At which age do you think you were/are/will be happiest?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
At which age do you think you were/are/will be happiest?
1078 answers:
2012-04-09 16:04:09 UTC
I think you should be happiest at whatever your current age is.
2012-04-09 16:00:06 UTC
At age 64; this is the 'rest' of my life and I'm gonna be happy happy!!!!!

My answer is NOW!
2012-04-09 16:41:21 UTC
Age 5 and younger. Life after that sucked.
2012-04-09 16:40:37 UTC
When you were a child and you simply didn't worry about nothing! Good old days
2012-04-09 16:18:05 UTC
Right now (I'm 36). I have beautiful kids, a wonderful husband, and just a great life in general. I wouldn't change a thing.

2012-04-09 16:18:45 UTC
2012-04-09 15:42:24 UTC
2012-04-09 16:18:36 UTC
When I will have enough money to retire.
2012-04-09 15:57:32 UTC
2012-04-09 16:59:51 UTC
Every age should be the happiest in your life. We should enjoy our different stage of life. when you are kid you should play and be happy, when you are young adult go to school and work and enjoy the moment, when you become a father or mother enjoy the special moment, you can not emphasize just one age.

enjoy your whole life
zak r
2012-04-11 03:05:24 UTC
Well this is a trick question I think age 33 is just wrong I do understand why they say that age it just does not make sense I mean why not 32 or 34 it is all in the perception of the times if you read it it says that they asked people over 40 and a lot of times people do not remember stuff that happened over a long period. To do this study correctly they should have asked a lot more people and I will bet that that they did not consider other criteria like gender and ethnicity into the solution so their survey is flawed. In fact unless the survey did provide it, but not the news report mention in the post you do not even know how they go the age of 33 as the happiest age was it by: Mean (add up all the numbers and then divide by the number of numbers); Median (the "middle" value in the list in numerical order it is the middle value); Mode (the value that occurs most often).

I would say that a lot of people will say at least 5 -10 years ago it was the happiest time of their life. I do think that there are different times that a person can be the happiest in their life as people do tend to forget and feel again very happy at certain times. First I think age 5 and below most of the time people do not remember this age very clearly so it may not be mentioned that often but it an age where you have no worries and you living for the day making it my opinion the happiest time of your life afterwords you start school and pressure is placed on you to start a life.

Then there is the age of 16 for a lot of girls it is their sweet 16 party and a life changer as you are now more trusted with responsibilities by your parents and you now can get a drivers license making it the time you have what every teenager wants the ability to have Freedom to go where you want since you can drive there yourself. At this age you have you first serious relationship and most likely the first time you had sexual intercourse.

Then there is the age of 18 you get this time when you first vote and are considered an adult.

Age 21 when you are legal to drink makes a lot of people happy.

As for me I was happiest around the age of 16 I was still young and happy just graduated from High School had my first sexual intercourse with a girl I liked and was able to Drive whenever and wherever I needed to go. Went to college at 16 and had a blast.
2015-10-15 06:11:37 UTC
I honestly don't even know if I have 1 complete great day! There are 2 things that make a man stand out in life that certainly helps make him happy. That is a woman in his life (love) and being financially stable (having a career). Those are just 2 things to make a great year, and a lot of other things need to fall in place.At age 32 I can honestly say I have never had both of those together, let alone never have I ever had a woman I could consider a girlfriend at all. I guess you have to be special to even have options of good years. If you have never had love or ever been financially stable well then as a guy I don't see any possible way you could have an age at where you were happiest. There is no way in heck in could look into the future after 32 horrible years on earth and say I have great years ahead of me, my life has become just about everything I never wanted it to be.
2012-04-10 09:28:44 UTC
2015-12-05 08:21:57 UTC
That is a woman in his life (love) and being financially stable (having a career). Those are just 2 things to make a great year, and a lot of other things need to fall in place.At age 32 I can honestly say I have never had both of those together, let alone never have I ever had a woman I could consider a girlfriend at all. I guess you have to be special to even have options of good years. If you have never had love or ever been financially stable well then as a guy I don't see any possible way you could have an age at where you were happiest. There is no way in heck in could look into the future after 32 horrible years on earth and say I have great years ahead of me, my life has become just about everything I never wanted it to be.
2015-10-27 09:41:36 UTC
There are 2 things that make a man stand out in life that certainly helps make him happy. That is a woman in his life (love) and being financially stable (having a career). Those are just 2 things to make a great year, and a lot of other things need to fall in place.At age 32 I can honestly say I have never had both of those together, let alone never have I ever had a woman I could consider a girlfriend at all. I guess you have to be special to even have options of good years. If you have never had love or ever been financially stable well then as a guy I don't see any possible way you could have an age at where you were happiest. There is no way in heck in could look into the future after 32 horrible years on earth and say I have great years ahead of me, my life has become just about everything I never wanted it to be.
2015-12-06 22:42:08 UTC
hose are just 2 things to make a great year, and a lot of other things need to fall in place.At age 32 I can honestly say I have never had both of those together, let alone never have I ever had a woman I could consider a girlfriend at all. I guess you have to be special to even have options of good years. If you have never had love or ever been financially stable well then as a guy I don't see any possible way you could have an age at where you were happiest. There is no way in heck in could look into the future after 32 horrible years on earth and say I have great years ahead of me, my life has become just about everything I never wanted it to be.
2012-04-10 19:54:11 UTC
For me, I have a few ages.

The past

- My childhood and the 90's, definitely the best days of my life so far!

The present

- I turn 21 in six months and hope to be a lot healthier and happier with my body and more confident in myself; I have been going to the gym, eating healthy and losing weight since New Years (actually it's been my new years resolution for years, but this time I'm finally progressing and actually getting somewhere!). I never thought I'd say this but I really love the gym, it's like my time out and I use it as an incentive to finish my assignments hahaha. I haven't been skinny since I was about 12, in my teens I started gaining weight, and then when I left high school it got worse.

The future

- Around 26-27 I plan to quit my job and travel the world for a year and a half, I've planned it all out and how much money I'll need and have been saving towards that goal, once I finish uni I can start saving some real significant amount.

- By 35, I hope to be married with children by then. I can't wait to be a wife and a mother, and to really make a house "a home"!
2015-12-07 22:37:11 UTC
Those are just 2 things to make a great year, and a lot of other things need to fall in place.At age 32 I can honestly say I have never had both of those together, let alone never have I ever had a woman I could consider a girlfriend at all. I guess you have to be special to even have options of good years. If you have never had love or ever been financially stable well then as a guy I don't see any possible way you could have an age at where you were happiest. There is no way in heck in could look into the future after 32 horrible years on earth and say I have great years ahead of me, my life has become just about everything I never wanted it to be.
2012-04-11 09:41:51 UTC
I don't think I have ever been happy for 1 complete month or even a week let alone a year. I honestly don't even know if I have 1 complete great day! There are 2 things that make a man stand out in life that certainly helps make him happy. That is a woman in his life (love) and being financially stable (having a career). Those are just 2 things to make a great year, and a lot of other things need to fall in place.At age 32 I can honestly say I have never had both of those together, let alone never have I ever had a woman I could consider a girlfriend at all. I guess you have to be special to even have options of good years. If you have never had love or ever been financially stable well then as a guy I don't see any possible way you could have an age at where you were happiest. There is no way in heck in could look into the future after 32 horrible years on earth and say I have great years ahead of me, my life has become just about everything I never wanted it to be.
2012-04-10 22:49:10 UTC
2012-04-10 19:23:07 UTC
2012-04-10 20:10:01 UTC
Mel = )
2012-04-10 13:38:44 UTC
2012-04-10 12:46:48 UTC
2012-04-11 00:50:59 UTC
My answer will be, mind the drinking cause its 4 in the morning here, that its all in pereception. Alot of the younger folks rush to be a certain age because they believe it is a time that will bring the most pleasure in their lives. They don't yet know of the struggle to get where you're going, and the struggle to get where you wanna be and the heart break if you never make it. The older people (whom hold the knowledge of living alot of ages) usually say either it was a really you time, from 4-12, where they didnt have any repsonsibilities (it's ironic how the younger people are rush to the age where you assume these)or ages that haven't far passed them because they remember more clearly the sweetness of some of the fruits they've had. Me, myself, I say that I've had ups and downs in most years. When I was younger I didn't have to worry about much,but I wanted more freedom and responsibility. As I get older I enjoy that I make my own decisions, and reap what comes from them. Though the absoluteness of this can be a heavy weight, if you make decisions it's hard to live with. At the same time each person feels time differently(being that time is just an illusion for people to measure what has came and what has gone) and grow differently. So I would say there was many ages had highlights that were precious to me and a few periods weren't that great.
2012-04-10 19:22:21 UTC
2012-04-10 16:41:01 UTC
2012-04-10 12:10:12 UTC
I'm nearly 60 and I've experienced quite a bit. I will say that happiness comes in pieces, one piece here and one piece there, and we collect these. Big chunks of happiness is an illusion; happiness is not a right but a gift.

I don't grade my happiness as more or less, after all, if my greatest happiness lay behind me what then would be the point if it is all going downhill from here? I don't compare one happiness against another. Oh, I may no longer bounce off the walls, but still my joys are wonderful.

My happiness has become simpler as I age, and possibly more profound. The soft promise of rain in the air, or the way a leaf falls to the ground, or the memory of a friend that I know I will never see again.

I am happy daily, and life is good. 'Happiest' has no meaning for me.
2012-04-10 03:36:31 UTC
2012-04-10 00:31:29 UTC
I think it varies depending on the type of person you are and what goes on in your life. Some ages at which people can be their happiest are 13 (becoming a teenager), 16 (gaining more rights), 17 (being able to drive), 18 (being able to drink), 21 (this and 18 are big ages for younger people), the age at which you get married and the age/s at which you have a child/ren.

Personally for me, I think I was happiest when I turned 18 because since that age, I have had more freedom to do what I want and I've felt much more mature too. I feel like an adult now and that's a good feeling.
2012-04-10 19:02:20 UTC
John F
2012-04-10 09:35:33 UTC
As a preschool child playing on the beach

In reality, every day, at any age, is when we should try to be your happiest. God only gives us one day at a time. Yesterday is past, and tomorrow may never come.

Looking through the "rose colored glasses" of memory, my teen years were golden. But in reality, there was so much teenage insecurity and then a war and then a career. 21? Heck, I don't even remember where I spent my 21st birthday. 33? Yeah, young and confident, but working hard to pay bills and raise kids and keep up with the Joneses. 40? Okay, mature and relatively successful, but at what price? Too much work and responsibility to really have fun. 50? It wasn't that much fun, with kids growing up and out of the house, and work responsibility closing in. 60? It's okay, but now I worry about grand kids and when retirement will come and how I'll pay for it.

No, today is just fine. "This is the day which the Lord hath made: let us be glad and rejoice therein."
2012-04-10 01:59:07 UTC
2014-07-07 14:24:50 UTC
I didn't have to worry about much,but I wanted more freedom and responsibility. As I get older I enjoy that I make my own decisions, and reap what comes from them. Though the absoluteness of this can be a heavy weight, if you make decisions it's hard to live with. At the same time each person feels time differently(being that time is just an illusion for people to measure what has came and what has gone) and grow differently. So I would say there was many ages had highlights that were precious to me and a few periods weren't that great.
2012-04-11 04:38:22 UTC
Mid 20s
2012-04-10 21:17:09 UTC
2012-04-10 20:37:46 UTC
I'm still young (only 19) and even though I have experienced many things when I was younger, I still have a lot more to explore. I think when I am dying or even elderly, I will reflect back on my years, and realize then, when the best years of my life was. Yet, it could be the moment when I am an elder, or maybe it is now.

But, I guess from the current point I am now, I would have to say when I was 4-10. This was when I was frequently traveling throughout most of the world with my family. Due to my father's job, we often moved and moved and moved. Little time to make life-long friends, but that was fine with me. This was when I got to spend so many happy memories with the best woman in my life (my mother) before she died.

I had less responsibilities, and was roaming the world and let my imagination ignite. With all the flavor of the foods I got to taste, with all the sights, the memories are still so vivid.

Though, these days, I spend time at a university I love...I still find myself having loads off fun and plenty of great experiences.

But, I'd like to think the more age, the more I have to look back and smile about. I hope I still have new things around me that give me the same warm smile as my past when I'm older.

I guess this is just a young and naive person talking, but I truly hope it's like this with many others.
2012-04-10 17:39:26 UTC
I think it's really different for everyone. I lost my father at age 12, so my teenage years weren't so pleasant. I'm 26 now. I was probably most happiest at age 5 because I remember sitting on my dad's shoulders and holding my mom's hand at a Disney parade while eating a melted Ice cream cone and being fully content with life. At such a young age, I was naiive to the terrors of the world, and I was so carefree and happy. I haven't lived long but I think I will encounter that feeling again once I (A) have my first born child, (B) buy my mom a beautiful house with a nice ranch, (C) save my first life when I become a doctor, (D) marry someone.
2012-04-10 17:23:06 UTC
2012-04-10 10:25:08 UTC

Because I'm 19 now and I hate being a teenager. I've had emotional problems since I was 11 and through these past 8 years, I've been much better able to cope. However, it is still difficult at times and I know that these kind of things take time to become more emotionally stable about. People are lying when they say "high school will be the best 4 years of your life", because whether it was fun or hard for you...there will be PLENTY of better years than those 4.

And then there's the 20s which I think will be much better than being a teenager but it's also a difficult time as well. The 20s is when you really have to grow up, like get a real job, a house, and take care of all your finances on your own.

However, I'm still doing my best now at 19 to handle my life. I'm not saying "everything will be great by 30" but I think everything will be easier to cope with because that gives me 11 years to fully develop into the person I am still becoming.
2012-04-12 00:05:57 UTC
20 to 30
2012-04-11 08:54:36 UTC
10 to 15
Third of Five
2012-04-11 03:38:00 UTC
Nobody knows what the future will bring so i cant say that i will be happier 10 years from now or not. As far as my life goes now i would say i was happiest in between age 25-30. Had some damn good times, had an amazingly hot car always loaded with women, plenty of money, friends, a good job which didnt stress me out. No debt, Just had it made. Past few years though things have just been one failure after the next.
2012-04-10 23:59:04 UTC
At the age of 18
2012-04-10 21:55:13 UTC
10 to 14
2012-04-10 21:50:51 UTC
8 or 6
♥Ahn Daniel♥
2012-04-10 20:18:09 UTC
I believe we're happiest at an age where we're least knowledgeable. I'm currently reading Frankenstein for my English class in High School, and Frankenstein's creature really opened my eyes up to how the world changes a lot when we transition into adulthood.

Not knowing the truth about the world we enter when we're babies is like a ticket to happiness since you rarely have to worry about any stressful things that adults do most of the time.

So my answer is the early EARLY years, anything from babies to toddlers (roughly from birth to 5 years old)

Lol, to think if I never read this book, I probably would've just said a random number and went on with my life!
2012-04-10 18:30:55 UTC
2012-04-10 10:25:06 UTC
John Connor
2012-04-10 08:57:23 UTC
Ironic, I was just thinking about this very question before coming here.

I was thinking how great the innocence of childhood and being a teen appear now to me when I am now in my mid-20s. But the truth is that I wasn't all that happy as a child as much as I like to think I was. I didn't have freedom then.

It's easier to look back now that I do have more freedom and think fondly, but if I was right back in that situation with little control that I had, it would not be as great as I'd like to think it would be. Sure its still pretty amazing that there was a lot of comfort and security, but that's really all in one's mind. I'm more comfortable and secure now in my mind than I have ever been, now that I have more freedom and more control. I have the ability to make life whatever I want it to be and that encompasses all the things I could have done back then with even more options now.

Now, what I worry about is becoming old and being considered too old to do "young" things. It's fun to dig young women right now, but as an old man I very highly doubt I will feel any less admiration for hot young women.

