president?

Additionally, the poor American people are fed such a load of rubbish through their TV and newspapers that they have no chance of telling truth from fiction. This makes them very naive.

Additionally, only a very small percentage of Americans ever travel; abroad, so they form invalid opinions of foreign countries which makes them look and sound like uneducated people.

Stop feeling so much as if you and 'your country' are related, This is an attitude which is promoted to keep the members of the planet divided from each other. I have no nationalitry as far as I am concerned. It saves me a whole load of problems, and could you too!!!
2014-06-14 10:15:50 UTC
Whatever the political climate is and if it is negative at the time then people will generalise about a nation. Sometimes in England people call the French and then it's the Germans turn and very often it's the Scots who get called a lot.
2006-08-12 09:23:57 UTC
I think it's only half of the story. There is also a lot admiration surrounding USA. Also, I think you are blowing the negative sentiments out of proportion. For instance, I've never heard anybody say that Americans "generally" are lazy. They are one of the hardest working people. That sentiment may come from Jerry Springer shows being exported around the world.
barry t
2006-08-12 09:43:33 UTC
I don't believe there are that many negative sentiments towards Americans, as people. Whether they are fat, arrogant, loud-mouthed or otherwise is irrelevant to the rest of us.

America, is seen by so many outside of the U.S. in terms of it's government and the way it bullies it's way around the world and commits attrocity after attrocity in the name of FREEDOM. The hypocrisy and bull**** that spews daily from the so-called leaders of the "Free World" and great defenders of Human Rights is terribly galling. I could go on, but perhaps you take my drift.

If there is any overriding sentiment towards Americans as people, it is perhaps a mixture of pity and contempt, that they could support such a barbarous regime. If what you have is an example of democracy at its finest then I can understand that ******* Bush when he mouths "God Save America". It sure needs saving. For all of our sakes please clean up your act
2006-08-20 08:21:35 UTC
You are right, we DO get overgeneralized. The war that we are in currently is not helping our cause much either.

But if you think about it, we (Americans) overgeneralize other countries as well. Everybody in the world is guilty of this.

For example, we seem to think the French are snotty, the English are quaint, the Scots and Irish are drunks, Canadians are dumb hockey players, Mexicans are poor and lazy, The Dutch are druggies (Amsterdam), and practically EVERYONE in the Middle East are terrorists.

We'll have to "prove" ourselves when going abroad just like everyone else has to, I suppose.
hannah r
2006-08-15 08:06:56 UTC
to be honest, and i personally don't have anything against the Americans at all, i think it is a feeling caused by politics. lets start with American cinema, America ALWAYS saves the world, (Independence Day, Armageddon, The Day After Tomorrow) and i think that the rest of the world is starting to find the whole thing a bit patronising, because it is a concept that is starting to leak in to real life. America has stormed in to the affairs of other countries (e.g Iraq, Afghanistan) with all guns blazing, as if they are trying to save the world, and unfortunately for American people you are all being generalised as power crazy. to take away from your power base the rest of the world is desperate to find weaknesses in you, and we can unite in laughing at your faults (in the same way that people might mock their boss / high school teacher).
2006-08-12 09:21:08 UTC
When you have a country as wealthy as yours, there are always going to be people who do not like it. For example no one likes posh people because they have loads of money. This is the same with America and all the other smaller less wealthy countries. As for the people have a look around and you may notice the small minority of people that the British public are talking about.
2006-08-19 10:59:16 UTC
Huh. I am an American, I love America, but I can't walk into a store or resturant without seeing and hearing 1-30 fat, loudmouthed, stupid, lazy, ignorant, hateful people. Maybe that's why people have a negative opinion of us.
2006-08-17 10:03:42 UTC
probably caused by your country wanting to cause and start a world war at any given opportunity and sell arms to any country that will pay for them. your a war mongering country you love blowing the cr%p out of any living thing

