Why are Americans so stupidly patriotic?
2007-01-22 07:33:33 UTC
I mean what's the deal?
Fifteen answers:
2007-01-22 07:37:54 UTC
The sad part is that people don't realize that patriotism doesn't mean you blindly follow someone or something. You also have a right and duty to object when you don't agree with someone or something. Isn't that what democracy is supposed to be?
2007-01-22 15:49:19 UTC
I don't know if I'd all Americans "stupidly patriotic" but they're definitely proud of who they are and their place in the world. That's not a bad thing. The problem I have is with those Americans who don't realize that with being a Superpower comes responsibility. You're either part of the problem or part of the solution, and you can't solve violence with more violence. Invading another country doesn't help your popularity either.
2007-01-22 15:39:26 UTC
Stupidly patriotic? Are you ashamed of your country? We fought for everything we have and we fight everyday to keep it. We work our @sses off everyday, no 4 week vacations like the rest of the world. We have every right to be proud and patriotic.
2007-01-22 15:39:17 UTC
Patriotism is what keeps this country together! It instills pride in your country. You may not agree with what the president is doing but he is not our country - our country was based on a belief that we had a right to our freedom .. patriotism is defending that right - I'm going to assume you are young .. won't call you stupid but would suggest you brush up on all the reasons you have the freedom you have!
2007-01-22 15:45:19 UTC
Maybe because we got every nationality in the world living here.

Maybe because we don't have the long common history that a more homogeneous society might have.

So expression of patriotism tends to verge on maudlin or belligence.

(its either maudlin or middle ground)

I don't do open displays of patriotic fervor.

I can't get worked up about sporting events.

I don't have that kind of energy.
2007-01-22 17:53:38 UTC
I would have to know which Americans you mean, of course.

There is also the notion that patriotism may in and of itself be stupid.
2007-01-22 15:39:59 UTC
I'm not, not to the new country anyway. I'm Native American, and more supportive of the Eastern Band Cherokee than I am the current US government. Native American people weren't even considered citizens until 1924, and we've been here the longest.
Marvin R
2007-01-22 17:04:57 UTC
if you have to ask you really couldn't understand the answer even if each and every one of us answered your question. some things one feels such as love for GOD, Indigenous People, family, friends, etc. can NOT be explained in words as they have to be felt in one's heart.
2007-01-22 15:37:11 UTC
Someone of your obvious intellect should be able to figure this one out on your own.
2007-01-22 15:37:28 UTC
So is their something wrong with loving your country?

Or is it just loving America that you are against.
2007-01-22 15:37:03 UTC
Are you jealous?!

HaHa--He protests this idea way too much.He just sent me an e-mail saying 'F@ck off,asshole.'
2007-01-22 15:37:16 UTC
because things arent all bad , living here can be nice
Chris M
2007-01-22 15:37:06 UTC
Why aren't other contries proud of where they are from?
2007-01-22 15:38:54 UTC
because most americans believe that this a free country and all when in fact its not.

Patriotism Archives

Prager on Elllison, Oaths and the Importance of the Bible

Your absolutely Must-Read of the Day. Dennis Prager, whose I greatly admire and on whose show I have had the most enlightening and enjoyable interviews, has pulled no punches in dealing with the latest from our first Muslim congressman. The new Minnesota representative has declared that he will not take his oath of office on the Bible, but instead on the Koran. What does Dennis think? he makes it very clear, and he is absolutely right.

America, Not Keith Ellison, decides what book a congressman takes his oath on

Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the first Muslim elected to the United States Congress, has announced that he will not take his oath of office on the Bible, but on the bible of Islam, the Koran.

He should not be allowed to do so -- not because of any American hostility to the Koran, but because the act undermines American civilization.

First, it is an act of hubris that perfectly exemplifies multiculturalist activism -- my culture trumps America's culture. What Ellison and his Muslim and leftist supporters are saying is that it is of no consequence what America holds as its holiest book; all that matters is what any individual holds to be his holiest book.