I worry about freedom being taken away as it seems to be headed there now with government becoming more and more intrusive and controlling. It's almost like you fought all your young life to be free from your parents only to eventually be grasped by Big Brother's clutches, an even bigger, more evil parent that would actually execute you instead of take your side no matter what.

So replace your dumb fellow students with dumb fellow citizens who will sell the health of mankind out for money and you have the prospects of the end of the world. They ran the halls of school and now they run the world. It just goes from a small schoolyard to the far reaches of the world. Nothing really changes, it just evolves to a bigger playing field.

I think now is always the time you can be happiest, you just don't realize it until that time is over. There is no other time than now. I think down the line, I will see now as the best time of my life. I will see all the cards I could have played, but never did. It's easy to say something good about a time that is over because you can later say you made it through that time and in hindsight, its now a safe time because you know how it ended. It's a safe self contained book.

I will say that the best time of my life, from at least my current perspective, would be my teen years. Around the age of 18, on the verge of journeying out to a new world with endless possibility. It was nothing but potential with no disappointments so far. It was filled with the most hope and prospects that I will probably ever have in my life.

As a young kid, it was mostly fear of the unknown that is adulthood.

As a late teen, it was mostly bravery and hope for what lies ahead.

As a young adult, its mostly fear of the inevitable and trying to hold onto the youth that is left.
2012-04-10 08:39:18 UTC
It's not an's where you are in your life.

Typically, a person isn't settled in their life financially, relationally, etc...until their 30's or 40's, so I would agree that more people are going to vote for those ages.

Since I've turned 30, I'm finding that each year is happier than the last, because I don't have the drama of my younger years, I have a wonderful job, I've finally figured out what hobbies make me happiest and I'm in a good place financially.

Hopefully, each year brings more blessings than the last; I don't ever want to look back on a time when I was happier than the present.
Alex Pren
2012-04-10 05:26:50 UTC
All I know is the toughest times are during adolescence and for young adults and the elderly. Suicide rates are the highest among these age groups. The worst ages are between 15-24 and 65 and older.

According to the National institute of Mental health:

In 2007 14.3 of 100,000 people committed suicide in ages 65 and older

In 2007 19.6 of 100,000 people committed suicide in ages 15-24.

Adolescence and young adulthood is when you experience the most changes, including puberty and this can be tough to deal with. Also, when you hit 65, it is a lot harder to cope with changes or "start over" after a disappointment so normal hurdles in life can be more difficult to cope with for the elderly. These are generalizations however and the statistics do vary by ethnicity and gender (according to a 2007 CDC study).

So, now that we know what are the not so happy age groups, I would just give a personal guess and say that late 20s to late 50s totally rock! I guess it is what you make of it, but I have to hope that there are a least 30 good years to be had! But if I had to pick a specific age, I'm gonna go with 28. At this point, people are most probably finished with their education and situated in their job and are preparing to settle down or for new life accomplishments such as marriage, children, buying the first house, etc.
2012-04-10 04:01:09 UTC
I'm not sure, I've only been up to 35 until now, and hopefully still have a lot of ages left, however I would say it doesn't matter, because I try to be the happiest I can be all the time, and think that's a better way to live life.

Try this exercise, every night, before you go to bed, think of 3 things good that happened during the day. See if that makes you a happier person in general. :)
2012-04-10 14:23:17 UTC
2012-04-10 14:02:04 UTC
2012-04-10 03:09:34 UTC
I loved being in primary school because fun was more concentrated and you laughed so much! And you were oblivious to all and the work was easy. It was really nice not knowing what was going on and having people much older than you that you could look up to.

Though if I get a nice husband and have children maybe that will be the best age of my life. Definitely not 11/12/13, you're not quite a teenager and you're not still a child so you are a little independent but not very. Also, some go through puberty and some don't.

Personally, I'm looking forward to sixth form; it seems the second best thing after childhood.
2012-04-10 00:25:31 UTC
2012-04-12 07:59:15 UTC
Hi everyone you all had great reasons at what age you would be the happiest and i would vote you all up but im not level 2 sorry :(

you now i don't really know at what age i would be the happiest because i don't know when im going to fall in love when im going to have children its fate that decides what age you are going to be when you become the happiest isn't it no one really knows what age their the happiest like say you fall in love at 18 and you think that was the happiest age because you fell in love with this guy/girl but what if he/she dumps you and never really did like you and you really end up falling in love when your twenty two and you realize he/she really loves you and cares for you and you get married and have two wonderful children and you couldn't be more happier and that would have been the age you where the most happiest i guess what im trying to say is you cant guess what age you'll be the happiest it just happens its fate like me im such a klutz ill probably fall into a guy on a accident and he will be my true love :D anyways i hope the best of luck to each and everyone of you and may your happiest ages be very happy and joyful (^_^) p.s. it would kind of suck to live for ever though because you could never age with your husband never sit on the front porch in a rocking chair with grandchildren at your feet playing and your kids would grow old and pass away and you would still be alive immortality would seem fun at first to never age to always stay young but after awhile you would grow tired of it because you want to be with your loved ones up in gods place and no matter how many time you tried to kill yourself you couldn't you would just stay alive each passing day you would be sad with you loved one mourning to become old and pass on i did to wish i could live forever once but i thought of all those things and changed my mind. :)

anyway Hope this answered your question yahoo answers team :D.
~Leche flan~
2012-04-10 16:07:40 UTC
I don't think if anybody have enough to answer this question, because none of our life have reached the end. I can never tell what's the best cake that I have ever made. It can only be better than those that I have made before.

But, I was happier until 7 when I started primary school.... Then at school I learned to hate. Before 7, I'm sure it was just dislike.

Before 7, my mom will never complain about teaching me the same thing for a thousand times, and I didn't need to explain much about what I did.

I also had short term memory about bad things that happened until 7 when I need to improve memory to remember more things.
2012-04-10 10:59:15 UTC
While I will agree with the survey (My 30s were awesome in the 80s), I believe I am happiest at retirement age. I no longer have the stress of being on the roller coaster of life. I take time to talk with people and help if I can. One is less selfish at this time. You don't spend time and money accumulating "things" that you have to take care of. If I could do my younger years over again, I would not buy so many things that you have to discard later in life. People should come first.
2012-04-11 10:25:30 UTC
How can this survey be accurate? how do people know they will be the happiest at 33?

Me I`m still a teenager, but I sure was a happy crazy little boy at 10, Im happy at 19, who know`s I could win the lottery at 24 and be the happiest man alive. You can`t do a survey about what age people are the most happy at, we are not robots each person is happy and sad at different times in their lives.
2012-04-11 08:26:15 UTC
I really don't think there is a age where you're the happiest because it's not like for a whole year you're happy. Its not like that every second of that year you have no problems of any kind.I think that source that says people in america that are 33 are the happiest is a lie because if they really want a good result they should ask EVERYONE in america.Its not like that's going to happen but the result is going to be more accurate in my opinion.For me the happiest age would be when I was born but i didn't really know if i was happy because i was just born.Hope who ever reads this likes my comment.Thanks Guys!
2012-04-11 04:32:04 UTC
Agent Shh
2012-04-10 17:54:35 UTC
2012-04-10 07:33:51 UTC
The "healthiest" times in my life was when I was between 16 and 18 years old.

The "happiest" times in my life were when I was 36 years old.

The reason I mention both times is because there is a big difference in my life as to when I felt healthy and when I was actually feeling happy.

I was young and can do anything as a teenager and had all the energy in the world but I was not happy then.

But when I was 36, things were going really great in my life at the time even though my health wasn't at its best.
2012-04-10 05:58:42 UTC
I'd say the age 10, when everything in life is easy, but you're finally at an age where you realise how easy life is. You've haven't yet reached high school, so there's no social pressures and intense bullying yet. I'd say early adolescence is the worst, and your later college years at the age of about 19/20 are usually very fun, because you've adapted, you've matured, yet you've still got your whole life yet to unfold. Mid-twenties would be tough, as you slowly begin to realise how life isn't exactly everything it's cut up to be. About early thirties, you acknowledge this, and you've most likely gotten married/getting married, and are feeling ambitious about starting a family. I could imagine the point where you become 50 will be difficult to cope with, as you slowly realise you're becoming old. However, again, you learn to accept this, so by your sixties, you're at the stage where grandchildren are entering the equation, you've retired, and life becomes calm and relaxing.

In summary:

10, 19, 33, 65
2016-03-03 10:43:37 UTC
As for me I was happiest around the age of 16 I was still young and happy just graduated from High School had my first sexual intercourse with a girl I liked and was able to Drive whenever and wherever I needed to go. Went to college at 16 and had a blast.
2012-04-11 15:39:13 UTC
2012-04-11 14:55:39 UTC
2012-04-11 14:47:02 UTC
2012-04-11 14:10:20 UTC
2012-04-11 05:33:24 UTC
Probably when I was 14 Cx

I had a lot of problems, depression, suicide, anxiety. Although two of my best friends died this year, and I've been put in counsiling for depression, but even through all of that I met some of the most amazing people ever and I deff think that this was an amazing time of my life, I hope the rest of my years are filled with new people. <3

I can't wait to be 18 though ;D
2012-04-11 05:31:46 UTC
2012-04-11 05:16:51 UTC
" Best years " =

-The years you really discover yourself or are in love;

- the years you realize your worth; how MUCH you deserve and wonder why you never demanded it for yourself in the first place

- the years it took fir you to accept your beautiful self

- however long it took to confront who, and , what you are

- or however much time was spent on dreaming of what you want to become

- whenever I'm comfortable

Your happiest years (will) might be painful. But when you're hurting the most is when you're growing the most.

No matter what kind of **** you've been through, anyone can turn their odds against them. It's the Human Condition.

happiest years of our lives? Are the ones that are rocky and precarious.

I'm not Yoda, or Ghandi. Still I've learned to be content & unlock happiness is to suffer the equivalent.
2012-04-11 04:33:11 UTC
Happiness is based upon oneself, if a study tells us our happiest year will be when we're 33, subconsciously, we're just going to conform to that.

It is my belief that we should find happiness in whatever age we are. Whether your 17 and waiting to be 18 or whether you've just turned 50 and are starting to feel old.

Ageing is something we cannot stop. Enjoy being the age you are, and each new year will come in time.

I can't compare the happiness I had when I turned 16 to that when I turned 18, because our mind works so differently in each age.

Why be unhappy with your age, or because of what your age restricts or what new responsibilities it brings. You cannot change your age.
2012-04-11 02:08:54 UTC
Through my life up until now, I think age 7, that was just the best time ever. I have tons of vivid memories from that year - my mom and dad were still married, I switched to a new school and had tons of friends, went on a plane for the first time, I learned to swim, etc. I had a literally perfect life. I'm really happy now but not in the same way I was then. I think the simple, curious happiness you have as a child under 10 is just magical and can't be compared.
2012-04-10 18:37:01 UTC
2012-04-10 10:17:09 UTC
2012-04-10 05:27:13 UTC
Well I'm 14 in a week or two, and 13 has possibly been the age I've been happiest at, you start being took more seriously but you don't have all the sorts of responsibilities adults have. I can also see mid to late thirties being a happy age like the survey says.
2012-04-10 03:24:58 UTC
Age 0
Rozen Maiden
2012-04-11 16:24:58 UTC
Age 33,because it's the most common age to get less stress.

Age 0-10,won't be able to do some things.

Age 11-15,this must be a joke,this is the age when we realize how not happy life is.

Age 16-19,depend

Age 20-28,stress can happen,you have to learn how to be able to control your life.

Should I go on?
2012-04-10 16:28:51 UTC
2012-04-10 15:34:58 UTC
2012-04-12 08:51:46 UTC
2012-04-12 07:36:30 UTC
2012-04-12 10:18:01 UTC
23, which I am now. Until 17 I lived with my family. Even though I love my family, there are limitations are rules to follow when you live with your family, which I did not like. Now, I am done with college and have a job and a girlfriend. I can manage my own money and I am still young to party or do a vacation. I believe it won't stay the same once I go across 25 because I will get married and will have lots to worry about - kids, house, mortgage etc. I'm enjoying my life right now :)
2014-08-25 20:07:06 UTC
I turn 21 in six months and hope to be a lot healthier and happier with my body and more confident in myself; I have been going to the gym, eating healthy and losing weight since New Years (actually it's been my new years resolution for years, but this time I'm finally progressing and actually getting somewhere!). I never thought I'd say this but I really love the gym, it's like my time out and I use it as an incentive to finish my assignments hahaha. I haven't been skinny since I was about 12, in my teens I started gaining weight, and then when I left high school it got worse.
2012-04-11 08:34:13 UTC
The sad thing is, most people that took the survey are past the age(s) where they were probably most happy at. I'm talking about adolescence. Though I can't find it right now, I know there has been research that shows that the happiest people are kids. I guess the fitting question is, besides the time we were kids, at what age will be as happy as when we were a kid.
Satanicus \M/
2012-04-11 02:40:28 UTC
2012-04-11 01:11:05 UTC
Everyone hopes their best years are ahead of them.

I was miserable when I was 33. Married to a ***** from hell.

I am 58 now, and married to a truly amazing woman.

And I have a good job at a big company.

Life is really good now. I am in excellent health, and I realize that whatever I want to accomplish in my life I better do really soon. And I am doing it.

I visit Thailand twice a year and play with the girls. They are a lot of fun. I can hang at the hottest night clubs with beautiful girls half my age (almost 1/3 my age), and it is completely normal. It's a man's paradise.
Life Mystery
2012-04-10 19:32:49 UTC
2012-04-10 19:11:22 UTC
I think it doesn't depend, not even a fraction of a percent, where statistics say you will be at a certain time of your life (for example: at 20, most people will be in college). Even if that's true, the college memories of partying for one person might not make you as happy as it makes them reminiscing on it.

My favorite age? It's hard to pick from 11-12-13. That falls in with my favorite years, 2007-8-9. Even though I'm still young, it feels so much younger back then. It's like back then at those ages you couldn't achieve the feeling of being grown up, but you wanted to and strove (strived?) to, but now it feels like you couldn't be mistaken for a younger age if you tried (even if you could). Why it was my favorite age (well, age group)? Because the way I understood things and the way I worried, the way I was happy and way I enjoyed things, it made the memories grand. Now, I feel like my life is sometimes fueled off of the memories of those ages/years. Not too old, not too young, still young enough to not get in trouble, old enough to feel pretty and aware of the other gender, young enough to not want to walk around a department store without your mom or dad. I feel no rush to become a legal adult, and often worry too much if I'm enjoying the rest of my youth, even though age is just a number.

As for 33 being a desired age, my cousin who turned 34 within the past few months, has a very happy life of being a mother and wife, going on family field trips, keeping her family healthy, and being active in church and living a modern life. I don't know, I don't think that's where I would personally want to be in my early 30s, but I guess some hope they are there by that time of life.

I hope that I feel the happiness and feelings I felt at my favorite age(s) in the future, but it's hard to balance being happy when you know you have some things you have to finish setting in front of you that you keep bagging up and carrying around instead of doing.
2012-04-10 17:44:38 UTC
2012-04-10 16:20:56 UTC
2012-04-10 14:50:56 UTC
I would say if your learning to be more healthy every year and taking action then later then most would say who are eating a poor diet and living and unhealthy life style which makes sense that they say 33. However, for those of us that really are healthy ie no gluten/dairy low sugar not eating food that we are sensitive too or have food allergies then a later age ie 38 or 39 because your still young enough looking and feeling to do awful lot but are enough to use your lif experience to have wisdom and not ask others as often and you know how to better handle situations. so If one is unhealthy then yes 33 but really 38/39 is the best age to combine healthy/happy/wisdom much older then that.
2012-04-10 12:09:01 UTC
I am 59 now and a widow . I lost the Love of my life much too soon.