you think your better than any other race

you lie and cheat just to get a quick buck

you dont look after your poor people in your country instead you rubbish them by calling them trailer trash and your health system only really work for the well of your a darn right greedy nation you put monetery numbers before human life its might think your the american dream but to the rest of the world your the american armagedon genocidal nightmare...Shock!horror!
2006-08-12 09:26:29 UTC
Chat shows, normal tourists, administration, cheesy soaps. The cultural melting pot representing the US? Guess not but its one that combioned with the police beating the living hell out its own citizens in LA, denying others a vote (Florida) etc, being the heavist nation (per person), adds weight to the view that US citizens are fat, stupid and complacent.

Now I don't believe taht to be true, but I have met a couple of Bush suckers in a bar in Atlanta who because old bushy was and is pres. thought they should defend his record. Right or wrong they did it with the enthusiasm of a good old fashioned zealot. Also I worked for a company in Germany, paid a US univserity to produce a certain thing within a year. 6 months in nothing coming. 8 months in nothing coming. Send 2 staff over. 2 weeks later they come back with a years supply. We didn't pay them full whack you can bet. Jealous of such complacency and the self-indulgent stupidity; me thinks not.

However I have worked out their with a bunch of USers abnd they were serious about their jobs, but socially relaxed. So I'd agree with you. Its just people always notice the loud people whether ever they are. Often they happen to be not very fit Americans.

Come over if you like, we are not treating casual tourists like criminals on point of entry (yet!).

2016-10-02 03:55:13 UTC
What united states are you in? i could desire to be able to examination your political leaders additionally. Madoff replaced right into a determine head and not a pacesetter. Blagojevich is an IL governor, a pacesetter in basic terms to those in IL. How's the financial subject on your united states? The President is leaving place of work. The congress is the main inept I somewhat have ever seen yet i could nonetheless take my united states over maximum others.
2006-08-19 11:40:59 UTC
Quoting you:

So many people have said that Americans are fat, arrogant, loud mouthed, ignorant, and lazy, etc. It is true that there may be those type of people in America but one can find any of those people in any other country.

Namely Switzerland, Ethiopia, Galapagos Islands, Iceland?

Been to all the countries in the world have ya?

This makes you as Ignorant as the people you are complaining about!

You too have made a generalisation!
2006-08-19 04:15:39 UTC
Hi Cat I've visisted the US twice and I have to say that I recieved to warmest welcome everywhere I went. I stayed with my uncle who lived in Long Beach CA and the family he lived with made me feel part of the family.I know not all people are good in any country you go to but I have no disrespect for the Americans nor do I have any negative thoughts about them oh by the way I'm from England.
2006-08-12 09:15:18 UTC
the americans that come on package holidays to england generally are thick and overwieght ive been asked by an american if we have electricity in my country!!! but then others ive met have been the best people you could meet. the best thing to do is be your self and make sure u dont make yourself seem like a typical american!
2006-08-19 16:11:12 UTC
well , your country in the most powerful coountry in the world , and it's a free , maybe more than a free country , for that people can critisize thier own country through network TV's to the world and people build thier opinion on what they only see ,

