You forgot the word "some". Not all men do that. I wouldn't. It's disgusting. I don't care how popular that word gets, it's disrespectful.
Basically it boils down to a bunch of young guys not respecting their girlfriends, friends who are girls, wives, etc. And of course, that implies that they don't respect themselves either.
Your own husband/father of your children calls you that? Wow. Ouch. I don't know what to say, other than that is very sad. What? He's trying to be hip? God. How old is he if you already have 3 children. How pathetic.
It is pretty common, but it's also common within certain bounds. I can't imagine any of my friends using that word, although I hear it time to time being used by others, like street kids.
Your man has some explaining to do. Ask him if he'd call his mother that, or if you have a daughter, his daughter.
You've really got a problem here, so sorry to hear about it. Good luck. There are people behind you.