These are not really happy or so healthy years for me now but I have been through and suffered from so much I am at least fortified emotionally through experience .

The 30's were indeed the best years of my life I think . And I lived a very adventurous life involving the out doors and nature and that to me is a crowning jewel of my life and the best memories one can have .
2012-04-10 11:12:45 UTC
2012-04-10 10:55:06 UTC
Right now! I'm 14, a freshman in high school. This is the first year I've had a lot of close friends, I've been getting straight A's in school, my family is getting along great, I'm the happiest I've ever been! I think when I'm able to drive, when I'm a senior in high school, that's when I'll be the happiest because I'll know what I'm doing with my life and I can relax and hang out with friends and hopefully by then I'll have my first boyfriend!
Suburbian Knightess Of Cydonia
2012-04-10 10:36:07 UTC
I Don't Eat Vodka
2012-04-10 09:25:20 UTC
Age 7/8/9.
2012-04-10 16:48:28 UTC
2012-04-10 14:35:16 UTC
2012-04-12 05:22:07 UTC
I read that article too and have been thinking about it. While I understand how 33 is an average, I think that living as if we are 33 can work at any age. If we are younger, we can act with more aforethought and if we are older we can work at being more flexible in our thinking and not set in our ways. Plus I have found that good diet and exercise keep people much older than 33 as healthy as most that are 33.
2012-04-11 14:49:48 UTC
2012-04-11 14:30:03 UTC
Lars xD
2012-04-11 13:43:49 UTC
2012-04-11 08:09:34 UTC
Is it not a little to sad to say the happiest days of your life are behind you.

I find that as I get older my outlook on life changes and I find my happiness in different ways.

I plan on always being happy and hope I never feel that the happiest time of my life has been and gone :)

saying that I'm sure 33 was lovely!! 43 certainly is x
2012-04-11 06:21:45 UTC
2012-04-11 05:55:15 UTC
2012-04-11 01:51:04 UTC
23- 24

Those years are past now.

I was over the terrible years of being a teenager.

I was at the University.

I was studying something I wanted.

I had gained a lot of freedom and new friends.

I was working part time , and also as a tutor, so I was not a burden for my family.

I felt beautiful and clever.

I didn't have the responsibilities of marriage.

I didn't have the responsibilities of my children.

The future was ahead me.

It all seemed so bright:))
2012-04-10 20:28:05 UTC
P1mpin Curly
2012-04-10 19:01:07 UTC
2012-04-10 13:03:30 UTC
2012-04-10 11:37:49 UTC
2012-04-10 04:42:24 UTC
Definitely not 33. At 33 life was too hectic with getting a masters degree, moving upward in my career, and raising children. But at 50 I was ready for a new life, so I would have to say 50 was my happiest year. My children were grown up and doing well, had finished first degrees and so were on the road to financial and emotional independence. I was able to retire with a decent pension. And after all the years of raising children alone I met the love of my life and we went sailing for a year. That was the happiest year of my life.
2012-04-10 19:54:44 UTC
When I'm 18 cause I will go to college and I could do whatever I want( nothing bad though ) for example, now I can't hang out late with friends on school nights and I would be able to have a bf( my parents would allow me when I'm 16 anyways....) I would have a job or be an actress already, but people say when ur younger, u have more fun or something like that. OH! They say enjoy when ur a child while ur still can. Whatever. I'm happy being the age i am now anyways :)
2012-04-10 14:29:40 UTC
Thirty-three would have been 1984. Admittedly, that was a pretty good year, our fourth child was born, I completed my Master's Degree, BYU was the National Football Champion and an LDS young woman won the MIss America Pageant, but I think my best years are still ahead of me.

1974 was a good year, at age 22/23 when I got married. 1976 was good when I got my Bachelor's Degree and my first employment as a professional. 1987 was good when we had our fifth child, we moved into our first home, as owners and I got my first law job while in law school. Graduation from law school was good in 1989.

From there, life has been a real struggle, both personally and professionally. That is why I think my best years are still ahead of me.
2012-04-10 12:42:51 UTC
2012-04-10 09:24:07 UTC
Ahead of me! I would say about 25 (currently 16)

I chose this age because at 25 I would be unlimited in anything I could do!

Buy alcohol, watch 18 rated films, go on holiday etc!

Living a no limit life and hopefully with a lot of money too which means I will be able to afford everything I would possibly want in life!
2012-04-10 06:40:12 UTC
I was nine years old. I was fit, and healthy. My hair was long and pretty. I had tons of friends and not a care in the world. I hadn't started puberty yet so I was free from all the bothersome experiences and developments that go along with being a teen girl. I got a 10-speed bike for my birthday that year! Life was good. '87 will always be a special year for me because I was everything then that I wish I was now.
2012-04-11 21:02:54 UTC
At the age of 100
2012-04-11 18:41:02 UTC
I think we should be the happiest we can be no matter what our age. Some may say that they are happiest when they are around about 25, while they are young, can drive, and are carefree. But I think we should all be focusing on being happy no matter what stage of life we are at. The most important thing in life is to be happy, loved, and content. What is the point of living at all when your "happy year" has already happened? We all need to be happy no matter what. Starting... NOW!
2012-04-11 14:38:06 UTC
I really liked 25.

I had graduated college, was a manager of a technical department at a engineering firm, just bought my first condo, owned my car outright, and had just gotten married. I went on vacation all the time, had extra money, had freedom in the workplace, etc.

After the economic collapse, that all got a bit more complicated. I might like my 30s more if the economy hadn't put a halt on the fun times.
2012-04-10 18:20:22 UTC
2012-04-10 16:25:17 UTC
Mike Wentworth
2012-04-10 07:20:35 UTC
Truth is, I think around 1-25. When people are young they think of life as a playground -- somewhere along the way people just forget it (as adults) we are always worried about work and honestly it's not that damn serious. We must enjoy life to the fullest, and stop acting like work is everything because one day we'll regret saying it's ok to slack and enjoy life sometimes, I'm not saying don't have worries, yes take it seriously but also half of it should be living it to the fullest. People like this usually are 18-15 years old, there are adults out there who think like this too but not much.
Cat F
2012-04-10 05:48:48 UTC
2012-04-11 08:00:35 UTC
2012-04-11 07:40:25 UTC
Terry R
2012-04-11 02:55:37 UTC
I am 58 now. My happiest age was when I was in 6th grade, age 11. It was 1964. The music coming out of the radio was just super! Beatlemania had just begun. Homelife was decent. I will say that if I could do any year over again, 1964 would be it hands down.
Shaggy The 3RD
2012-04-10 23:48:37 UTC
1 years of age
Black Wolf
2012-04-10 23:41:08 UTC
when i was a child, i was content with my life and wouldn't change a thing.

when i was a teenager, my life was miserable, but i still had positive points, and hope that things would get better (i was in my freshman year in highschool when 9/11 happened, to give you an idea of what the world was like when i was a teenager)

now, as a 25 year old, absolutely hate life, hate everyone, and see no value in anything. i have no hope, and nothing positive, the closest thing being porn. i only imagine my life getting worse at an exponential rate as i get older, bc that's the pattern that my life has followed, and i see no hope for anything better, my life is basically already over with, now all i can do is try to survive in a world that isnt worth living in.
2012-04-10 23:20:17 UTC
I am 14.i have never been happier than this year.There are many reasons why i am more happy this year than all the other years of my life.I am not always happy and smiling,but everybody has good and bad days.that is life,we all have to live it.I try to be positive always though.But God has always given me good times.what choose to do with those times are my choice.I can use them wisely or foolishly.Unfortunately many times i have chosen the foolish path.It was my choices that caused many things ended up bad for me.One of the reasons i am happy,is because i gave my life to God.That was the best choice i have ever made.with good choices comes peace.I have finally found peace.I got saved at 13 and committed my life fully to The Lord.Before then,my life was full of pain and heartache,bad choices and i was just a total failure.I had taken many precious opportunities that i was given and i had taken them for granted.I have done many bad things in my life,but The lord has forgiven me.He gave me a good life,a new start,and he cleaned me up!!!!!! that is certainly something worth celebrating...I am a sinner saved by grace! Commit yourself to him today and he will make your paths straight! He will forgive you of your wrongdoings and help you and guide you into all truth.

Even though I am alright now,i wish to be even happier in the future :)) and i wish everyone here a very good future and May God bless you....Much Love.
2012-04-10 15:57:04 UTC
Mid 15-30s and like 0-8
2012-04-10 14:56:28 UTC
2012-04-10 12:38:51 UTC
I'm pretty happy right now! Can't think of a time when I have been happier really. But there is one year that stands out as one I will remember as special because I started a new chapter in my life after retirement from the Military. That was when I was 39, seventeen years ago. A whole new life began that I just love.
2012-04-10 11:50:33 UTC
2012-04-10 06:23:23 UTC
It is difficult to say. 33 is a good guess i was a happy family man. the cloud was my job which was under constant threat for several years with at that time little prospect of getting another without a major shift in location which due to circumstances we did not want to do unless forced.

However the time I remember with some longing was infants school were we had a wonderful but tough (on parents) headmistress who always seemed to be on our side even when we were naughty.
2012-04-12 10:03:09 UTC
2012-04-12 10:17:01 UTC
Buddha said, "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."

Every day that I can wake up alive is a happy day for me; so my answer for what age I am happiest is right now, my current age of 22.
2012-04-11 17:15:10 UTC
i would be the most happiest as a child from ages 0-4 because when your a baby you don't have responsibility you do whatever you desire (unless your mom does not let you) but other than that you don't go to school or worry about your job or chores or anything you just play all day and with the family love you will be happy but your older siblings wont be happy. so this is why i wish to be a baby.

by the way now im 14 im still happy with my life and i have a loving family though i have responsibilty and school homework and all.
2012-04-11 16:39:11 UTC
when you are a child life has certain eternity, when you hit middle age and maybe you look at what you have,love,enjoy eg children, travel,family you also start to hope you will be around to enjoy,look into the eyes,share but you know you are half way through at least provided you get the biblical 3 score years and 10 sorry to put a dampener on it for us old guys with a lot to lose but after 33 years of age you should have had your fun. but do not be disheartened as you can only be wise when you are an old owl and this can be just as enjoyable look to the light keep the faith have hope in your heart walk on!!!!
2012-04-11 09:57:13 UTC
I would say when you're 16 or 17, you're young, can drive, maybe have a job; and you shouldn't have that many worries, compared to other ages. But sometime after you retire would also be nice, like 65? Not too old to do the stuff you want, done with work, and hopefully still in good health when you reach it.
2012-04-11 06:28:44 UTC
I think my happiest years are still in front of me. I joined the fire/ems profession when I was 23 years old. I've seen a lot of peoples darkest hour and seen a lot of funny things in my career. I'm 33 now, but I think I will be my happiest when I get to retire when I'm 48 from the fire department and spend the rest of my life with my wife.
2012-04-11 03:50:58 UTC
My Niftiest year is my Fiftieth year: My father,one grandmother and MANY friends and neighbors all died during their forty ninth years. In 1994 I had finished my basic Educations, mostly at SRPLILL.; San Rafael Public Library InterLibrary Loan[NOT Free}.

This ia a Watershed Year.

Computers were Userfriendly enough, cheap enough, Interconnected enough, popular enough, available enough, and I was retired enough and healthy and single enough to embark upon the unknown enough future for me to suffer unanticipated moments of sheer delight, prosperity, delusion, adequacy, joy and an epiphany or two. It has been thus unstable and chaotic ever since with no apparent changes beyond NOW.
2012-04-10 21:35:42 UTC
Right now I'm 14, and I'm very, very VERY happy! I'm going to start modeling soon, (I have a photoshoot for my portfolio this Friday), and I have a wonderful family, a parrot, a house, a nice a friendly neighborhood and good school district for education! woooo!, and great friends. I wouldn't change a thing! I think you should be happy at the age you currently are, because you can't go back or go forward. So you should be happy with your life and your age right now! Yeah. :) <3

I'm probably going to get a lot of dislikes, lol.

xoxox Love, Meghan :) <3
2012-04-10 15:20:05 UTC
You can be happy when ever you want to be, it can vary.

0-5 - just enjoy playing, need to be fed and cleaned to be = HAPPY

6-10 - school may be fun for you as you've made friends. Playing around is still fun for you. Get lots of toys for Christmas and Birthdays = HAPPY

11-13 - school gets boring for you but enjoy it as you have friends. still enjoy christmas and birthdays. experience few friend problems but it's all good = HAPPY

14-18 - experience important exams GCSE.. revising gets to you and it's a very stressing time but as soon as it over you enjoy having freedom and appreciate it all = HAPPY

19-24/5 - university. student live. student grands and loans. living happily with a bit of cash in your hands. love shopping for clothes, gadgets, books / graduation= HAPPY

25/35 - your life is in routine. get up, go to work, come back from work, tv, work bed. some people like the same old routine. but some at this age fall in love and make a family. some settle in and have the working side and family side. everything is okay, have a little hiccups on the way but life is sweet = HAPPY

36/45 - life can still go sweet. experience still a few problems but everything okay. kids start growing up, theirreceivee they problems too but life is boring but can beadventurouss if it can be = happy

46-60 - old and retired. bored with life but living the life withpensionss. no work and your settled for a life of you = HAPPY

61-90 - experience your old and wrinkly. you accept you may die any day soon, acceptance comes to you but you still are happy with yourself = HAPPY

died = ?

There is no stage of which you'll be satisfied. But if your willing enough tocompromisee with life then maybe you will be happy all round. :-)

Happy days.
2012-04-10 11:00:20 UTC
I agree. Whatever age you are, you will think it's the best. Looking back, 15-17 were some of the worst years of my life, but at the time I didn't realize it. Right now, I'm engaged to an amazing man and I think that this is the best time of my life; but I'm certain that being married will be so much better. It also depends on your perspective. Are you positive no matter what or do you think everything is negative, even if everything is great?
2012-04-10 10:12:26 UTC
Definitely when I was a child. A particular age is hard to pick, however when I was a child I was worry free, debt free, I had more fun, and I had less pain. Life was easier and the world was a more peaceful place to live in. There was not a huge race riot as there is now, there was no war, everything was affordable, ($1.98/gal gas) and children had better mentalities since their were programs offered to help them. There was no such thing as ADD and the food was not as severely processed. The world has been turned upside down and with the terrible food, stress and limited job opportunities it has only aided to the mass amount of health problems present in this country today.
2012-04-10 09:13:54 UTC
2012-04-11 21:25:21 UTC
28 because by that point I hope to have a good career and begin to look at starting a family. I've always thought of 28 as my goal for having my life sort of come together, I know that sounds really lame but still, I don't know why but since I was a little girl 28 was going to be a milestone. So 28!
2012-04-11 11:52:13 UTC
I was happiest at the age of around 10-11. But those days are long gone.... Maybe 33, but I don't know yet, and I'm not going to wait, so I'm going to make the most of the moment! :)
summer bear
2012-04-10 18:39:09 UTC
I'm 43 now, and I do believe my happiest years are behind me. I think I was happiest

at the age of 31, but almost equally happy from 32-36.
2012-04-10 17:53:33 UTC
I think the age I was happiest was age 17, I had a job, going to school, had boyfriends, I had no adult reponsibiities yet. While I had a busy schedule, it was no where near as busy as when you have a job , 4 kids and a husband. Then you still have all your home repsonsibilties. Way to much for one person to do, exhausitng!( and not much time to fit happiness in).
2012-04-10 12:53:21 UTC
I was happiest when I was 18. Didn't have a thing to worry about. No job, wasn't in college yet. I was living everyones dream. Bumming money off my parents, and did not have to support my self in any way whatsoever. Things have changed though. I am content with my life, but if I could go back to being 18 I would.
2012-04-10 10:06:37 UTC
2012-04-10 08:17:44 UTC
2012-04-10 03:46:16 UTC
♠♠• » αηιяυ∂∂нα αιяση « •♠♠
2012-04-10 03:06:14 UTC
According to me, childhood is the best part of your life..!!