it's a punch back
2006-08-12 09:18:18 UTC
i think it's because that's the way we (humans) are. we always seem to catergorize people because of the way they dress and the country they're from. i think it's sad that some people see the U.S. like that. and that's wrong. also, look at everything that's on t.v. and magazines here in the U.S. (im not saying that this stuff is not anywhere else). all about looking good, and being popular and while other countries focus on religion being THEIR number on priority, the US seems to have put religion on the side to focus on itself rather than God. (for you haters: this answer is in no way religious in any way, just making a point) i think other countries do see us very care free and think we all are the same, but we're not.
2006-08-12 09:19:46 UTC
I have been guilty of making a few jibes at you country, but there is no malice meant (not from me anyway). I's all 'tounge in cheek' and in retrospect, we get goaded from you yanks about our so called bad teeth (where you lot got that one from i do not know). But the one that winds me up so much is some yanks say "If it wasn't for us, you Brits would be talking German!!!" We Brits stood alone for over two years without any American forces to help us. So my friend it works both ways. I think most other countries don't hate America as such, but your inane leader seeks alot to be desired if I may say so......Anyway I have said my piece........hope you can make it to the UK one day, Come to wales & you will have a good welcome......
2014-09-05 07:14:12 UTC
The United States has won the wars in Europe, so that the Nazi would not kill more people. So many people want to come to the United States for its freedoms and its respect for human rights. The French can be the most terrible people. If you look at U.S. in total and in an honest way, you will find many good things about the U.S. The U.S. is the sole super power and so is the baseless object of hate. They are jealous of the strength of our nation pure and simple. I am sure that you will find many nice people in the UK, its just the leftist radicals there and in Europe, that will cause you problems. Just be the best person that you can be and you can demonstrate the best of the USA.
2006-08-12 09:48:09 UTC
I AGREE ABOUT TOURING AMERICANS. i had an hotel in north yorkshire. i found visiting americans very rude, pushy, ignorant, arrogant and full of self importance. 12 years ago i went , alone, to the west coast, L.A , L.V. , S.DIEGO, FRISCO ETC. i spent a great month well looked after and among real nice people. The problem is many of you are not as worldly wise as other nations you think the world starts and ends in America and all you keep saying is .. we helped you during the war... instead of having a constructive debate. also your knowledge of Iraq was non existent and you blindly vote for GW
Trevor h
2006-08-12 09:18:20 UTC
It is the image your country portrays.

Your Government seems to have appointed themselves as the police for the whole World - but the rest of the World doesn't want it.

Not every country wants - or even benefits - from being a democracy like you are, yet you try to impose that system in places where it is not wanted.. Look at Iraq.

Unfortunately, you attract the kind of reaction you are feeling by being ignorant of the rest of the Worlds needs. Look at your attitude to curbing CO2 emissions to reduce Global warming!

Sorry dude - however, you would still be welcome here in the UK.
2006-08-19 14:02:24 UTC
if you feel like coming here , go right on and pack your bags, you will be welcomed with open arms because we are all from the same stock. I have been to your country many times east coast to west coast and i have always received a lovely attitude from all americans, and despite the cranks that will degrade you, most british people regard you as us, we are the same people and we will always be close i couldn't imagine it otherwise, good luck and have a good time while your here
2006-08-19 13:56:20 UTC
Please don't judge us all by the minority of bigots and cowards that are on here. We are not all anti-American!

A lot of it is down to pure ignorance.

Having travelled to the states on more then one occasion, I have enjoyed the country, the diversity of cultures there, and do not subscribe to the GENERALISATIONS aired by ignorance and bigotry of a sad little boys thinking its brave to hide behind an ID.

You come on over and you will find people with lives that have more to do then sit on line insulting other nationalities, religions and creeds.

Hands across the Pond!
2006-08-16 06:39:48 UTC
Dont let this effect your travel plans ,I think that alot of this may be the fact that sometimes americans can be overwhelming as they have a different way of life to europeans and english . Everything is seen as bigger and better in the states and this can be intimidating to some people .
2006-08-12 09:13:21 UTC
Don't let it affect your travel plans. The dislike people express towards America is directed largely at the current administration and its politics. Very few people will take an instant disliking to you just because you're American (especially in the UK).
tony h
2006-08-12 16:29:22 UTC
a lot of people are becoming small minded and arrogant, i think the internet encourages this - this tends to polarise views and you have picked up on this

people can seek out other like minded opinions similar to views that they themselves hold, bcos they dont want admit they are wrong or dont want to see the truth - it allows people with similar narrow views to find each other easier as well

also a lot of people criticism negatively, this is natural i suppose but governments in both countries are not popular at moment - in the uk more than half teh country is unhappy with its leader and as we are siding with 'america' thru him they are misdirecting their anger at u (bcos u are here and george bush is not, not in person anyway - just as 1000 trolls)