Forgive me, but America should not give a hoot what Keith Ellison's favorite book is. Insofar as a member of Congress taking an oath to serve America and uphold its values is concerned, America is interested in only one book, the Bible. If you are incapable of taking an oath on that book, don't serve in Congress.

For lessons on how to confront and push back the scourge of multiculturalism, while defending, with no apologies, the importance of Christianity and the Bible to our remarkable nation, read this piece. The stakes on something like this are great, requiring us to not bend to political correctness or multiculturalism. Being direct, sure, and confident about this issue, as Dennis is, is now required of all of us.

Posted by Tammy · November 28, 2006 08:22 AM · Permalink · Comments (13)

Patriotism | Religion | The New American Revolution

Happy Turkey Day Thanksgiving!

A post by Maynard

How did we get Thanksgiving?

After their first harvest, the colonists of the Plymouth Plantation (the Mayflower people) held a celebration of food and feasting in the fall of 1621. The local Indian chiefs and ninety Indians joined in the three-day affair.

The first official Thanksgiving proclamation was made by the governing council of Charlestown, Massachusetts (adjacent to Boston, where Bunker Hill is) on June 20, 1676:

The Holy God having by a long and Continual Series of his Afflictive dispensations in and by the present Warr with the Heathen Natives of this land, written and brought to pass bitter things against his own Covenant people in this wilderness, yet so that we evidently discern that in the midst of his judgements he hath remembered mercy, having remembered his Footstool in the day of his sore displeasure against us for our sins, with many singular Intimations of his Fatherly Compassion, and regard; reserving many of our Towns from Desolation Threatened, and attempted by the Enemy, and giving us especially of late with many of our Confederates many signal Advantages against them, without such Disadvantage to ourselves as formerly we have been sensible of, if it be the Lord's mercy that we are not consumed, It certainly bespeaks our positive Thankfulness, when our Enemies are in any measure disappointed or destroyed; and fearing the Lord should take notice under so many Intimations of his returning mercy, we should be found an Insensible people, as not standing before Him with Thanksgiving, as well as lading him with our Complaints in the time of pressing Afflictions

The Council has thought meet to appoint and set apart the 29th day of this instant June, as a day of Solemn Thanksgiving and praise to God for such his Goodness and Favour, many Particulars of which mercy might be Instanced, but we doubt not those who are sensible of God's Afflictions, have been as diligent to espy him returning to us; and that the Lord may behold us as a People offering Praise and thereby glorifying Him; the Council doth commend it to the Respective Ministers, Elders and people of this Jurisdiction; Solemnly and seriously to keep the same Beseeching that being perswaded by the mercies of God we may all, even this whole people offer up our bodies and soulds as a living and acceptable Service unto God by Jesus Christ.

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George Washington, during his first year as President, proclaimed Thursday, November 26 as "A Day of Publick Thanksgiving anf Prayer.". Signed by Washington on October 3, 1789 and entitled "General Thanksgiving," the decree appointed the day "to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God."

Abraham Lincoln, in the midst of the Civil War, established the modern Thanksgiving Day in his declaration dated October 3, 1863. A portion of this:

It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, reverently and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and voice by the whole American people. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular deliverances and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to his tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners or sufferers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to restore it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility and Union.

In a word, take a moment from stuffing yourself to be thankful to your Creator and His merry little band of American helpers. And you have my explicit permission to throttle anyone that refers to this glorious holiday as "turkey day".

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Posted by Maynard · November 23, 2006 08:09 AM · Permalink · Comments (2)

Faith/The Divine | History | Maynard Post | Patriotism

Rangel Wants the Draft

I debated what to title this post. At first, I thought, "Draft Moonbats: Not a Bad Idea." Let me elaborate. My first reaction to Rangel's proposal is probably like yours--I didn't like it, and I still don't. But it's the reasoning I detest, not necessarily the ultimate idea. Rangel's argument is set as a cynical move not meant to promote public service and encourage appreciation for our military, a simple and predictable political ploy. His argument?