You remember your childhood memories throughout the life, don't you.

Thinking about the childhood truly makes you smile!

Here's is a very good poetry written by Markus Natten on Childhood.

When did my childhood go?

Was it the day I ceased to be eleven,

Was it the time I realized that Hell and Heaven,

Could not be found in Geography

And therefore could not be,

Was that the day

When did my childhood go?

Was it the time I realized that adults were not

All they seemed to be

They talked of love and preached of love,

But did not act so lovingly,

Was that the day?

When did my childhood go?

Was it when I found my mind was really mine,

To use whichever way I choose,

Producing thoughts that were not those of other people

But my own, and mine alone

Was that the day!

Where did my childhood go?

It went to some forgotten place

That’s hidden in an infant’s face,

That’s all I know....!!!
2012-04-12 06:55:40 UTC
I think I will ever be the most happiest when I was 14. It was a great time.
Someone Online
2012-04-11 22:55:21 UTC
I don't know, I would like to think that life only gets better as you grow older, but Im 23, and desperatly trying to find a niche in society

So young and yet I already feel as though I have sampled enough of life to say that there is little chance of finding true happiness

I don't really take much joy in material goods, nor am I increadibly social, the one thing that I am trying desperatly to find is purpose

I hope though, that when I look back on my life in my last days, that I will be proud of the journey I took, even if the destination was less than desirable.

As an atheist, I see every day as special, there is no happy ending for me in death, so I have to try to make the most out of what I have in life, and hopefully one day I will have helped mankind in some small, but lasting way.
fei fei surf
2012-04-11 15:33:12 UTC
3-5, and 19 at times
2012-04-11 13:49:05 UTC
age 12 years
2012-04-11 12:32:55 UTC
No how can anybody be happy at age 33 or even 30, supposbly that is a bad number because that is when Jesus died for our sins, so religously it is a bad number, just saying in my opinion.

but anyways.....I can say I was most happy at age 12 because I was carefree and everything was going really great in my life and was felt better about myself and I was self-confident and I had great friends and people I could spend time with and I didn't feel bad about the choices I made and I could say it was a good time for me :D
2012-04-11 09:28:27 UTC

I had gone through a lot of trauma and such when I was younger, and my house burned when I was 26. By the time I was 28, I had rebuilt my life, found freedom, and met the woman of my dreams who is now my wife. The "new relationship" energy was fantastic with the right person.

28 was also before I experienced the deaths of my 2 daughters - one at 30, one at 31. After losing your children, you can't be naively happy as before.
2012-04-11 06:47:04 UTC
I thought it should be 25 but this definitely did not happen for me. I thought it should be the right age, you still have your looks, you should have a good job by then (didn't happen for me) should be in a good relationship, etc. There were a lot of should's that just didn't work out for me, so I was not very happy at 25. I expected so much and was disappointed. With my circumstances, I did not get to go out much or to travel like I had wanted to. Now that I am older, and lost my looks I think there won't be a happy age for me. You can't be happy if you're not good looking, now can you?
karen star
2012-04-11 04:56:26 UTC
Until I was ten, I was quite content, but I don't know if I could be described as "happy." My decade from ten to twenty was very difficult, and I was quite unhappy.

Each year since then has brought me more and more to be happy about, and while there have been difficult times including two major depressions, I think I'm happier every year. We are about to mark the birth of our first grandchild. This looks to be a very happy time.

For me, personally, I think I'm happiest right now. I don't have the urgency of my youth, but I am more secure emotionally and financially. If I can hold it together physically, it's all gravy from here out.


I'm in my mid fifties.
2012-04-11 00:28:18 UTC
2012-04-10 17:41:00 UTC
I think I would be happy with the age of any. Everyday I see something new, and at each age I've seen people do amazing things. As long as I'm alive, I think I'll be good.

And really, happy is a state of mind. Even with burdens, tragedies and such, I think the average man can rise above it, or use it to become better.
2012-04-10 15:06:32 UTC
I was the happiest when I was 6 or 7. The freedom to roll around in the dirt playing with Matchboxes and Tonka trucks. Liking the girl next door ONLY because she shared her ice cream with me. No bills, no worries, no headaches and no knowledge of how mean and ugly people can be to one another. Also, the only way I knew how to "hurt" someone was to call them a "stupidhead" .
2012-04-10 13:51:39 UTC
I know I was happiest in my 30's. I didn't yet need glasses, I weighed 120 pounds and had a kick-butt body, I had no arthritis yet and I had a lot of energy. Also, I am a retired high school teacher and in my 30's, I felt connected with the kids but I had 'arrived'; I was old enough to have built my reputation with the kids but I still felt young enough to relate to them. It was a perfect mix of respect and youth for me.

In my personal life, my son..our only child..was born when I was 34 and I felt absolutely on top of the world. By far, my 30's, especially my early 30's, were my best years physically, emotionally, and professionally. I knew I was at my peak, and I loved it. I earned my black belt in karate and was teaching karate in the evenings, loving every minute of it.

I finished my masters degree and began my phD, fully intending to complete it. Frustratingly, I was unable to finish because of massive migraine headaches and rheumatoid arthritis. I had always had migraines, but as I passed age 40 they became daily and debilitating, and the arthritis ramped up after age 50. I had to give up karate by my late 40's because of the RA; my back would not tolerate the standing and the physical stress of high-impact sports, and I could not continue going to graduate school either. In fact, I had to retire at age 43 on a medical disability pension because of the genetic time bombs I had inherited which began to go off.

Today I am 62, and I would not want to give up what I've learned in these past 30 years, but I wish I could have my 32-year-old body back and be free from such chronic pain, which saps the energy too.

Life is good, but not as good as it was when my husband I were in our 30's and at the peak of our physical abilities.
Jenny Lee
2012-04-10 12:28:29 UTC
I would have to say I was happiest when I was 16, but that changed at 17 when I lost my parents. However, into my late 20's I would say I peaked again on the happiness at 27. Now that I'm 32, I can enjoy myself more then when I was 27.
Tht Kiid
2012-04-10 11:13:40 UTC
Besides being happy at your current age wise I'd say 3 , 12, 17,25,38,65

3,12,17 - Each of these ages is when your about to enter the next stage of your life, 3 your full innocence , 12 is right before you become a teen life is style a play pen, 17 is when your enjoying your teen and is starting to get more serious and mature

23,38- Your right in the middle of your career enjoying life, meeting others,traveling , enjoying the last few years of your parents

65- is relaxing just worrying about health and reminiscing
2012-04-10 08:14:15 UTC
2012-04-10 01:16:01 UTC
I think we all tend to view the past through rose-coloured glasses, so you think 'I was happiest when I was younger, maybe a teenager' but then remember those years they were filled with teenage angst. So I figure the best age isn't in that past - I figure it's whatever age is ahead. That way I can be thankful for having survived so long and hopeful the the future will be even better.
2012-04-11 02:52:03 UTC
Childhood 0-18.
2012-04-10 20:46:18 UTC
2012-04-10 19:31:56 UTC
Honestly, you really cannot pinpoint an age because EVERYONE matures and gets to a level they're very happy with at different times! Everyone sets different goals for themselves and some goals take FAR longer to accomplish than others! I know I am not 100% happy right now and probably have a long time until I get there... I forsee MY happiest age might be 35 or so... But for others it may be 27, 55, 78, 16... Who knows!
2012-04-10 07:50:03 UTC
Coco Murray
2012-04-10 06:37:46 UTC
I am 51 and I think these are going to be the best years of my life. I am completely happy and comfortable with my self now than I was 20 years ago. I don't have to worry as much about the little things. The 50's are the new 30's :)
tina h
2012-04-11 07:51:52 UTC
2012-04-11 03:13:33 UTC
I think the age of 25 to 45 is happiest, because in this age life stage decision take by self, do not have to stay on others under.
2012-04-10 23:44:36 UTC
I do not agree, I think it is when one is a child, there is this innocent, that everything is ok in the world while your parents are with you. When one doesnt know about the realities of the world. You dont have to be worried about getting a job to support you, parents buy you your food and more, the most stressful thing is going to school, and thats it, the future of your country is not of importance.

as my experience as a child I can see it, also Im an english teacher for 10 years old, and I can see how happy they are, no worries, because mommy and daddy are going to resolve all my problems.
2012-04-10 19:37:08 UTC
2012-04-10 17:34:02 UTC
Mm, I wouldn't say in the younger ages because you don't get much freedom, I definitely wouldn't say middle school, I would say 18 or 19. Your an adult and your parents can't tell you what to do. Your free! Or after you finish college, then your officially free if you plan to go to college after high school!

..But then again you need a job. The other best age would be 65..Retirement, woohoo!
2012-04-10 16:39:50 UTC
My friends I and had this confersation last week. We decided that 25 is the best age: Your down with college if you went to college, the perfect age of getting married, you can drink, you will probably have a nice job by then, you will be at the perfect age for being a parent, you SHOULD have your own house and a car.
Maria Iqbal
2012-04-10 09:00:19 UTC
2012-04-10 08:50:14 UTC
2012-04-10 04:23:28 UTC
First I partially agree with this survey. Why agree, because all these international surveys depends on the point of views of peoples from different parts of the globe. So we can rely on it, and by this particular survey i would be agree about the result:- Yes 33 is an ideal age to be a happiest person. As at this age someone is perfectly matured, but not older, he can feel all the joys of life at this age, he can eat anything what ever he wants as his digestive system works normally, he can enjoy occasional drinking as his lungs and lever works are in good condition, his heart, his brain are in such a good condition so he would be able to fulfill his or her life-partner's mental and physical desires. His enthusiasm to know about new things, if he wants to learn a art or something or he want to travel more and more he can make it possible, as his brain and body are really cooperative with each other.... and many other reasons can give plus-points to the survey.

But as I said that i partially agree with it, means i partially disagree with it. Because i always think that these surveys could not be as accurate and sure ever as 2+2=4 is. Why...there are some reasons for that. See any survey has done by following a specific process or method. Generally in a survey a group or persons use a format of some question about the subject of the survey, with Yes or No options with a short description of 10 words why Yes or No. Suppose a survey has done on 10,000 people from different parts, then surveyors use a method to take out an average in percentages. Which have been take as the result of a survey, and this average result represents the authenticity of the survey for world-wide people's opinions about the subject.

When you are surveying about such a sensible subject like Happiness of human-beings. I get more conscious about the results.

Happiness depends on the capability, ability, the good state of mind and physical condition of a person. It also depends on a person's nature, his sensibility about the life, his personal point of views about happiness, his emotional condition, and most importantly in what way he takes and live his life thoroughly.

And all these qualities are vary person to person. Happiness depends on a person's way of thinking not on the age..every body can live his happily by his own thoughts and how he takes his life...NELSON MANDELA, AN SANG SU KI, ABRAHAM LINCOLN ...and many more great people are perfect examples- they all lived their lives in very critical conditions but they didn't give up and got unhappy but they were trying always to win in any conditions...and enjoyed their living life though they didn't got much happier moments in their lives.

Finally I believe that happiness depends on a PERSON but not depends on AGE.

So I this survey is not totally reliable as well as this is not fully deniable....wishes.
2012-04-10 01:50:18 UTC
My childhood was filled to the brim with very happy times before I hit the wall of depression in my mid-teen years. Now, I will be 22 in a month and I believe the best is yet to come after the past five years dealing with multiple personal issues. I stand triumphant in my faith in Jesus.

"In 1991, when Rolling Stone interviewed Dylan on the occasion of his 50th birthday, he gave a curious response when the interviewer asked him if he was happy. He fell silent for a few moments and stared at his hands. 'You know,' he said, 'these are yuppie words, happiness and unhappiness. It's not happiness or unhappiness, it's either blessed or unblessed.'
2014-05-28 18:40:46 UTC
About early thirties, you acknowledge this, and you've most likely gotten married/getting married, and are feeling ambitious about starting a family. I could imagine the point where you become 50 will be difficult to cope with, as you slowly realise you're becoming old. However, again, you learn to accept this, so by your sixties, you're at the stage where grandchildren are entering the equation, you've retired, and life becomes calm and relaxing.
2012-04-11 23:16:41 UTC
I think the best time of everyone's life is their childhood. In that time we don't have any tension, we only do what we want. But after getting young we have a lots of boundations and responsibilities, and we are to do many things for society.

So according our childhood time is the best time when i can be more happy and happiest..
2012-04-10 15:48:42 UTC
age 1-5
2012-04-10 12:29:29 UTC
2012-04-10 10:12:59 UTC
I think I'm in the middle of the happiest years in my life.

Old enough to have finished raising my child and reached some financial security.

Old enough to know who and what I love, and having lost or suffered enough to sweetly appreciate those people and activities.

Young enough to still be able bodied, but having seen old age up close and personal, so that I appreciate the chance to still do things.

In other words, young enough to still have a full life, but not young enough to take it for granted.
2012-04-10 03:36:05 UTC
Liliana P
2012-04-12 09:12:32 UTC
When i was 16
Dee Right
2012-04-10 23:06:15 UTC
Any age actually. You better live like it's your last year everytime. But the happiest I knew is, 13. Being a freshman. It was the happiest age of my life for now.
Bob Bob
2012-04-10 14:14:30 UTC
I think we are most happy at childhood. I would say the ages 2 to 10. When you are young you are less effected by the world and you don't worry about things that teenagers and adults would. When you are a kid you typically play more and at teenage and adulthood its more work. When I was around 5 to 7 that was my happiest time for me because I didn't have to worry about anything.
2012-04-10 11:59:10 UTC
Well, I don't really know ... but when I was around age 6/7 i had a theory that age 3 were the best years. Why?

- I could speak

- I could walk

- And I didn't have to do the dishes :]
2012-04-11 18:39:26 UTC
Right now i'm in college stressing about exams, assignments, and essays with the pressure of finding a job after i graduate.. so i would say right now is DEFINITELY not my happiest time lol!

But i feel like once i find a girlfriend/wife, steady job, and kids will be the time i will be happiest. so i would definitely say in my 30s! so i think your survey answer is pretty accurate
2012-04-11 07:27:43 UTC
The age that you become a millionaire and eat pizza with gold flakes in NYC, wear the best clothes, eat the best food, and have a chauffeur drive you around town. A leer jet. At that age you will be happiest.
the annoying stoner
2012-04-11 06:33:35 UTC
I think when you are three years old you are happiest. You've got no bills, no worries, and nothing to pay for. You are still exploring this world and learning how to do many things. You are not in school yet either, so homework and friends will not be a worry. You are still very close with your family, they are just getting to know you.
2012-04-10 20:08:23 UTC
It really depends on your environment. Children can experience both happy and sad moments, but kids that are abused are most likely to be unhappy and kids that are in a loving home are most likely going to be happy. Teens can be happy because most of them are carefree, but some are bullied and aren't happy until they reach a higher age between 19-33. If you consider different life styles between people there can be many unhappy people. Hobo's in the streets can be drug induced and disappointed with themselves, they could also be as happy as can be. It all depends on how you grew up, who you grew up with, how much happiness/sadness you've had in your life, and where you ended up.

Hope this helps! ^___^
2012-04-10 19:19:28 UTC
I hope it will be 33, I'm 32 now and things have been getting better and better for a few years. I think about age 33 is a time many realize it is not about your circumstances, but more about your outlook on life that determines your level of happiness. Maybe.
2012-04-10 13:32:49 UTC
I am the happiest I've ever been right now, & I expect it to only get better. I am now 38 or 39 or round abouts there--quit counting b-days when I was 23. I have now conquered my 'demons', I own my own business, which is growing, & I am mentally healthy.