just dont take it personally, dont reply and they will go away (they will run out of points, eventually) ;o)
2006-08-12 09:29:54 UTC
It mostly stems from your policies and government. The people in the states are great most of the time. I traveled to some states and just like here at home the policies of the government do NOT reflect the concerns of the people
Eman Kcin
2006-08-12 09:20:33 UTC
The fact is that there are many other people who hear negatively generalized stereotypes due to nationality. If your country is powrful, threat and gather attention, I feel that those generalized negative opinions from outsiders about people in those countries become even harder.
2006-08-12 09:17:00 UTC
The media portrays the US in that way. Look at Jerry springer for heavens sake. I am sure that it is not like that in all parts of the US but I have never seen that type of behaviour or circumstance in my country (Canada). When you see those types of shows of course you are going to stereotype. Look at what George Bush is doing to the US. People just keep voting for him. It makes you wonder about the citizens of the US when they keep voting for someone who is filled with so much anger. Sorry, this is all related to what I get from the media: My only insight into your country.
Rob G
2006-08-12 10:04:36 UTC
I havent bother reading your question but heres a clue...

You a fat bloated thug/bully of a country who forces your views and methods on other countries, steal their oil, mureder their people in the name of democracy and freedom.

Yet since the beginning of the 90s all you have done is **** up the world.

May be if you would walk instead of driving huge SUVs to the shops/mall you could stay out of other countries affairs.

Who do you think you are? Really!

Stay in the USA stay out of world politics till you get an education on world history and geography befrore you invade the next third world country in the name of freedom.

One question. Name a successful invasion the US has been involved in? Im waiting.

World War Two? You didnt even join in til it was almost over.

Honesty is what we are good at and honestly, We hate you!!
2006-08-20 04:28:12 UTC
Its not about people , but it is about the country. US troops are all over the place , intervention or protection , call it what u want , but did any war happened on US teritorry, naaah, kinda makes u wonder if the reasons are ever good, and if u experienced war in ur country , u'll know the game. Its never about people
michael k
2006-08-17 06:47:17 UTC
It's hatred for your Government that is unfortunately reflected on the American people as a whole.Then there are the Americans loudly insist that they are the biggest & best,that they invented/discovered everything,& the rest of the world is dependant on American foreign aid.It's not your fault,but that's just how it is.
2006-08-20 07:54:35 UTC
Because your own government destroyed the twin towers so that they could use it as an excuse to bomb half of the middle east.

Thats just one reason. There are many others but I haven't got all day
2006-08-19 10:50:07 UTC
I have been to New England {Boston Mass} then drove to Canada and back it was fantastic. I like the Americans they are great, but it's bush that spoils it all.
2006-08-20 06:20:28 UTC
Without resorting to stereotypes, the USA is the major sponsor of terrorism in the world today. And whenever you start a a war, you will usually pull out of certain areas, and request that the Black Watch finish the hellish task you were never up to in the first place. So there!
Carol H
2006-08-19 22:31:24 UTC
It started in my belief with the war. Politics and news media has not helped our country and I do honesty think they ( other countries) hate us vs the war. I believe there are still good human beings out there in every country. Take your trip and hold your head up high and go to the UK and don`t ever feel ashamed....We are all human and we will find a way! Good Luck!!!
2006-08-12 09:21:24 UTC
In a word "JEALOUS", this Country gives more to other countries than any other country. We are the best and some people resent this.

