Whilst all the Polish people that I have met have had work ethics second to none and have always been courteous, I do have reservations about immigration on the current scales. (I think prior to the 1990s there was not a problem and immigration was manageable)
Lots of people have said that the Polish are doing the jobs that Brits dont want to do, however this probably wont last for long, I would say that in a few years, if not now they will be moving up the career ladder and putting British young people out of jobs.
I think recent mass immigration has also pushed up house prices (whether buying or renting due to demand being high) however I'm no economist and I guess that most immigrants dont buy, but it all has a bearing on the situation. In addition immigration is meant to solve the impending pensions crisis. How will it do that if lots of immigrants decide to stay and claim a pension (By the way I am not necessarily talking about the Poles when I say that)? We will then be in a situation where we will have to get more young migrants to pay for the pension gap, or we will have to work till we drop dead. I think it is a false economy and the British govt has made a foolish mistake allowing immigration on this scale. People in Britain are not that rich its all built on shaky ground. I think that Britain has a population which is as densley populated (or nearly) as China and India, and we have no or barely any oil left, not enough room to grow enough food to feed the population (should it be required) and we are a trillion £s in debt.
Another point is that migration sometimes acts as a 'brain drain' on the country of origin. If the British govenment wants to help, then we should invest in these countries and help them there, not everyone can live in Britain.
One more point. In Britain there are many elderly people living in poverty. I was horrified to hear about the amount of old people that die each year in the UK due to the cold and not being able to afford to have the heating on /or even have central heating. We need to get our priorities right as a nation and look after our own first. I am not saying that we should not help people from other countries, but our elderly people deserve some recompense for their efforts, after all this country is built on their efforts.