I think things will be very good from now on. I am pro-active with my life now & THAT'S the key to happiness--Hope!
2012-04-10 13:18:33 UTC
I sense I will be at my happiest in my early twenties. I'm currently not a very happy 16-year-old... its a very difficult age to be, but when in my twenties I will have left school but will still be young and up for lots of fun and parties. You never know, I might find love and hopefully travel the world, which is my dream! I sense a lot of fun, happiness and excitement...:)
2012-04-10 12:19:35 UTC
I think that it's the teenage years. Yes, starting puberty is a pain, you're faced with tons of exams and schoolwork and your parents treat you like a kid, but every adult says that they felt happiest when they were a teenager. You don't need to worry about bills, or mortgages, or work, or money or your failing marriage. You're constently surrounded by friends, hopes and dreams for when you grow up and you feel like the world is your oyster. Although you may not feel it now, when you're a teenager, but when you're older and struggling to pay the bills, you'll realise that a school, a few tests and moodswings is little sacrifice for being a teenager and not having to worry about anything but wether 'your shoes will suit the dress you're going to wear for your best friends house party'.
2012-04-10 02:26:36 UTC
i think it is 33 i believe that because most said that and also tho most interesting thing that i have know it now that

the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said before 1400 years !!!( the people of Paradise enter Paradise thirty or thirty-three years old)

that mean that the age of 30 or 33 is the happiest
2012-04-11 12:17:01 UTC
I definitely wasn't happy at 33... So, here I am, some years later, and I'm happier than I've ever been... as for the happiest age, I guess that remains to be seen--
2012-04-11 07:32:32 UTC
I think happiness can come and go at any age. It's pretty circumstantial and subjective. It depends on who you are and how you face life. So i don't think there is a any specific age per se but people tend to get sadder as they grow really old due to illnesses, loneliness and thought of inevitable death.

But then one can always say I lived my life to the fullest. So I close my eyes with contently!
Melissa T
2012-04-11 05:30:49 UTC
Age 13. I felt invincible and life was easy. My only concern was finding the best wave to ride. Often when feeling sad or trapped, my escape is to remember what it felt like to stand on my longboard in the middle of the ocean on a windy sunny day as waves yet broken glided under me. It was freedom.
2012-04-10 18:19:06 UTC
Right now, or when I was younger. Much younger. Like around the age of seven or eight. Just those few great memories that seems to ooze through the cracks of forgetfulness seems to make the corners of my lips turn up and my eyes tear. I love remembering :)
2012-04-10 08:45:56 UTC
2012-04-10 00:34:26 UTC
Well since I'm at bit advanced...first job at 12 held a job ever since...graduation at 16 college ever since...and making money makes me happy and I make 8 grand a month and will probably make 10 grand a month in three years. I think I'll be happiest at 23 :)
2012-04-11 20:45:08 UTC
I've learned to always be happy no matter what. If I don't get what I want, it's ok, I don't need it and wasn't meant to have it. It's all depends on the perception. Action not reaction. I feel sorry for those that think they need a deadline for happiness or will be happier with more money, a bigger house, or expensive useless items that you can't take with you when you die.
2012-04-11 09:09:37 UTC
33 or 34 years
This Charming Man
2012-04-11 08:48:11 UTC
I'm 19; I think I was happiest when I was about 16; was a bit easier then.

I think my best years are going to be the next 5 years; it might be late, though me and everyone I know are in consensus that I won't make it to middle age. It just won't happen haha
2012-04-10 21:14:36 UTC
Typically 3-5 but i would say 21-23
2012-04-10 16:38:27 UTC
the answer is 33. Most humans are most happiest at age 33 acording to thesurvey in the community in the following states: Texas,Nebraska,Tennassee,Maryland,Virginia,Washington,West Virginia, and Californa.
2012-04-11 10:32:15 UTC
33? Im 33 now and I can say without a doubt that I was happiest at 17 before reality kicked in.
2012-04-11 06:28:31 UTC
Well I'm 20 now... Yeah I think 33 will be one of my best and happiest years as by then I will be well established in life :)
2012-04-11 06:02:52 UTC
The age 33 derives from the fact that Jesus, according to Tradition, died at the age of 33. Several centuries ago, one of the saints expressed the view that when we get to heaven, we will all be 33.
Edward N
2012-04-11 03:44:48 UTC
I am a 73 yr old white male. My best years were the decade between 40 and 50. Why is hard to say. By that time, it was clear that my life was successful, family raised with good Christian values, all personal goals achieved and my relationship with Jesus Christ was no longer theoretical but a daily experience. "A friend closer than a Brother".
2012-04-10 16:31:53 UTC
2012-04-10 13:18:31 UTC
2012-04-10 12:34:42 UTC
NOW! I am 30 years old with a beautiful wife and an amazing 7 year old boy. We make more than enough money combined, and give back to the community. Ask me again next year, and I am sure that I will parrot my response while adding a year to each of the ages.
2012-04-10 12:06:03 UTC
I was the happiest when I was 11. Im 13 now. I'll be happy when I turn 21
2012-04-10 09:20:35 UTC
In terms of being innocent and carefree 6-9

In terms of newly introduced freedom 18-21

In terms of physical peak 26-29

In terms of wealth late 50s

in terms of being wise 60s
2012-04-10 08:26:39 UTC
2012-04-10 07:25:27 UTC
Actually, it depends on how you feel it. Happiness comes from God and from the person within. Because you ask how can you be, and my answer is that we can be happy at any age because god gave us a day and each hour, minute or second, to be happy. So I dont think age matters. Really. Be happy no matter what, when and why. Because I know that God wants that. Live a life to the fullest! :D

God Bless You!!
2014-05-29 20:01:47 UTC
2012-04-11 18:31:46 UTC
11 or 12! you are free from responsibility, no worries about exams or any pressure, minimal school work, before puberty so you are still fairly innocent so life is a lot more relaxed and care free. Don't forget the long summer breaks with your friends- It is pure bliss <3
2012-04-11 08:01:23 UTC
A survey in UK asked people which age they'd most like to be/ be again. Top answer? 17. I'd agree with that. No cash worries, old enough to have fun, get served in the pub, and look good.
2012-04-11 06:54:29 UTC
mid 40s
2012-04-10 12:08:39 UTC
I'd say 7 or 8 years old, when I was still naive about the world and full of childish imagination. I miss weekend morning 80's and 90's cartoons, days when you could actually play outside and not worry about pedophiles, I miss being small enough to make a cardboard box a castle, and I miss not paying bills. Ah.... life.
2012-04-10 09:16:12 UTC
I'll be the happiest at 50, 51, 52, etc. til I die. Every year there are challenges. Some years are better than others. But I've had fun and enjoyed all years up to and hopefully going forward thru my life.
2012-04-10 07:51:35 UTC
My best year was age 39. Physically I was still in great shape with no health problems. I was mature enough to make solid decisions, not hasty or bad ones. I had my best job. I felt great. My mental health was at its best. I still had lots of energy for everything job wise and social wise. If I could be that age all the time, then I would wish to live forever, but that is not the case anymore. lol
2012-04-10 07:09:54 UTC
After the age of 40.
rigomortisfx studios
2012-04-10 02:41:33 UTC
2012-04-11 19:55:52 UTC
bunch of different times.

lets assume you live 100 years.






those are my estimates of happy ages :)
2012-04-11 05:40:54 UTC

I woke up to my husband saying Happy Birthday you are now a senior citizen! Happy at what age? I don't think you can really can put an age on this one but it would be wonderful to be 25 and have the knowledge and experience I have aquired at 55 and look young and fabulos.

Happy is a choice at any age.
2012-04-10 16:46:58 UTC
2012-04-10 16:43:02 UTC
It doesn't matter. Someone can be a child and be traumatized 24/7, or abused at 33. It depends on the situation.
2012-04-10 14:57:40 UTC
age 14-19
2012-04-10 13:51:59 UTC
Definitely mid to late twenties back in the eighties. There was the music we now refer to as "old school" and I went out - a lot. These days I'm a wife and mum have no socal life and the only real pleasure I get is tracking down tunes I remember, on YouTube. Thank god for the Internet.
2012-04-10 08:56:08 UTC
I think I'll be happiest between 18-25, but so far, I was happiest when I was like 6 or 7...
2012-04-12 05:54:41 UTC
I think I'll be the happiest when I'm around 22
2012-04-10 15:34:41 UTC
I guess I will make the age I am right now the happiest. I am 15 and trying my best to keep my confidence up.. high school can be rough.
2012-04-10 15:26:03 UTC
I'm fifty-five right and, baby, it is looking good! I'm financially secure, my body still works great, I've got the stuff I want (not much, but I don't like tripping over things) and, since I'm partially retired, I get to do what I want with my time: reading, writing, volunteering with my local volunteer fire department and several other causes I care about, hiking, gardening, and a whole bunch of etc. I don't know if it's true that life just gets better and better, but it sure is fine with me right now!
Someone Somewhere
2012-04-11 07:49:40 UTC
20-40 is some of the best
2012-04-11 01:55:19 UTC
18 & 19
2012-04-11 00:16:59 UTC
There is no perfect age. When you have plenty of wealth to do the things you love, and when you have a loving and stable support network is when you'll be happiest, which is likely to be at it's peak around your 50's-60's (when you are also towards the back-end of your working life and trying to remove yourself from the stress of the rat race).
2012-04-10 23:25:37 UTC
I would think the childhood years for most people becuase that's when you've got the least to worry about and everything revoles around, eat, sleep, play, and drink

..... that is of course with the exception of the children that have gone through traumatising expriences.... things that no child should go through :'(
Chris L
2012-04-10 18:13:29 UTC
There are things beyond your control that can influence your happiness - and you can be happy at any age, not just the age a survey tells you you are supposed to be the happiest.
2012-04-10 17:53:54 UTC
I'm only 16, and I think it'll be 25-35s for me. I think its the time I settle down and have figured out what I'm doing. Just from what the people around me have always said, what I plan on doing with my life.

My past hasn't been the 'happiest', so I'm definitely rooting for the distant future!
Sun is Shining ❂
2012-04-10 15:54:52 UTC
At every age I've been happiest, and thought there was nothing better. And then the next year surprised me. I expect to have increasing happiness for the rest of my life.
2012-04-10 01:39:48 UTC
I have been at my happiest when I was a kid. I was free of worries and no boredoms. I can do whatever I want without thinking of the consequences. As I grow older, I have learned responsibility and that in itself gives me restrictions to do things which I consider to be sources of happiness. However, I am just glad that I was being surrounded by people who loves me, cares for me and accepts me as I am~ faults and all. They are my sources of more than just happiness, but peace of mind, strength and joy(which I consider to be the ultimate state of happiness)!
2012-04-10 00:46:32 UTC
i think life is what you make it my grandma says her best years were high school but i'm 18 now have left school 2 nearly 3 years ago i have an awesome job,amazing boyfriend who has a gorgeous daughter,supportive family and the best friends anyone could ask for ive found a balance between work and play and these are the best years of my far
2012-04-12 08:08:05 UTC
Specifically the age, I don't know the answer to what the future has in stock for me. I think my best years are yet to come. When I achieve financial security, have a wife and a couple of kids is when I start seeing the fruits of my best years.
2012-04-12 02:02:24 UTC
Generally I want to say ages 17 to 21. But since I have to pick just one, I'm gonna go with 19.
Suzan S.
2012-04-12 01:11:18 UTC
The happiest we will ever be is if we can look back at our lives and be able to say 'it was worth it'. For the time being, we have to keep creating our road of happiness every day for the rest of our lives.
2012-04-11 19:50:11 UTC
30 is when I will be the happiest because I will be married and have kids and a job by then. Thirty is the perfect age because you are not considered old yet but you are starting to be wise.
2012-04-11 16:03:12 UTC
2012-04-11 07:57:55 UTC
So far last year (I was 24) was the best time of my life. But I have a feeling it probably wont be the best I'll have, I still have a full life ahead of me. But I still wish I could go back to last year to relive my relationship, regardless of how it felt to have it end
2012-04-11 07:08:44 UTC
I think 22 was the happiest time for me - I was working full-time with dreams to buy a condo, I had friends, time to sleep in. Now I dream of 59 when I'll be able to retire with my work pension.
2012-04-10 23:16:51 UTC
i would say my childhood because i NEVER got in trouble for 7 years...then my brother came and ruined my life. my dad died when i was 4 so i guess that wasn't so good either. so i think the age that i'd be happiest is when im 21 finally OUT OF THE HOUSE! (and away from my siblings, but i love them, i just need some peace and quiet as the big sister...the older sista's out there should know!) :)
2012-04-10 20:09:07 UTC
I think I was happiest when I was around 6, before I got old enough to realize how much the world actually sucks.
2012-04-10 16:02:15 UTC
I was the happiest during my childhood; there was hardly a worry in the world; no work or bills, you could just have fun and play all the time. I also met many of my close friends during that time.
2012-04-10 14:48:43 UTC
2012-04-10 11:33:23 UTC
According to a survey, age 21 is the happiest time in peoples lives. Because of this society, that's the happiest time. This is the happiest time because people are able to get there alcohol without stealing or sneaking it.
2012-04-10 04:38:22 UTC
Now - I'm 24 - finally finished my degree, accepted myself, loving my job and just when i became happy as an individual, I met the man of my life and got engaged. Happy about the past, looking forward to the future!
2012-04-12 06:26:16 UTC
I was happiest when I was 6 - the age that is old insufficient to tire anything, to worry the future. too ignorant to know what the love is. I was a mere child, sometimes did some nosense but there are my sweet memories. :)
2012-04-11 15:04:53 UTC
I was most happy at age 27 but I feel the best years are ahead of me. I feel the best years are ahead of me because of all the valuable lessons life has taught me.
2012-04-11 09:35:38 UTC
My inlaws have often said "Life begins at 40". Because you're finally saving money, your kids are taking care of themselves and you're making enough money to have disposible income.

I think 35 will be a good year for me. My kids will be approaching junior high, I'll be finishing med school and my husband and I will probably be purchasing our first house together.
2012-04-11 02:59:48 UTC

33 was actually the worst year of my life, and in being so defined me forever. I may have (and certainly hope to) have other happy 'ages', but I will never be what I was before then.
2012-04-11 02:52:54 UTC
Lol well 14 (And late 13) has been **** for me, worst year of my life, maybe as a turn around 15 will be happiest?
2012-04-11 02:27:39 UTC
I thing the most happiest age period is 18 to 23.
2012-04-11 00:40:49 UTC
I'm 65, and I honestly think I spend more time feeling good and enjoying my life now than I did at any time in the past. Well, of course there were great times in the past, but they were moments or hours at best, not sustained periods. Having come face to face with my own mortality thanks to a liver cancer, it's a lot easier now to enjoy each day as it comes.
2012-04-10 20:43:48 UTC
when I was 20
2012-04-11 08:02:58 UTC
when no child support divorce fight .... no cracka traffic with beaner exhaust backward hat in the way crap .... and the added bogus thug music ..... and less population were people did race their cars .. big block style ... and knew how to watch to get out of the way ..... or race for real in the way ... this is side by side ... everyone knew the real rules .... 1960s 1970s - and belive everyone that knows .... they really knew how to get out of the way instead of in the way ... and smokes were 70 cents a pack .... a gallon of gas was 1.25 - or under ... there were so many jobs availiable you could pick and choose ... and no matter were you went through the whole u.s.a. - alot less crime ... you wanted anything bad enough you worked for it ..... and could really afford a family .... those days are long gone but will be greatly cherished ... drive in theaters for dates .... roller skate girls serving food to real cars ... real people ... not thugs ....
2012-04-10 20:59:19 UTC
I agree with 33. It's the age of maturity but still youthful looking!
2012-04-10 20:10:28 UTC
I think you are the happiest when your life is finally steady and accomplished. As for a number, I agree possibly around the 30's.