House Democrat Wants Draft Reinstated

Americans would have to sign up for a new military draft after turning 18 under a bill the incoming chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee says he will introduce next year.

Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said Sunday he sees his idea as a way to deter politicians from launching wars. "There's no question in my mind that this president and this administration would never have invaded Iraq, especially on the flimsy evidence that was presented to the Congress, if indeed we had a draft and members of Congress and the administration thought that their kids from their communities would be placed in harm's way," Rangel said.

First of all, Rangel is using the Kerry theory about our military--it's a bunch of poor, stupid people who have no other choice in life. He, like Kerry, simply cannot grasp the fact that you have raised children who love this country, that we have young people who join up because they care about this nation and want to serve. That notion is so foreign to the Left Elite they don't even consider it. The first lesson to draw from this is Kerry's attitude about our troops does indeed reflect the Dem Elite attitude in general.

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And I'm sure lefties in general didn't anticipate this sort of move. If there is a dearth of anyone in the military, I think it's safe to say it's lefty moonbats who tend to not join up to serve this nation. How do I know this? Remember, this is the same mentality that just banned JROTC from high schools in San Francisco. The same mentality that banned military recruitment from colleges. Obviously the idea here is to keep young people from serving at all, because service in general promotes patriotism, and reminds people that this nation has to be fought for. Imagine lefties working so hard to keep the military away from college students, and now their own moonbat leadership wants to force them to go into uniform. Could be one of those sweet laws of unintended consequences.

Generally, I like the idea of requiring service to one's country. Rangel's proposal affect those ages 18-26, and would require 15 months of compulsory service. The majority of those drafted would serve in the military, while a few others would serve in some other service capacity. If we dismiss the cynical and insulting reason behind Rangel's proposal, I think it might actually not be a bad idea.

Michelle Malkin makes an excellent point that we already have numerous service-based organizations, but none of these require service. I see benefits Rangel isn't considering--we do have a generation of young people brainwashed by a public school system in the grip of leftists. Patriotism and an appreciation of this nation is on the decline specifically because leftists have worked overtime within media and education to make it so. How better to reverse the years of leftist conditioning by our school system (it starts in elementary school, folks, not college), by sending them to a few drill sergeants? Michelle also makes clear the hypocrisy of the Dems on this issue, as they tried to frighten people saying the Repubs wanted to bring back the draft.

Ultimately, we do need to fight the Dem agenda for the next 700 days, but let's not forget--these people are void of ideas, and when they do get one, it's usually steeped in hate and anger and meant to divide. They will miss how an idea like this, if embraced and crafted by conservatives, could actually do more for the American First agenda (our agenda), while reversing years of leftist conditioning of our young people.


Pelosi says no way but then again she also said Murtha would be Majority Leader. This will be another test to see just how much control Pelosi does or does not have over House Dems.

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Posted by Tammy · November 20, 2006 07:58 AM · Permalink · Comments (9)

Leftists | Military | Patriotism

Scott LoBaido: Artist, Patriot, Troublemaker

A post by Maynard

Here's one of those "man bites dog" stories. For some incomprehensible reason, it seems that so many artistic people tilt towards the lunatic Left. Perhaps the reality is different from the appearance, and it's just the loudmouths who create a façade that tarnishes the profession. Anyway, when an unabashedly patriotic artist shows up, the report is newsworthy.

By the way, Maynard is of the general opinion that most artists would do well to avoid heavy political involvement. This is for two reasons. First of all, people who are celebrities would be wise to be something of a blank slate. That allows us, their adoring public, to project onto them anything we want. It's disillusioning to find out that our celebrity friends are actively working against our highest values.

Even more important than preserving their celebrity status (and of course most artists are not celebrities), I see politics as largely being the antithesis of art. That is to say, art is the sharing of a personal insight, whereas politics is usually the sharing of a proclamation of what's wrong with the other guy. It's hard to mix the two without corrupting the artist and making him forget his essential mission.