Going to Britian you will be fine most people don't hate us, remember only bad news gets written.
2006-08-19 15:27:06 UTC
i think they all hate the british too , f*%k em i say , you are who you are , if they dont like it , its there problem , most people who say this **** do nothing but sit near a computer all day they know nothing about people who are from different races and religions , because of the work i do , i meet people from all over the world and yes there is arrogant lazy people what ever country there in , but there are also some very nice people , people who i can call friends , so unless you are all these things these people are saying , ignore them the are obviously wrong .
Stef S
2006-08-18 10:27:20 UTC

US take global responsability, so do it good, then the

reflection on your country will change, you know.......... more comprehension, dedication, to global responsability, pollution,......then we will love you more, but for the moment, your country just make too much mess, and we can do nothing with your country, you have the is all natural and the comments what take so personal it is just a message to remind you to clean up your country, but personaly they love you if they get a chance to meet you and share some time together,

I'am for example french, with love in my heart............... and i hear so many difficult comment because we don't go to kill........
Lyn I
2006-08-15 11:30:44 UTC
I would not say all Brits hate the Americans, Do all Americans hate us Brits? I think not hon, Its our bloody governments that we get pissed off with. Don't tar us all with the same brush ignore the negative, there are lots of nice Brits on this site...
2006-08-12 09:33:37 UTC
I have no problem with America or Americans,as you said there is good and bad in all countries.I think America does get a bad press unjustly.It's big,it's powerful and it's successful therefore people like to knock it...
2006-08-12 09:14:45 UTC
Did u not look for the positives??? Maybe you should look about what the Americans say about the Brits.....but hey ho...I'm still coming over to America next week!!!! Just chill will you......and a lot of it on here is banter!!!!
2006-08-19 15:29:05 UTC
I have no problems with Americans, come on over give me a call when u get here I can show you lots of friendly people who are not anti American
2006-08-20 04:34:26 UTC
if you wan to go to England, fine. As for negative feelings towards the US, the US needs to stop policing the world and telling other governments what to do (and pull out completely from all countries).
2006-08-20 02:21:22 UTC
I think the negativity is toward Bush not Americans. You will not be alienated in the UK. Come but not with much hand luggage.
2006-08-12 09:31:39 UTC
Ok, lets assume there is a more powerful country than US. If that country attacks U.S. for POSSIBLE possession of nuclear weapons, just coz that country thinks that U.S. MIGHT attack other countries or the ruler has been unfair to their people how would you feel about that country that is more powerful than U.S.?? Besides the other problem with U.S. is that they think that the whole world is like U.S. If it is not like U.S., its wrong. But its not that way. You might find this answer offensive, IDK. There are major problems out there than not getting your morning coffee at starbucks or not having your breakfast at subway. People out there have bigger problems and tougher life.
2006-08-12 09:20:56 UTC
Because too many Americans are seen as giving a damn what they think, instead of being the bearers of the colors that OUR forefathers had the sense to create and pass on.
2006-08-12 09:20:44 UTC
do not take it personally, i think most people are just disillusioned with the current political situation and your current president, just like we are with our own prime minister.

I have a few friends who live in the USA and i love them, just because i dislike your presidents current way of ruling doesnt mean i do not like American people, these people who judge and have contempt for people because of where they are from are nothing but racist fools.

Like i said dont take it personaly.
2006-08-12 09:18:49 UTC
I wouldn't take it personally - there are alot of idiots in every country and you will get a mix of them on here.

I love America and would love to get over there more often - Just ignore the horrid comments!!
2006-08-12 09:42:26 UTC
america are responsible for much of the global suffering that happens today. they start wars, murder people, support israel in their war against innoncent people. israel have killed more children in lebanon than soliders, yet america support them. other things, well, america don't sign up to the legislation that is meant to reduce pollution, yet every other major power has. america is seen as being arrogant, and self serving. to some people, that makes every american the same.
2006-08-12 09:23:12 UTC
there are many possible reasons,some of which may be justified in the opinion of those who make these example would be your government's support of Israel what ever they do in occupied lands.the war in Iraq. and the arrogance of some of your politicians.some is just ignorant jealousy
2006-08-12 09:18:19 UTC
I think it's because, since we are a superpower, we tend to think that we can involve ourselves in stuff where we really don't belong (such as Iraq, in my opinion). I think many people in Europe don't like us, or at least are suspicious of us, because they feel that we used them as our puppet during the Cold War, and even to the present day. But of course, this is just my hypothesis.
2006-08-12 09:14:37 UTC
I think its cause you see these shows with those kinda people, so people make a round judgement on the nation.

