I dont think that you really want an answer to your question, you have your adgenda and you have voiced it well. But addressing your points as you feel freedom is, then lets look at the Indians, (am part Native American) they were NOT free as you think, they roamed in tribes throughtout N. American, going from place to place, using up the grasslands, wildlife, and water streams to survive. When they ran into another tribe or party of people they destoryed them (fought them) to maintain the land for their peoples. It is true that the early settlers took and killed the Indians as they branched out throughout the western part of USA. But their freedoms where no more or no less than that of anyone in time of a strong peoples taking on the weaker. Ancient history gives millions of lessons on this.
As to the blacks, the freedom that they did not have when their own people sold them into slavery was null and void. Much like what is going in Africa even today, be killed or sold, or just die. However, when they came to America as slaves, slavery was on its way out, in the world and it was the white man that fought a war to actually set right a horrible set of events. Thank god they did.
As "picking on" the Mexicans. Hold your horses, no one is picking on the Mexicans. As a people they are, next to the Americans the hardest working people on earth. No one you would want better to work with or for than them as a whole. But you must be talking about the ILLEGAL Mexicans that are entring OUR country in groves. It does not matter what you might think, what they are doing is wrong and illegal and HAS NOTING TO DO WITH FREEDOM. STOP and look at FREEDOM as you think you know it and apply it to their own country. It is NOT a pretty picture.
Now freedom, means according to the consitution of the USA that we have the right and protection to pursue certain ordained rights: freedom of speech, own property and happiness. We do not have unbridle freedom for a society, culture or civilization can not exist without restraints. When we talk of freedom we mean we can go and come as we please as long as we are not breaking a law. We can still travel from Boston to SF without showing our papers as long as we are not doing something wrong, we can buy and sell our private property as we please, we can marry who we want and or divorce them, can raise our children as we see fit. We can worship our God as we feel inclined too or NOT. We can sit and do noting or be part of the whole.
Remember one thing, the freedom to pursue something is NOT a right to that something, it is only a right to get off our fannies and go for it. We have no freedom to do wrong to another, or break laws that are passed, if we do, we suffer the out come.