I'd like to believe my best years are still to come! I definitely have much more to do in my life!
2012-04-10 19:53:51 UTC
I think I will be happiest when I complete 33, I think is the age of success.
2012-04-10 13:19:36 UTC
My best years were/will be

13; became a teenager

15.5; (supposed) to have gotten my temps

16; (supposed) to get my license and a car

18; legal adult

21; drinking

60's; retirement age
2012-04-10 11:16:43 UTC
I'm hoping my best years are ahead of me. Through the past I've been through so much pain but I am currently pregnant and hoping for so much more happiness and excitement in my life. I'm finally establishing a career and feel I am on the right track. So I guess I'm going to say 31 :)
2012-04-12 01:27:13 UTC
I think i was happiest when i don't know what is the meaning of happiness , my best friends at that time were my Mom and Dad, when ever i need any thing, ant help i just call them.
2012-04-11 22:37:53 UTC
Its about how you feel. Age really has nothing to do with it. 33 is just a number. If you feel great and happy throughout your whole life, you will be happy at any age. It is just as simple as that (:
2012-04-11 21:59:57 UTC
Life was so easy a child, so 1-10. But then again I'd also go with mid 20's
2012-04-11 15:04:23 UTC
Age 5 and below, those were the years where you had fun and were careless (in a good way), after that you have so many responsibilities it's depressing and life gets hard.
2012-04-11 06:02:13 UTC
Possibly 23. You're becoming a bit more independent and starting to build your own life. It's probably the most exhilarating part of life. Well, in my opinion anyway.
2012-04-11 00:22:03 UTC
Thinking about it, I think it completely depends on the person. I'm only 17, so you'd be much better off seeing advice from someone older than me. A quote that relates to the subject: With age comes wisdom, but sometimes age comes alone. - Oscar Wilde.
2012-04-10 22:20:41 UTC
Having been 33 once it was pretty good but you're only happy in the moment so you only need to strive to make your future moments even better. You'll do fine with the effort alone.
2012-04-10 22:19:46 UTC
Ages 2-13 Then social anxiety happend and I became a fail.
2012-04-10 17:53:26 UTC
Maybe between ages 5 and 8, after my parents divorced and before my mother remarried. I think I am pretty happy right now at age 29 but I remember being such a happy oblivious little kid that I don't think now can really compare to it.
2012-04-10 16:05:10 UTC
I think the happiest age will be when your happy with what you done and don't want anything else in life but to live and enjoy every sun shining day unless its raining outside.
Stan Jones
2012-04-10 11:06:27 UTC
According to countless psychological works, one reaches either their prime or worst portion of their lives about age 50. One either feels defensive and gets what is known as a mid-life crisis or ends up accepting who they are. I tend to think of myself as generally a laid back person. I think I will be the happiest at about 55.
2012-04-10 03:43:08 UTC
When "work" was playing with toys or in the sand pit.

And when the I didn't care about how I looked, or people judging me.

Ah, the good old days when the most tough question I had to tackle was "Which toy should I play with now?".
2012-04-10 01:43:17 UTC
kids and teens may have it good without bills but the stress from ANY parent outwieghs the freedom you have when you get your own place i would say whenever you get a house and settled down good on finances and a happy family. but you get into tht mid life crsis stage and thts bad. There is no true number for anyone sorry to say
2012-04-10 00:39:38 UTC
LOL, Before George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama.
2012-04-10 11:11:19 UTC
2 months
Bob G...The return of
2012-04-10 03:36:15 UTC
Right now is one of the happiest periods of my life. Out of a bad marriage, have a granddaughter I adore, a good career, good health and great friends. Very few negatives in my life and almost all things are good.
2014-09-03 20:07:44 UTC
I don't grade my happiness as more or less, after all, if my greatest happiness lay behind me what then would be the point if it is all going downhill from here? I don't compare one happiness against another. Oh, I may no longer bounce off the walls, but still my joys are wonderful.
2014-06-18 20:02:25 UTC
I am in the final year of my teens and my teenage years were a total wreck. I see myself improving more and more and more and in my 20s when I have my own career and my own life I see myself being happier even though I realize that the responsibility that comes with such things is vast.
2012-04-11 14:15:57 UTC
I enjoy every bit of my life and now being 23 next month, it will be to the fullest as much as i can.

Every age to me is the happiest
2012-04-11 08:50:52 UTC
Probably when your in your mid 20's because u can do anything u want to (20-25)and because your still young and you can run around . You aren't to old to try new things at that age.
Kevin Weedon
2012-04-10 21:10:01 UTC
I was happiest at every age! Each year has had blessings and sadnesses. There have been peaks and troughs. 49 was a good year; I married my dear love. 56 is being a tougher year; she passed away in March. Time will tell what this year's blessings are.
2012-04-10 16:25:45 UTC
I think i was happiest at the age of 5.
2012-04-10 13:48:45 UTC
under 10
2012-04-10 13:07:50 UTC
Sure the years behind me were great... i have so much to look forward to in the future! could be now might be in 20 years... maybe when i am 33 but i wont know till i live me whole live
2012-04-10 12:55:11 UTC
Maybe around the age of 6, because I had no worries or cares. Didn't have to worry about my hair being perfect, how much I ate, making money, and friends. Life was great; but I definitely do not wish I could go back to that age. I love my life, and everyone in it. :)
2012-04-10 12:51:42 UTC
At age 4, I had no school, no work, no taxes, no pressure and a mother that loved me.

Since that has all changed, and not for the better, I cannot imagine a time when that kind of happiness and peace of mind will ever return.
2012-04-10 12:30:07 UTC
For me, it was age 29. But I think the best is yet to come.

I'll be 32 at the end of the month.
2012-04-10 12:18:08 UTC
When I was 10 years old I was the happiest :) I am 18 years old now.
2012-04-10 10:07:35 UTC
2012-04-10 06:44:02 UTC
I'd say it all depends on how the person's life is going. To me, there doesn't seem to be a set age where a person can be at their happiest. I'm 17 and I'd say that even though my life isn't even close to perfect, in general I am happy.
2012-04-10 04:36:03 UTC
I think your current age is your happiest age.

With a number, I'd say 19, because you are newly independent, but still very young.
2012-04-11 09:37:39 UTC
Yeah, around mid-thirties. When you've finished education and are in a (fairly) stable job and career, which you are happy with and have children. I think this is when things start to settle down and become less 'up and down'.
2012-04-10 15:39:40 UTC
Age was for me to be happy with 30 years, I am 35 years old today.
2012-04-10 14:44:56 UTC
I was at my happiest when I was about 6.

I had happily married parents, great school friends, and was the lead soloist in the school choir.

I didn't need to worry about money or being able to afford things at all.

Man, how I miss being 6.
2012-04-11 19:38:05 UTC
I don't think age matters, what matters is where you are in life with your goals. I would be happiest when I get my own family and career which can happen when i'm in my 30's or older.
2012-04-11 11:10:54 UTC
right now i am 33, but i think at the age of 19 because tht is when i found the love of my life and i also moved out of my parents house!
2012-04-11 08:21:27 UTC
So far, 12. (I'm 16) But I'm hoping the last few months of being 16, and then turning 17 will be better.
2012-04-11 00:36:41 UTC
I think I had the funniest and happiest moments in life when I was in university. I'm still happy, but college was just a blast!
Your worst nightmare
2012-04-10 20:18:03 UTC
I'll be happy when I'm 19. I'll get to move out and go to college with a scholarship annd like with my best friend in the whole planet.
2012-04-10 13:04:19 UTC

Being a kid is not fun since everything is illegal. At 18, some things are still illegal. At 21, everything becomes legal. But 21 is like a newbie lol. 23.
2012-04-10 02:29:55 UTC
For me there is no actual age. It can be the teenage years because in that stage there is no so called big RESPONSIBILITY and this is the stage in which we discover who we are. It can also be late 20's because in this stage of life we had already developed our goals in life and this is also the stage in which we gain experiences that we use until we get old.
2012-04-12 09:51:42 UTC
2012-04-11 10:27:06 UTC
I was happiest n - 2 years ago, with "n" being whatever my age was at the time of measurement.
2012-04-10 22:17:08 UTC
When I finish up with my Nursing career! By the age of 24 maybe.
2012-04-10 18:27:23 UTC
probably when I was a baby because I didn't know anything yet. so i'd say I was pretty happy until I was old enough to understand when bad things are happening around me or to me. I guess I was probably happiest when I was first born (even though I don't actually remember it).
2012-04-10 15:47:14 UTC
i believe 30 something was happier years for me; i was on my own raising two young girls. it was hard at first' finanicaly but i soon realized he did me a favour when he left. i grew with my girls;they became very independed young women. all in all now i am older 5 grandchildren two son-in laws; one granddaughter, plus 4 grandsons which i love dearly. not bad... being older now i am still on my own,life is different, different responsibles; greater understanding, more patience . i remember thinking when i was 16 years old that 40 was old. now i am closer to 60 years, guess what 80 is old now to me. we have to remember that age is just a number.... it is how u feel at the time; my body feels a 100 years old some days but life goes on.....
2012-04-10 14:51:04 UTC
I think I will be at my happiest at 65. Retirement will allow you to look back at your life. Do things which you've wanted to do but haven't had the time for. You'll be (hopefully) more confident and happier within yourself and can enjoy living out the rest of your years.
Buh bye
2012-04-10 11:30:39 UTC
My happiest years were the years where I didn't have any cares in the world other than what toy to take out to recess. Elementary school years.
Jonny Sniper
2012-04-10 09:36:35 UTC
I think around 24/25 - by that time I'll have graduated and should be in a good job with a comfortable salary, allowing me to pursue my lifetime dream of travelling the world.
2012-04-10 08:46:09 UTC
When I was 17. But I am not 33 I let you know when I'm 33
Robert M
2012-04-10 06:31:45 UTC
Probably 13 to 21.
2012-04-10 00:46:57 UTC
I loved being a kid, I am 14 now and hate not being a kid, well at least I can go off on my own without people calling my parents irresponsible.

what I have always hated is when people think it's ok to lie to kids, people think it's cute how they believe in the easter bunny- it's not. Kids are people just like you.
2012-04-10 15:29:58 UTC
I think I'll be happiest when I got to university, and get full independence :) so between 18-22.
2012-04-10 04:39:26 UTC
I don't know I'm 19 now and I think I was happiest at 15.
2012-04-11 04:58:42 UTC
Child hood is the best years of your life If i could go back in a heart-beat I would.

I'm 20 now and life is crap to be fair.

iv'e had my horrible teen years come and gone

now I'm ill all the time and depressed and jobless so yeah

lets go back the magic number 5 :)
2012-04-11 04:53:28 UTC
I'm 14 and I think the best days were when I was little. It was a carefree life with nothing to worry about, you can just play on and on.
2012-04-11 04:46:08 UTC
Somehow I've been enjoying every year of my life. I feel each year has something to bring and more wisdom to add. I'm 28 now.

So, my answer is, every year that I have a memory of(I obviously do not remember much as a child) is a happy year for me.
2012-04-10 21:20:00 UTC
I would say there is no real answer to that and it's base solemnly on your quality of life and your experiences and what you consider the most happiest time of age.
2012-04-10 21:05:37 UTC
I will be 80 in Aug and I am more content and happy now. All my mistakes have been made, and forgiven, I have a fabulous husband, we are able to come and go as we please, if we want to sleep, we do it, if we want to eat we do it....if we want to work out in the yard all day.....we do that too, until we are so tired we have to go in. But it is a good tired, and we know we have accomplished much. Everything is as we want it. We are still very much in love. So contentment is ours. EVERY DAY.
2012-04-10 16:41:13 UTC
If you aren't the happiest at every single moment in your life, then you ain't living. Do not live for the future and do not live in the past. Live in the present because it is a gift.
2012-04-10 15:00:01 UTC
If you are under the age of 12. Because you are a child.
2012-04-10 12:06:34 UTC
I think that from the time that your born till the time that you die should be considered the happiest times of our lives, because no matter how bad things there's always gonna be a silver lining and an opportunity door waiting for you.
2012-04-10 11:39:51 UTC
2014-07-05 20:23:24 UTC
I'm still young, and pressured by people to do more work and study,, etc. I think being 6 or 7 would be easy, no work or stuff... but not for me.
2012-04-12 08:59:57 UTC
I think during the adolescent years, 14-18. But im 15 which means now
2012-04-12 00:21:23 UTC
I was happiest as an adolescent, easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

The Younger, The better!
2012-04-11 20:36:37 UTC
I this we were the happiest at age five you get what you want and you dont have a care in the world.
2012-04-11 07:20:01 UTC
That answer can never be determined until the day you die, then you can be able to tell of all the years you have lived that that one time was the best in your whole life.
Hot Momma
2012-04-10 23:17:54 UTC
the age that you will be the happiest is the age that you feel the most comfortable with yourself, that is when you can be your own best friend and confident , and not care what other's think of you. you really have to be honest with yourself and accept you for who, or what you are. That can come at any age.
2012-04-10 16:13:19 UTC
My younger years were not very happy due to school and social issues. I am not very happy right now at age 26. Perhaps I will be happy in my later years?
2012-04-10 14:38:40 UTC
As I remember it Jesus Christ was 33 whwn he was nailed to a cross, almost naked, in the blazing sun, to be stoned by the watching crowd. I think the researchers need a re-think.
2012-04-10 14:15:19 UTC
I'm the happiest right now (I'm 11). I've got amazing friends, an amazing school, amazing teachers, and an amazing family. That is all I could ever wish for.
2012-04-10 11:25:06 UTC
Now. Age 52. I would NEVER want to be 33 again!
2012-04-10 02:05:13 UTC
Adolescence to me is the best age. Being around 14-15 is great because you have fun because you are a child and also start experimenting with love and that sort of stuff, but at the same time, this is the period of time when you start knowing yourself and your real interests in life. I love being a teenager!
2012-04-11 14:49:55 UTC
4 years old! when life is still pure bliss, id say 4 till about 15 years old, deepening on the way the parents instilled responsibility
2012-04-11 09:57:21 UTC
I was happy when I was like 10 years old. I didn't care about looks or anything. Just cared about having fun. Now it's not like that anymore. I wish I could go back.
2012-04-11 05:58:25 UTC
no matter what age as long as things going your way

of course , the younger the better , because then if you have that firm foundation( if you managed to arrange things in order in your early life that will do yourself a favor for your future development ) in your youth even if things gone wrong later in life you won't regret and you can cope better .....
2012-04-10 20:56:47 UTC
Age five. Why? I wasn't responsible for many things. I could sleep whenever I wanted. Physical appearance wasn't a worry. My parents were there to protect me. I did not really understand the world that much so almost EVERYTHING was a mystery. My job was basically to have fun. ...Wish I could go back lol!
2012-04-10 19:50:01 UTC
Age 4. I wish I could be 18 and rearrange my life though
2012-04-10 17:24:37 UTC
5 years old. :) nap time, lots of toys, no job, go to school and play some more, come home, eat snacks, watch cartoons, play outside, no homework. THAT is the life :)

Not bad being a 90's kid especially :)
2012-04-10 17:23:00 UTC
Age 33 which is proven because it is the time in which your job poisition is ideal and the family is happy.
2012-04-10 15:49:00 UTC
I'll be happiest the day I take over the world and become world dictator for life.
Sarah Xi
2012-04-10 12:41:05 UTC
Uh me, when I was 1 and everyone treated me like an angel. I think my happiest years are ahead of me
2012-04-10 10:38:01 UTC
21 so ahead of me. Because your an adult and you finally have your own life!

Another reason is that my childhood wasn't the greatest my father died when I was 6! My mom has yet to marry and or date.

I really hope that you guys get a lot of interesting answers!!
2012-04-10 10:28:03 UTC
according to me the question you have asked is the dumbest and stupidest....

i thought your yahoo staff is so mature but instead they are just puny headed people who knows nothing about common sense. it depends on the situation and the time also the place. have some common sense yahoo answers staff !! survey is nothing !! also statistic... these are just plain ignorant sheet with nothing more than a scope of values in it !! you yahoo staff should get a life or the founder of yahoo should dismiss you people and they should put some people with common sense.