Just like there are a handful of rebelious out of control teenagers, and judge all teenagers to be out of control and rebelious
2006-08-18 08:49:55 UTC
The reason is b/c that they don't have any commen sense to say it on the news. They are so dumb to say the things that they say. I'm also an american.

Those people are so rude. They need commen sense to think about hurting other people's feelings. I know that mine are. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me. lil_samiam@


Sam Thompson
2006-08-20 09:07:02 UTC
"Hey cat, this following stuff isn't an answer, but, an agreement that there are a lot of Countries bad-mouthing us that get our financial aid which inriches them. I though I'll offer some proven facts and you can take it from there:

Below are the actual voting records of various Arabic/Islamic States which are recorded in both the US State Department and United Nations records:

Kuwait votes against the United States 67% of the time

Qatar votes against the United States 67% of the time

Morocco votes against the United States 70% of the time

United Arab Emirates votes against the U. S. 70% of the time.

Jordan votes against the United States 71% of the time.

Tunisia votes against the United States 71% of the time.

Saudi Arabia votes against the United States 73% of the time.

Yemen votes against the United States 74% of the time.

Algeria votes against the United States 74% of the time.

Oman votes against the United States 74% of the time.

Sudan votes against the United States 75% of the time.

Pakistan votes against the United States 75% of the time.

Libya votes against the United States 76% of the time.

Egypt votes against the United States 79% of the time.

Lebanon votes against the United States 80% of the time.

India votes against the United States 81% of the time.

Syria votes against the United States 84% of the time.

Mauritania votes against the United States 87% of the time.

U S Foreign Aid to those that hate us:

Egypt, for example, after voting 79% of the time against the United States , still receives $2 billion annually in US Foreign Aid..

Jordan votes 71% against the United States

And receives $192,814,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

Pakistan votes 75% against the United States

Receives $6,721,000 annually in US Foreign Aid.

India votes 81% against the United States

Receives $143,699,000 annually.

Perhaps it is time to get out of the UN and give the tax savings back to the American workers who are having to skimp and sacrifice to pay the taxes (and gasoline).

Pass this along to every taxpaying citizen you know.

Disgusting isn't it?
2006-08-12 09:16:33 UTC
Every country has its fair share of morons. Every country has its fair share of morons who spout moronic opinions on the internet. Therefore, whatever you read will only ever represent a minority view from a minority of internet users. Put it in context, and ignore it.
2006-08-19 11:05:56 UTC
We're not all American haters here. I don't have any issues with Americans, if you come over here look me up!
2006-08-12 09:16:32 UTC
One word... BUSH!

and most Americans are "fat, arrogant, loud mouthed, ignorant, and lazy". Just look at NASCAR, the fundies, trailer trash, christians in general... the list goes on. Hell look at the idiots Bush appoints to represent the United States - Rove, Rumsfield, Bolton (UN ambassador).
2006-08-19 13:26:11 UTC
don't take it personal... i hear all sorts about Nigeria too. most of the time its not personalised comments but comments directed at officials of government and the decisions they make... even if its at the local pubs its really not for you to be accused,its more for the government don't let that dampen you travel plans..enjoy man...
2006-08-12 09:13:23 UTC
Not so sure its about you American citizens more a problem with George W Bush, sorry
2006-08-18 04:30:41 UTC
Because Bush is Killer like the Muslims and Jews
2006-08-12 09:25:01 UTC
i cannot compare my country,Romania,with yours....but....the problems are the same for everybody...