So I'm not generally seeking out right-wing artists to do battle with left-wing artists. But every now and then, someone comes along who uses his art to express an ideal we can get behind. Scott LoBaido is such an artist. As described in this New York Press article:

You don’t want to have Scott LoBaido mad at you. He’s flung dung at the walls of the Brooklyn Museum and displayed an oil painting of that museum’s director sucking a pig’s ***. He’s axed the head off of an effigy of lawyer Lynne Stewart on lower Broadway in the middle of the day. He’s driven a van painted with "Execute Cop Killers" on its side around a Bronx courthouse while a cop-killer trial was under way.

(The Brooklyn Museum incident was in protest of the exhibit of Chris Ofili's "Holy Virgin Mary" painting, which included a clump of elephant dung. Ofili explained that the dung was a sign of respect; thus it would seem that Scott LoBaido was merely paying his own respects, from one artist to another. Here's a report of the incident, and also another broader description of the museum exhibit.)

Pictured above is Scott LoBaido standing next to his post-9/11 painting entitled "Have Faith". On the horse is none other than George W. Bush, triumphantly holding up the severed head of Osama bin Laden.

Aren't you starting to like this LoBaido guy? If not for his art, at least for his cajones?

I can't say whether they did this because they support him, but ABC news recently noted LoBaido as a Person of the Week. His current task is to paint a rooftop in every state with the American flag. Check out the website of his Flags Across America project.

Posted by Maynard · September 26, 2006 09:51 AM · Permalink · Comments (1) · TrackBack (0)

Art | Maynard Post | Patriotism

Fly the Flag Campaign

This is a great idea. I received this from a friend via email and yet have no idea who started it, but let's spread it around as much as possible. If anyone knows where this originated, please let me know. Your job is to email it to your lists and/or post it on your blog and any message boards you have access to. Let's make sure our nation is awash in our colors on 9/11, a reminder to all who would try to hurt us, including the enemy within, that these colors do not run.

9/11 Flag Flying

Please join us in this FLY THE FLAG campaign.

We have just a few days to get the word out all across this great land and into every community in the United States of America. If you are able please tell at least 11 people and if each of those people do the same, well you get the idea.


On Monday, September 11th, 2006, an American flag should be displayed outside every home, apartment, office, and store in the United States. Every individual should make it their duty to display an American flag on this fifth anniversary of our country's worst tragedy. We do this in honor of those who lost their lives on 9/11, their families, friends and loved ones who continue to endure the pain, and those who today are fighting at home and abroad to preserve our cherished freedoms.In the days, weeks and months following 9/11, our country was bathed in American flags as citizens mourned the incredible losses and stood shoulder-to-shoulder against terrorism.

Sadly, those flags have all but disappeared.

Our patriotism pulled us through some tough times and it shouldn't take another attack to galvanize us in solidarity. Our American flag is the fabric of our country and together we can prevail over terrorism of all kinds.

Action Plan: Here is what we need you to do...

(1) Forward this message to everyone you know (at least 11 people). Please don't be the one to break this chain. Take a moment to think back to how you felt on 9/11 and let those sentiments guide you.

(2) Fly an American flag of any size on 9/11. Honestly, Americans should fly the flag year-round, but if you don't, then at least make it a priority on this day.Thank you for your participation.

God Bless You and God Bless America

Posted by Tammy · September 9, 2006 02:55 PM · Permalink · Comments (1) · TrackBack (0)

Patriotism | September 11

God Gets Renewed and Wins One In Court

Even though God is clearly very busy, He has had a couple of good days.

God Turns 50

It made little news given all the week's turmoil, but the Senate has just agreed to a resolution reaffirming the 50th anniversary of the formal adoption of the national motto of the United States — "In God We Trust."

