Don't teach him too hard.
You live in the land of freedom.
We have freedom of speech in both the uk, my home and America.
Problem is, we have to be so pc these days, it is unbelievable. If someone from a different religion or background seems offended by what a white or other religion person says, they cry blanks about it and cause a major uproar. If that doesn't work, they pull out the racist gun.
I think it's horrible how, it's only racism if a white or non religious person does something even slightly hurtful to someone of a different background.
Remember those Muslims that cornered a white woman, beat her whilst yelling "Die white scum!" and they didn't get charged, whereas a white woman on a tram speaks her mind and everyone on the tram suddenly needs "therapy for shock after being the victim of such racist abuse" and she gets locked up and charged a large sum of money.
Someone needs to even the laws.
He is only ten.
Tell his teachers it is THEIR fault. They clearly don't teach him enough.
Other than that, saying "I eat cow" to a Hindu isn't racism more than it is a fact.