When i go in other country all i hear is that Romanians are thieves and conniving bastards,it hurts too,but you have to think that this is a general opinion,and that you're different,you will feel better,and you also have to believe in yourself
2006-08-12 09:16:02 UTC
I like America. The people are great and spirited. But your relations with the Islamic world and your dimwitted president really lets you down
2006-08-20 08:26:13 UTC
There are jerks in any country. Even on Yahoo Answers.
2006-08-19 23:51:36 UTC
Americans are spoiled,we need to go back a couple of decades
2006-08-12 09:14:06 UTC
Going to the UK is like traveling to another state where everybody drives on the wrong side of the road. You don't have to worry about anything as long as you don't act like you're better than everybody else.
2006-08-20 07:51:09 UTC
One word: foreign policy. Oh wait, that was two words. Never mind. Oh, and the Bush administration for having its head up its **** over global warming.
2006-08-12 09:14:56 UTC
The tallest trees catch the most wind. Don't worry though it is a love hate relationship. If the **** ever really hit the fan we would be your best friend again.
2006-08-12 09:14:32 UTC
see all the double faces out there in the world.

they are shouting slogans against America, and are the first to enroll for a green card.
2006-08-19 08:29:19 UTC
It might be because you give so much negative sentiment towards other countries.
2006-08-12 09:15:23 UTC
Because of only your leader , I mean George Bush
2006-08-19 19:52:33 UTC
Because too much of the world mistakes kindness for weakness!
2006-08-17 11:23:37 UTC
I think thats just jealousy its maybe because they lose the war between the america and british lol....
2006-08-19 15:26:15 UTC
the bottom line as far as i am concerned is your president and his buds, and their attitude to the world and it's people
2006-08-17 03:21:20 UTC
get over it

certain people from EVERY country have opinions and preconceptions about other countries full stop
2006-08-12 09:52:14 UTC
not everyone thinks badly about the united states, although i do understand their reasons for doing so!
2006-08-12 09:43:21 UTC
You should see it in the context of the USA's foreign policy.
2006-08-19 12:17:15 UTC
Bush...sori!! But people will still like you, it isnt you they dislike its George Bush and the way he wants to police the whole world!!
2006-08-14 04:53:23 UTC
u r so ignorant!!!! Dont u know why americans are hated .hope u know who Mr. Bush is .
2006-08-12 17:21:00 UTC
i just need points, american
2006-08-12 09:24:15 UTC
Our government makes us all look bad.
2006-08-12 09:17:17 UTC
Have you not herd anything about the US foreign policy?
2006-08-12 09:17:17 UTC
Its just like anything else in life.. when you are up top everybody tries to bring you down... America leads the way... so dont feel so bad when the only way they can TRY to bring us down is thru verbal abuse.
2006-08-12 09:13:25 UTC
Well...just look around you, or spend a few minutes watching MSNBC.

What more proof do you need??
2006-08-12 09:13:47 UTC
Consider jealousy
2006-08-15 14:12:08 UTC
its not you mate but your leader the bush man
2006-08-18 17:30:11 UTC
only because people pick up on the negative.
2006-08-12 09:21:09 UTC
Because you elect such stupid leaders and our leaders have to follow them.
2006-08-12 09:14:22 UTC
Mostly a combination of ignorance and jealousy.
ha h
2006-08-12 09:25:18 UTC
2006-08-16 23:20:56 UTC
outside the USA we don't like big heads & braggers sorry
2006-08-12 09:20:33 UTC
It's just that people doesn't appreciate US foreign politics. Feel free to come to Serbia; you will be very welcome. :-)))
2006-08-12 09:18:44 UTC
Because the other countries are jealous of us Americans. We have rights and freedom and they can't stand it.
2006-08-12 09:16:17 UTC
not from me, i been florida twice and it is great
2006-08-12 09:17:11 UTC
When your country is the best, everyone likes to take shots at you.
2006-08-12 09:12:42 UTC
dont know mate
2006-08-19 14:43:54 UTC
dont know
2006-08-18 05:30:50 UTC
2006-08-12 09:13:38 UTC
they are jealous of the good old usa

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.