This week's approval reaffirms, in writing, that "from the colonial beginnings of the United States, citizens of the nation have officially acknowledged their dependence on God." It was on July 30, 1956, that President Eisenhower signed a congressional resolution passed by the 84th Congress making "In God We Trust" the official motto of the United States.

And, to make you the smartest person in the room about the whole issue, here's some snappy history and background about our very wonderful Official Motto.

In addition to having a good day in Congress, God and our motto also did pretty darn well in a courtroom, of all places. You remember Michael Newdow, don't you? Of course you do--he's the MalNar athiest who first sued to get The Pledge of Allegiance banned in schools. His latest effort to force society to look like him in all his Godlessness was a lawsuit to get "In God We Trust" taken off our currency.

He lost.

Federal Judge Nixes 'In God We Trust' Lawsuit

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A federal judge on Monday rejected a lawsuit from an atheist who said having the phrase "In God We Trust" on U.S. coins and dollar bills violated his First Amendment rights.

U.S. District Judge Frank C. Damrell Jr. said the minted words amounted to a secular national slogan that did not trample on Michael Newdow's avowed religious views.

Victories like these are good, but we should never take it for granted. Both Congress and the courts have enormous power. It's imperative we never forget that fact and stay vigilant with voting, speaking up and gtting involved. Newdow, as an example, has announced that he will appeal. Stay tuned.

Posted by Tammy · July 14, 2006 04:42 PM · Permalink · Comments (6) · TrackBack (0)

Faith/The Divine | Good News | Malignant Narcissism | Patriotism | Religion

Happy 4th of July!

This post will stay at the top of Tammy Blog today. Please scroll down for additional posts.

Pajamas Media has one of the best roundups of activity today, including some great audio and visual. And feel free to use this post as your Open Thread for the day. And here is some coverage of the president's remarks ar Fort Bragg today.

I know you will enjoy the birthday of our great country, and however you choose to mark it--quietly at home, with friends at a BBQ, or with your community at the fireworks show, please be careful, don't drink too much, and always reflect on why today is so special.

All in all, being proud and grateful ar a terrific combination not just for a day like today, but for everyday we enjoy as Americans.

Posted by Tammy · July 4, 2006 11:58 AM · Permalink · Comments (0) · TrackBack (0)

Cultural Commentary | Good News | Open Thread | Patriotism

Thoughts for Today from an Eagle

This beautiful 4th of July image and thoughts for the day courtesy of Tammy reader and listener Errol who identifies and "an independent Jewish conservative."

I think it's pretty obvious he's also an American first ;)

Thanks Errol.

Posted by Tammy · July 4, 2006 08:55 AM · Permalink · Comments (0) · TrackBack (0)


Dixie Chick Confused by Patriotism

In what is nothing less than an anti-American orgy in the UKs Telegraph newspaper, Dixie Chick Natalie Maines confirms that she really doesn't hate George W. Bush, she actually looks down on everyone who loves this country. And you know the problem with those self-obsessed MalNars--the only thing that matters, the only relevant thing, is how they feel.

And Natalie, well, doesn't understand why Americans especially love their country. Why? Because she doesn't.

How the Chicks survived their scrap with Bush

"A lot of pandering started going on, and you'd see soldiers and the American flag in every video. It became a sickening display of ultra-patriotism."

"The entire country may disagree with me, but I don't understand the necessity for patriotism," Maines resumes, through gritted teeth. "Why do you have to be a patriot? About what? This land is our land? Why? You can like where you live and like your life, but as for loving the whole country… I don't see why people care about patriotism."

I think that story headline might have jumped the gun just a tad. And since she "doesn't understand" patriotism, I have a short list of a few concepts which epitomize America and illustrate why we goofballs so love this country.

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1) Freedom of Expression, which exists in its clear form only in America. If she doubts this she should speak to Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Oriana Fallaci, Bridget Bardot and every woman in one of Saddam's mass graves.

2) Personal liberty. Only in America could someone as obnoxious and vapid as Maines become a millionaire superstar and not be arrested after speaking against her president and country abroad, especially during a time of war. She can ask any woman in Cuba, North Korea or China what it's like to not have that freedom.