Peace !!
2012-04-10 09:30:10 UTC
I'm 17 and I want to be 18. When you're 18, you'll be an adult. And considering adults can do many things that children can't...I'll probably be happiest at 18.
2012-04-10 08:52:19 UTC
I think by age 26/27. By this time I should be fully settled into my new life and should be fully financially independent and hopefully have a life-partner
2012-04-10 05:25:45 UTC
Probably later this fall when I turn 14. It's kinda like the best for both worlds....I can't wait to get a job! It's kind of like independence without all the requirements of living alone and caring for yourself.
2012-04-10 01:35:24 UTC
most on here seem to be 30ish

I was happiest as a child, 7-11.

great school friends who are still here, great times and family who have now sadly passed away.

Im now 33 by the way !!!!!!!!!!!
2012-04-12 07:23:29 UTC
i'll be most happiest when i finish school i hate it euurrghh, when i get married i'll be happiest so around 28.
2012-04-12 00:55:53 UTC
I am 24 now. It seems to me like 32 - 35. it's an age with a balance of youthfulness and maturity. my uncle is 35 now and he seems to be relaxed and happy with his career and family!
2012-04-10 15:41:47 UTC
I say when you're a child, but it is different for everybody- maybe not your childhood because you had abusive parents, or one of your parents died, or maybe not teen years because you were bullied or got into an accident, and maybe not when you're around 20 because you were dumped by the 'love' of your life. It's different for everybody, as everybody leads a different life
2012-04-10 07:48:17 UTC
I am 19 and I think my 20's or early 30's will be the best.
2012-04-10 00:44:31 UTC
Lmao @33 I think ill be happiest around 24 and I was happiest when I was 15ish lol:/
2012-04-11 18:18:54 UTC
Hopefully in my 40's. I am 42 now and hope that I have not had the best years
2012-04-11 14:25:04 UTC
I think at 32--im heading towards happiness.

as a teenager you go through all that peer pressure and mixed emotions, in your 20s your still finding who you are.

Motto- "futures so bright I gotta wear shades"
2012-04-11 10:13:32 UTC
Studies have proven in your 30s you are happiest because you have fully grown into who you are and you have a better understanding of yourself
2012-04-11 05:21:19 UTC
My life was at it's peak at 50. That's right, fifty years of age. Let's just say things fell together with kids, spouse, 'n everything else.
2012-04-10 22:47:19 UTC
when you're 7-10 those are the best times. you're a kid,no worries and there's nothing like street hockey or video games with friends. Those are the best years...films of those good times rolling in your head as you get older....and you smile.
2012-04-10 17:46:54 UTC
Probablly.... when I was 8!!

Im 16 now, but 8 years ago, I had no responsibilities, no problems, and I was too young and naive to really worry about anything, ya know?

This was when I was in India. I live in the U.S now.
2012-04-10 17:44:22 UTC
The best age to be happy is when you finally know what your purpose in life is.

When you know that your living for the right reasons.
2012-04-10 13:53:17 UTC
6 because i was carefree didnt have to deal with all the stress of a job traffic taxes etc all i needed was some apple juice and my dog and i was the happiest kid ever
2012-04-10 09:54:19 UTC
2010-12 Best year ever,I mean that's where My era start?

2011 could of been beter,but it sucked.

2012-It's ok but I got suspended on my level 7 42k points.

but 2012 can be much much better,and I hope I can lose my virginity
2012-04-10 04:00:43 UTC
Late student at a university say 25-30.
2012-04-10 02:35:37 UTC
I think my twenties will be the best years of my life, I only hope I am not made to study and work non stop through them, as seems the trend these days =(
2012-04-12 02:35:16 UTC
now I am 26 years ,and my happiest age is 20 when i am in university , has less worries for life
2012-04-11 09:51:17 UTC
In this second, minute, hour. Yesterday is dead and tommorow has not been born yet. Memories are sweet but are illusive. If I'm not happy today I live with dreams (future or past).
2012-04-11 09:18:55 UTC
I think that the age where we can feel happier than all our life is 20-35 years, because i think that in this age you feel free from your parents and you are young!
2012-04-11 04:52:15 UTC
Each decade I think is going to be better than the last, but it's not. So I've now come to the conclusion that I'll never have a 'happiest'. But it also depends on how you quantify 'happy'.........!!

Life's a b itch and then you die. Fact.
2012-04-10 20:50:03 UTC
I would say 16..

I mean you get some freedom..

Plus Prom!

I love being 16..

I mean I'm 16 and I'm a photographer for Mallow & Steed.

I love it!!

This question reminds me of the song by Blink-182.

"What's My Age Again?"

Mallow & Steed Facebook
2012-04-10 09:35:56 UTC
I was the happiest when I was a child. Now everybody I known as a child is married or has kids.
2012-04-10 09:26:25 UTC
I'm 65. I've been happy in the past, and am learning how to be more solidly joyful and content -- thank goodness! So now, and the years to come, are when I will be happiest, God willing.
2012-04-10 06:26:49 UTC
2012-04-10 04:40:58 UTC
27 - 29
Rebecca of Faraway Farm
2012-04-11 04:57:20 UTC
the summer I won a scholarship to study at the University of Chicago
Unknown zone
2012-04-10 14:00:38 UTC
I have so many happy moments, and at every age, of course sometimes we would like to go back, but right now i am the happiest, so you see you never know.
2012-04-10 03:36:38 UTC
After Birth and Before 1st Days od School was my Happier time of my life...
2012-04-11 10:17:06 UTC
When I was 1 month old, because that is when my innocence still came to plagued, and now I realized pure evil of how society has come about..... To my ice cream sandwich.... :3
DoMo-- RaawR
2012-04-11 09:36:16 UTC
I was the most happiest wen i was 17
2012-04-11 08:28:49 UTC
I think in the old age we will be the happiest because we will have no tension at that age
2012-04-11 06:00:41 UTC
Probably middle childhood for me (age 6-10) because I was happy, carefree now I'm just blah, obsessed with my weight, my family is falling apart..
2012-04-11 02:34:38 UTC
I would like to think when I am in my mid to late twenties. Assuming I am getting married or something...I guess I am a bit of a hopeless romantic haha
2012-04-10 19:49:08 UTC
The best moments of my life were when I was around 11-13 years old. So many songs remind me of it, time goes by so fast... my childhood was amazing.
2012-04-10 19:38:01 UTC
Whenever it is I finally marry, have a family, and a home of my own. Hopefully I'll achieve all of these goals before I'm 26.
2012-04-10 15:59:53 UTC
As far as I am concerned it is from 15 to 20..... I mean the '' irresponsible time'' there is no need of worrying about the family and the other responsibilities...we are free birds on that I correct?
2012-04-10 15:51:22 UTC
I say age 11-12 (Primary school was amazing) all i did was just play and not worry about things at all.
2012-04-10 13:32:02 UTC
I would have to say 16-21 cause your young and can still have a lot of fun
2012-04-10 10:30:09 UTC
24! because your old enough to drink, your on your own, and its a nice time to get your career going or get married , plus its the ideal age for having kids if you wanna start young but have a steady job
2012-04-10 10:18:03 UTC
The moment of birth is the happiest
2012-04-10 08:57:34 UTC
I am happy now at the age of 16, but i will probably be even happier at 25 when i have more wisdom.
2012-04-10 05:33:26 UTC
Up to the age of 5... it was all down hill after that.
2012-04-11 13:06:29 UTC
I think Childhood when you are too young to know all the grief that lifes responsibilities have.. and then again middle aged.. when you made it and thought. .Why the heck didnt i know this 20 yrs ago?
2012-04-11 10:34:53 UTC
I'm happy right now :)

Aged 14, very nearly 15, loving being a teenager right now :)
Anu Radhakrishnan
2012-04-10 00:37:38 UTC
According to my experience, I would say that its the infant hood which we enjoy the most, since we are free from any bondage because we don't know anything about this world.
2012-04-11 09:06:08 UTC
At the age when you are spiritually closest to your (Creator / Sustainer / Owner / Master / Cherisher) Who is the One and only God worthy of obedience and worship
2012-04-11 01:48:39 UTC
Age is just a number.

The true answer is is however old you feel when you are your happiest.
2012-04-10 20:36:59 UTC
I'd say around your 20s or 30s, because you've grown up and you're more independent then you were in your teen years, so you can enjoy yourself more, see people, go travel, etc.
Keeli Wickers
2012-04-10 15:08:37 UTC
My life so far has been sub par (that rhymed). I think that once I can move out and be young and adventurous, THAT'S when I'll be happiest. I'm thinking that's around twenty-one or so. If the drinking age were lower, I'd say nineteen or twenty.
2012-04-10 14:06:47 UTC
Two or younger. That's usually the age where people haven't found out how much life actually sucks.
2012-04-10 13:50:41 UTC
28 I never partied when I ws in my teens so I made up for it when I lived in Vermont for a year. Lived in Essex Junction {outside of Burlington} and had alot of good times!~~~ fell in love and left him there to move back to Ct. Some regrets but I had fun and made so many cool friends.
2012-04-10 11:35:57 UTC
I was happiest in my teen years and early 20's,think I will feel that way again,in my last years.
2012-04-10 02:58:34 UTC
Age has nothing to do with it. Life circumstances and determination are what you must consider. There is and will never be a formula. Live life to its fullest and this question should never arise.
To be or not to be.
2012-04-10 02:18:31 UTC
when i was happily sitting in school, with no worries and no tension, no nothing. just homework to do. no pimples, no need to look nice, accepting everyone without questions asked, not knowing how difficult it is to earn money....

not that i have much tensions[i am only 17] but still they were the best times of my life.
2012-04-10 01:16:13 UTC
I think when we were kids at age around 9yrs we will be knowing the things around us only.

So according me those were happiest days.And then 23yrs
Light Y
2012-04-11 07:10:41 UTC
maybe adult time? around 19-20+? cause it's the age of exploring in life... Where we find work and decide if I'm getting married or something?
2012-04-10 20:12:26 UTC
I am happiest right now. Happiness is a choice, and that's what I choose, though I have many challenges.
2012-04-10 20:10:27 UTC
I think you'll be the happiest when you learn to come to terms with who you are as a person. Once you are comfortable and confident in your own skin, you'll be happy:)
2012-04-10 15:23:27 UTC
I think i'll be happiest like 18-23. im 16 now
2012-04-10 15:04:03 UTC
The age b4 puberty, of course. 10
2012-04-10 13:06:50 UTC
21 because younger is better, but less experience = less happiness too, and by 21 you have acumulated some life experience to feel great and enjoy the young age anyway! At least, that is what is going to be for to me. :)
2012-04-10 12:16:21 UTC
the answer for most is their 30' only 25 but i have noticed my life is slowly getting better and coming together so i pray my thirtys will be great also!
2012-04-10 10:49:15 UTC
whatever age you feel is best for you

for me i would say being a little kid about 6 or 7 im 14 now
2012-04-10 07:08:55 UTC
As a child, because your so full of inosence. You don't worry how you're going to get food you know your parents will provide your needs. You don't know what is a relationship love, the only love you know it exist is your family's and friends. Childhood is all about pure hearts and minds.
2012-04-10 06:40:02 UTC
0-14 years as you don't have any worries, everything is done for you and as soon as you realize how the real world works everything goes down hill !! Don't waste time when your young feeling sad and worried what other people think! enjoy yourself while you can before you have responsibilities !!
Hannah Karoline
2012-04-11 08:43:19 UTC
5; when the world was stress and worry free. And the only thing I ever had to worry about was getting the newest barbie doll.
2012-04-11 07:34:39 UTC age today which is 86! I make a decision each day that this day is to be my happiest.
2012-04-11 02:56:20 UTC
i think the proper question is when? the age is not essential

when you and all your family and friends are together in good health you will be won't be happy if you are 33 and have lot of money and one of your family is sick or is dying, don't you think?
2012-04-11 01:52:27 UTC
I've never been too sad or too happy since now, so I guess the best but also the worst times are ahead! (I'm 17 now)
Bew C
2012-04-10 19:27:41 UTC
"Peter Gibbons: So I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life.

Dr. Swanson: What about today? Is today the worst day of your life?

Peter Gibbons: Yeah.

Dr. Swanson: Wow, that's messed up. "

- Office Space
2012-04-10 19:09:41 UTC
i believe when i was at college in 20-24 years old, i have no worried,every day i just need to study and accompany with my boy friend!i can decide to do everything i like!
2012-04-10 15:56:25 UTC
Definitely 12. That was when I was happiest.
2012-04-10 13:10:03 UTC
Any age! As long as you're living life to the fullest, you're happy!:) make the best out of every situation:)!
2012-04-10 10:45:02 UTC
What a question ~ so many different things happen at different ages in our lifes. I can't answer this. Every year has been wonderful.
2012-04-10 08:55:45 UTC
at the moment i die if ill be able to tell myself my life was worth living

its all misery until that point, in the form of endless critiques on every idea i have

all in the sake of laying my head down, each time as well as the last.

a vague answer for- in my opinion atleast- a misleading question.
2012-04-11 07:52:21 UTC
Present. Today. Right Now.
im-m-maa <3
2012-04-11 02:59:54 UTC
I'm 19 and I'm very happy. It depends on what type of a person you are, and what type of a personality you have. You can be happy in any age.
2012-04-10 20:20:05 UTC
I think 25 would be my happiest age.
2012-04-10 18:38:43 UTC
15! Because you are youthful and carefree! Summer is your best friend. And yet there is still very little responsibility. 15 beats 16!
danton s
2012-04-10 17:56:54 UTC
I'm configuring what is affordable. so, according to rent, insurance and current crop of drug addict women attracted to interracial relationships that they find exciting and somewhat intimidating....I'de say that at the age of 50 or 60, when and during the past tense has happened...AIDS, JANE DOE and my own pursuit of using the speedometer.
2012-04-10 17:26:05 UTC
Probably age 4, because that was before my life altered completely, I was still innocent, I didn't have much of an opinion on anything.
2012-04-10 14:37:13 UTC
Its a progression thing for me. I am always happier this year over the last, and expect to be even more happier in the year to come.
The Last Dragon
2012-04-10 09:30:47 UTC
I would have to say my Happiest were 23...Mainly because Financally I was in better shape (No Debt or Debts) as well as Physically
2012-04-10 01:46:49 UTC
Once I finish school and start my career, which will be in my 30's. That'll be the beginning of the REST of my life.
2012-04-10 00:23:09 UTC
3 to 6. Cos at that age I don't have any responsibility or worry. Everything was taken care by my parents & I was in their warm fold. I see the world only through them and they were my world. No lust, no greed - all only love.
2012-04-11 09:24:39 UTC
I don't know about the future but at the moment it is right now 31
2012-04-10 07:36:28 UTC
26-30 - this span were the happiest years of my life. i hope i can get some more years like that in the near future :)
2012-04-10 03:05:50 UTC
I am only 13 so I would have to say live life as if it was your last day on earth. Every day is a brand new one so I would have to say that.... It's your current day!
2012-04-10 22:37:59 UTC
Somewhere between 6 and 10, hands down!!!
2012-04-10 17:54:00 UTC
Probably my late 30s-40s

Teenage years and young adult years are rough and I'm glad they are winding down.
2012-04-10 17:30:48 UTC
15 :) It was before I had my illness and got new good friends. I think being young is always a bliss because you have less responsibility and less things to worry about.
2012-04-10 12:20:22 UTC
7. not a care in the world, my family was intact, my pets were still alive. Christmas was still fun. I didn't have to worry about school, or jobs, or my future. That's just me though.
2012-04-10 11:56:12 UTC
I was happiest when I was 16 as I had my first love then and it was great
2012-04-10 11:36:21 UTC
mid 30's they are ahead of me i hope by the time im in my mid 30's i will have an established career, a husband, and over all i hope to be happy with myself and gain a sense of self pride that comes with age.
2012-04-10 08:41:43 UTC
Happiness doesn't know age! But I think that people are happiest in their childhood, because they don't have to worry about anything. I feel happy and I hope to feel even more happy in my future!
ali mert.
2012-04-10 06:34:59 UTC
about 7 years old. i loved getting excited to wake up to watch cartoons in the morning like kids from room 402, recess, hey arnold etc

and life was so simple, not an f'n care in the world, no stress, no studying and best of all, no expectations. i could play outside without contemplating my school life simultaneously.
2012-04-10 03:57:40 UTC
I believe I was happiest at 13.
2012-04-11 01:04:04 UTC
Age 0. I was way happier at birth.
2012-04-10 10:28:25 UTC
8 or 13!

considering im only 14
2012-04-09 23:08:40 UTC
Every single second that is passing by the moment in your life. Cherish it.
2012-04-09 22:48:01 UTC
Happiness is a choice, not an age.