3) The best health care in the world.

4) The best schools in the world.

5) The strongest economy in the world.

6) Religious freedom.

7) Democracy and the free market, allowing everyone to have an equal opportunity at achieving the most they can, limited only by their imaginations.

8) A society based on mutual respect, and hope.

Ms. Maines exemplifies the Ugly American--someone who completely takes for granted the extraordinary life the American ideal has given to people like her. She noted "you can like where you live and like your life..." but like a classic MalNar simply can't see beyond herself.

I would suggest she move to Syria or North Korea or Mexico, and see exactly how much she'd like her life in those pits. Perhaps she could also make a short visit to one of our citizen swearing-in ceremonies and chat with those people who have braved all to become American citizens. Those are people who, unlike Ms. Maines, understand the importance of joy and freedom, have fought to live it, and know that it is only in America where dreams come true.

A one-way ticket to Iran might also enlighten Maines just a tad. In the meantime, odds are she is one of the more miserable people around. She, like Michael Berg and John Murtha, must now be viewed simply as the pathetic and be pitied.

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Posted by Tammy · June 17, 2006 02:59 PM · Permalink · Comments (18) · TrackBack (0)

Leftists | Patriotism

Remembering Our Fallen Soldiers

On this Memorial Day, and all our troops who continue to sacrifice in their defense of our nation, our freedom and the future. In the midst of enjoying the day with your family and friends, or if you're taking the day off ny yourself, or even working today as I am, please make a point of visiting the sites that work to help make the lives of our troops a little bit better.


America Supports You

Armed Forces Foundation

Wounded Warriors

And here are some of the best movies to rent as we remember why we fight, and how we owe our lives today to regular Americans who have heroism forced upon them. I've chosen mostly older war movies that, while violent, aren't so much so that you can't watch them with your kids as you explain the situations. The one 'modern' war movie that is great is Saving Private Ryan, which I consider too graphically violent for children. So, here are my Top Picks, not in any particular order:

Tora Tora Tora (1970)

Patton (1970)

Midway (1976)

From Here to Eternity (1953)

Zulu (1964)

Glory (1989) (may be too intense for kids)

Saving Private Ryan (1998) (absolutely too intense for kids)

Not quite war movies, but about/during/reflective of war time:

The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)

Schindler's List (1993)

Manchurian Candidate (1962)

Life is Beautiful (1997)

Casablanca (1942)

Well, those should keep you busy. You should see all these movies at one point or another. Starting today isn't a bad idea.

Posted by Tammy · May 29, 2006 12:15 PM · Permalink · Comments (10) · TrackBack (1)

History | Hollywood/Films | Military | Patriotism | Tammy Notes

US and Mexico Conspire Against Minutemen

We spent a lot of time on Tammy Radio today talking about this outrage. In an absolutely obscene betrayal of American civil rights and protection, it has been revealed that the US Border Patrol has been divulging Minuteman location information to the Mexican government. The report also quotes a border patrol agent who says they have received orders to not only not credit Minutemen for calls regarding illegal alien crossings, but to actually not respond to Minuteman alerts regarding illegal crossings into this country.

Because of jealousy, envy and other various control issues, the US Border Patrol, which all of us are paying for with our tax dollars, are ignoring alerts by Minutemen which could be al-Qaida coming across or drug runners, putting American citizens at direct risk. This is also diplomatic international communications and agreements, which the Border Patrol on its own does not create--this means the White House and State Department must be fully aware, if not the designer, of this outrageous betrayal.

Combine this with our government placing American citizens at risk who are Minutemen by supplying a foreign government with their location and activity. This information is going to the same government who has uniformed soldiers breaching our border and firing on American citizens as they assist drug traffickers. The headline of this story, therefore, is a tad misleading. The Border Patrol (i.e. the U.S. government) isn't just 'tipping' Mexico re Minuteman locations, they're conspiring with a foreign government against the rights and safety of U.S. citizens. Why? To protect "migrant rights" according to an official U.S. Border Patrol spokesman.

Absolutely mindnumbingly outrageous. Read it, weep, and then get very, very angry.

U.S. tipping Mexico to Minuteman patrols (HT Drudge)

While Minuteman civilian patrols are keeping an eye out for illegal border crossers, the U.S. Border Patrol is keeping an eye out for Minutemen -- and telling the Mexican government where they are.

According to three documents on the Mexican Secretary of Foreign Relations Web site, the U.S. Border Patrol is to notify the Mexican government as to the location of Minutemen and other civilian border patrol groups when they participate in apprehending illegal immigrants -- and if and when violence is used against border crossers.

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman confirmed the notification process, describing it as a standard procedure meant to reassure the Mexican government that migrants' rights are being observed. [...]

Border Patrol agents interviewed by the Daily Bulletin said they have been asked to report to sector headquarters the location of all civilian volunteer groups, but to not file the groups' names in reports if they spot illegal immigrants.

"Last year an internal memo notified all agents not to give credit to Minuteman volunteers or others who call in sightings of illegal aliens," said one agent, who spoke on the condition he not be identified. "We were told to list it as a citizen call and leave it at that. Many times, we were told not to go out to Minuteman calls." ...

For more detailed information stay in touch with the official Minuteman Blog.

Posted by Tammy · May 9, 2006 12:22 PM · Permalink · Comments (9) · TrackBack (0)

Border Security | Corruption | Death of Right and Wrong | Homeland Security | Immigration | Patriotism | The New American Revolution

Savage Islamists and Karma

In 2007, terrorists everywhere are going to find out what it means to have your evil acts return for you.

The USS New York: May she run strong and proud, keep our sailors safe and kill as many of the enemy as possible.

Posted by Tammy · April 3, 2006 08:27 PM · Permalink · Comments (14) · TrackBack (0)

Patriotism | September 11

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Send your comments/suggestions to the webmaster at tammyblog-at-yahoo-dot-com You may not receive a personal response, but chiming in is always appreciated! And keep in mind, we reserve the right to publish any email received.

The Darwin Awards for 2006 have been released. What are the Darwin Awards? They " [S]alute the improvement of the human genome by honoring those who accidentally remove themselves from it...ensuring that the next generation is one idiot smarter. Of necessity, this award is generally bestowed posthumously." Indeedy.

Hot Air has the uncut Saddam execution video. It's not filmed by a profession so at the point of Saddam dropping this guy seems to have dropped the camera, but it's nice, frankly, to see that savage scared. Finally, though, the camera pans up and you see Saddam hanging, obviously quite dead. That image is important for everyone who can only get closure by knowing that devil is dispatched.

NEW DATE ADDED! One of my guests on the Saturday show was jazz/bossa nova singer Joyce Marie. In our world of war and politics, enjoying art and music has never been more important. If you're going to be in the Los Angeles area on December 20th, you can enjoy Joyce Marie and her quartet at the Camden House restaurant and lounge in Beverly Hills. The engagement is from 7p-10pm PT. You can have dinner, or enjoy drinks and the best music in an intimate setting. Make this a plan for the first day of November. Call for info and reservations, Camden House, 310-285-9848.

Here is the Newt Gingrich/1994 Republican Revolution video I played on the show . It truly is a reminder of what the differences are between the Republican reaction to winning, and today's Democrat reaction of accusation, revenge and punishment. This is about what's possible, and what we must strive for again, regardless of the letter after your name.

The Atlanta Zoo welcomes a new baby girl panda. They've also set up a Panda Cam so we can watch the new family. Lun Lun is the mom, and the baby will be named during the traditional ceremony when she is 100 days old.

"If your opponent is quick to anger, seek to irritate him"--Sun Tzu

Snuffy Bruce
2007-01-22 15:36:20 UTC
wtf is your problem

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.