I believe people are happy whenever they make up their minds to be.
2012-04-09 20:56:47 UTC
I love my life everyday. Every age has it's advantages and disadvantages. I think to pick only one age is not looking at your life as a whole.
2012-04-09 17:13:03 UTC
35 was probably the happiest for me as my body was very resilient. ty
Eric R
2012-04-09 16:49:34 UTC
I am now 36, the age I was happiest was probably 24. I was more fit, had a decent job, and really no troubles to think of.

The more I think of it, age 24 was the start of a happier life following that age too. It was when I met my wife to be on a rafting trip in Colorado.
2012-04-11 22:07:57 UTC
I really liked being eight. Didn't feel too much like a little kid, intelligent enough to do interesting things, and didn't have too many responsibilities or worries.
2012-04-09 23:58:12 UTC
45 because you have life figured out by then usually and can relax and just enjoy life. The house is paid off and it's just more relaxed. The kids are in college and you can concentrate on your life then. Just my opinion though. I think it's different for everyone.
2012-04-09 23:27:58 UTC
I would say 50 years old because that's when all the kids will be grown and out of the house. That means you have more time for you and your spouse!
2012-04-09 23:23:21 UTC
Crap, I am 33 and I am still single and a smart alack. It doesn't get better than this!
2012-04-09 22:12:09 UTC
12.. I miss being innocent and not knowing the negative side of life.
Michael S
2012-04-09 22:06:41 UTC
Somewhere between birth and death. I think.
2012-04-09 21:34:09 UTC
Happiness seems to hit me at the most random of times. It has happened at all ages, and I think it will continue to happen throughout my life.

I think it's easy to look back at a time in your life as if it was perfect, free of hardship. There are always the good's and bad's.
2012-04-09 21:14:56 UTC
2012-04-09 20:51:22 UTC
2012-04-09 19:46:32 UTC
I was the happiest when I was six! Things were way more interesting than they are now!
2012-04-09 19:31:39 UTC
Having just turned 18, I've never been happier! So much more open doors and opportunities you don't want to miss out on! I have a job, I'm about to start college, and I signed a lease to my wonderful, yet small, apartment! It might get stressful, but it will be worth it. High school is over, so much less drama in my life. I would say at the age of 18, I am the happiest; but, I'll never know the real answer. 21 might be better to everyone else, since you can drink; but, I don't drink. But who knows? I might be 33 years old, with a family, and be happier than being 18. But for now, I'm sticking to eighteen. Thank you!
2012-04-09 18:23:21 UTC

No worries about boys, no homework, no puberty, no responsibility.

Free time to explore, make a mess and not have to clean up, eat ike a pig and not gain weight because of my kid metabolism, getting whatever I asked for with just a puppy look, and most of all laying on my mother's lap outside dozing off to some beautiful classical music.
2012-04-09 18:21:07 UTC
Different ages for different reasons, I don't think one will be better then the other.
2012-04-09 18:18:51 UTC
18 because that is when teenagers go to college and leave there parents
2012-04-09 17:40:58 UTC
For some their 30s is the age when they get married and have kids or finally enjoy a financial stability thus it's deemed the age of happiness. I've heard the study published on your website and I think it's very flawed. It focus too much on celebrities and single people in their 30s. Those people won't have the same problems that an average working-class person has in their daily lives such as financial struggles, marital responsibilities, having to take care of kids and provide for them a stable home. All of the things I have mentioned are things that an adult will have to face when he reaches his 30s. You don't really know what life is all about until you have a family of your own.

"Friends Reunited, a U.K. website, found that 70 percent of respondents over the age of 40 said they did not find true happiness until they were 33 years old". I don't know what true happiness and your web site did not give us any clue as to what it could possibly be. As for your question, I think the closest to full bliss most of us have ever been was reached during our childhood. It's a time when you do not have to worry about anything, you have the innocence of that age. I think you can't be any happier. All you can do is make sure that your kids will have the same sweet memories from their childhood just like you did when you were their age.
Andre Jones
2012-04-09 17:29:14 UTC
i say 21
2012-04-09 17:00:26 UTC
Joe S
2012-04-09 16:53:59 UTC
69. Hehe...
2012-04-09 16:52:05 UTC
I'm happy right now, but being 17, college is gonna be sweet
2012-04-09 16:45:48 UTC
8, 19, 20, 21...... then all downhill

hope things start to get better... things are better than 5 years ago though...
2012-04-11 04:47:51 UTC
At 45 I felt I reached my peak of "personal power", both physically and mentally.
2012-04-11 04:33:17 UTC
3-9 I was oblivious to the imperfects.
2012-04-10 11:45:51 UTC
Current age. Each and every moment with my wife and daughters is a blessing.
2012-04-09 23:35:49 UTC
I'm 20 at the moment and am the happiest I have ever been. It took me a little while to appreciate life and get over the teenage angst but, now that I have I am loving every single day.

I'm young and have the future to look forward to... Everything is still exciting and new. Why wouldn't I be happy?
2012-04-09 23:22:19 UTC
I'm 66 and I believe this will be my happiest year yet.

I Cr 13:8a
Daydream Believer
2012-04-09 23:00:12 UTC
How about you tell me. At age 6 my father died and my mother was never the same again. A month before turning 7 I became the victim of sexual molestation that lasted until I was 15. At almost 16 I was raped, got pregnant and my baby died one week after his birth. I married young, 17, a good man, but one that leaves every decision, every bill, every problem for ME to deal with alone. My children, now adults, only call when they need something and use our grandchildren to get it. Both my older sisters and my mother died young too. As did the only 2 best friends I ever had, one of them passed this year and her family didn't tell me until AFTER her funeral. We are disabled, bodies falling apart, live in a trailer, cook stove died and are living on TV dinners because we can't afford another stove, we have no car, also can not afford one. Yet each day I think it has to be better, and it never is. Sad when you are thankful for a day no one calls. I was happy before my father died, but have few memories of him. No one helps me in any way, I can't even be sick because I have to run the household. Husband had a mental breakdown in 1992 and I've been his legal guardian since. Plus thanks to MS I'm doing all this from bed or my wheelchair. I know stable, I know content, but happy is just a myth.
2012-04-09 22:55:10 UTC
2012-04-09 22:46:28 UTC
Hello Dear

Till U get the knowledge about the world you're, by the time you get the knowledge about the world you're the most saddest person in this world.
2012-04-09 22:07:17 UTC
Mr. Bodhisattva
2012-04-09 21:22:20 UTC
66. When one can retire and be free once and for all.
2012-04-09 20:55:29 UTC
Probably between 20-30 you will have your best and worst moments.
2012-04-09 20:39:26 UTC
16 was the best age for me~
2012-04-09 19:56:26 UTC
5-10 when you dgaf and watched that so raven with your flare jeans!
2012-04-09 19:24:05 UTC
i was happiest at the age of 13,those were my happiest days ever
2012-04-09 18:54:04 UTC
are younger years around like 1 and all that becuase we had no worries people have difficulty seeing that but we were truley at are happiest because we had no worries as babies and toddlers
2012-04-09 18:45:58 UTC
I'm only 20, but I think your high school years are when you SHOULD be your happiest. Most people take it for granted and try to grow up too much, but it's when you can be carefree and have fun
2012-04-09 17:23:12 UTC
I hope I'll be happiest later in life when I have a stable job and loving family (with some luck).
2012-04-09 17:22:18 UTC
17. My 16 wasn't very sweet. I am 21 now, which is pretty good too. Seems like there is no 'next big birthday' to look forward too though..
2012-04-09 16:47:02 UTC
Alive, She Cried☮
2012-04-09 16:23:32 UTC
35 :)
Mad Dog
2012-04-09 23:24:49 UTC
2012-04-09 22:51:30 UTC
I was happiest at age 4
bubblicious fun
2012-04-09 22:39:23 UTC
2012-04-09 22:24:09 UTC
Oh dear Pooh Bear, if I'm already truly past the literal "best" time of my life, I'm screwed. 29 and never been kissed, or even been on a serious date. /facepalm
2012-04-09 21:55:34 UTC
Live in the moment. It is what you make it. The time is now.
2012-04-09 21:10:16 UTC
2012-04-09 20:00:05 UTC

I'll hopefully be done with school by then (at least community college). Hopefully will be happily married and past the heartbreak of young relationships. More confident. Hopefully have a steady job/income by then, and possibly an idea of which career I could see myself in. Not living with mom & dad anymore. Will finally be viewed as an adult. But, I'm not so old that I'm starting to bald. At 19 years old, 33 seems ancient to me (I know, I know, at 33 I won't feel that way, but at the moment I totally do).
2012-04-09 19:36:28 UTC
21. Old enough to do anything you want; young enough to not care.
2012-04-09 18:48:16 UTC
i think it varies - i think its when you feel accomplished as a person or very secure in yourself
2012-04-09 18:45:31 UTC
18 to 21 when I was in college, for sure.
2012-04-09 18:32:55 UTC
2012-04-09 18:30:36 UTC
I would have to say--if I have to pick an exact age--around 10 years old. I remember the hot, beautiful summers stretching practically forever. I remember countless friends I had grown up with and how we explored the corn fields, small local forest, paths, and local creek (complete with rope swing), even though we lived in working class suburbia. I remember running in the hot, summer night, catching lighning bugs and putting their lights on our clothes, and watching the beautiful lightning from approaching thunderstorms. There was also kick-the-can and the public swimming pool and looking forward to going to the small movie theatre on many weekends. I remember feeling free from major worries and feeling protected and cared for by grown-ups. In just a few years, many of those things changed or we simply did not do them anymore. The worst part of the changes was the formation of cliques in schools and certain alienations occurred, or how some people simply became rude, nasty, or arrogant. But at the age of ten, my friends were forever, and we seemed to never stop running or bicycling, and having a blast almost every time we got together.
2012-04-09 17:52:57 UTC
18. Ooooh yess!
2012-04-09 17:03:36 UTC
2012-04-09 17:01:06 UTC
Your hole life when you aren't/got/get in trouble.
2012-04-09 16:49:55 UTC
about 3, not 33, just 3
All My Intensity
2012-04-09 16:27:23 UTC
*awaits the trolls
Angela JC
2012-04-09 16:23:52 UTC
40s and after have been the best yet. More confident have a better job and more money. Kids are almost grown love this time.
2012-04-10 00:44:33 UTC
teen age when we enter in 8 or 9 claas because we dont know about our responsibilites we know only how can we play we dnt know about how can we sad and how can we happey i think this age is best part of our life
2012-04-09 23:19:22 UTC
right now.
2012-04-09 23:03:41 UTC
My young days
2012-04-09 22:36:30 UTC
I am 15 years old. I WANNA STAY 15 FOREVER!! <33
Joseph the Second
2012-04-09 20:57:27 UTC
-Every year just gets BETTER- for Me... Because the OLDER I Get, the LESS- Everything seems to Matter... :)
aaron c
2012-04-09 20:27:40 UTC
2012-04-09 20:27:05 UTC
2012-04-09 20:25:37 UTC
2012-04-09 19:55:29 UTC
Happiness is an emotion rather than a permanent state. Being most happy or happiest without the presence of other emotions is usually largely unachievable. There are several moments that I have been very happy and also an equal amount of moments that I haven't been. Usually when you think you have arrived at the "Happiest" there is always something else to come along to remind us that we are still humans with a complex psyche. As far as age goes My Grandparents are still nit picky grumpy sometimes even though the have lived out their lives in a very good way. So I guess it's just "Blowin in the wind!"
We left and returned!
2012-04-09 19:27:23 UTC
When my job is done, I am allowed to die, and can go home again.
2012-04-09 18:55:09 UTC
2012-04-09 18:24:35 UTC
Probably nowish. I have some freedoms, not too much work, youth. So, age 15.
2012-04-09 18:14:46 UTC
As long as your always happy with whatever your doing, you'll live a happy and enjoyable life!
Gregory Taylorsen
2012-04-09 17:44:58 UTC
When I was born.
Charlos Spicey Wiener
2012-04-09 17:25:50 UTC
When i turn 16! Bowm Chicka Wow WOw!
2012-04-09 17:21:14 UTC
4, 27 and 100 years old
2012-04-09 17:02:05 UTC
It depends on the mind, one part may think depending on what they did, or planning a specific time they will be happy
2012-04-09 16:53:24 UTC
The older I get, the better my life gets...I'm 19 now so I guess 19
2012-04-09 16:17:25 UTC
10, I have 16 years.
Jo Constel
2012-04-11 05:35:57 UTC
15 has been the best age of my life so far
2012-04-10 17:12:39 UTC
Happiness is a state of mind and has no bearing on age.
2012-04-10 14:04:28 UTC
I want to be 25
2012-04-09 21:39:04 UTC
2012-04-09 21:33:35 UTC
I am 25 I am happy at my 20's enjoying my youth and thinking it is the best years of my life, but who knows if it is the best or not?!

As a kid I was enjoying my childhood and Barbie dolls, and I loved those those years that I didn't want to grow up.

But I grew to be surprised by beauty of the teen years, and it madness and good times, and I also didn't want to grow up thst I won't as happy as I was.

And now I enjoying the fun of my 20's, but i'm sure I will enjoy being in my 30's.

In other word, each age has it own charm:)
2012-04-09 19:58:20 UTC
2012-04-09 19:57:35 UTC
2012-04-09 19:55:58 UTC
5, definitely. Because seriously? As soon as I hit 13 I started thinking about how life is like an onion. You keep peeling back the layers.. only to discover there is nothing there. When I was five, how could I have ever had a clue? In my opinion, it's much better to be a happy simpleton than a sad genius.
Oh Hai.
2012-04-09 18:43:04 UTC
21 !
2012-04-09 18:04:34 UTC
I'll be happy when I'm dead.
2012-04-09 17:58:01 UTC

its that first year after being a real adult(not a teenager/adult such as 18,19,etc.)

you can drink in public and do so many more social activities.

im not 21 yet but im expecting that the be the age i'll be the happiest
2012-04-09 17:41:09 UTC
every year that passs tbh
2012-04-09 17:07:38 UTC
Id say 21 will be when Im happiest... just a guess
2012-04-09 17:06:11 UTC
At every age we will feel happy by considering some specific occasions. But that will never last for longer time.

♦ Whenever we feel the burden of the life by means of education or job, then the age 5-10 feels like happiest.

♦ Whenever we feel the burden of the life by means of wife/husband, then the teenage feels like happiest.

In my opinion, the life after the marriage is happiest. Because

1. A man gets a woman to share his problems. Sharing the burden always makes us happy.

2. Marriage is the start of new life for a man & woman. A new life always gets joy & happiness.

3. They might get lot of problems & lot of goals in their new life, when ever they achieve a goal, it's a big happy moment.

On an average, a person will get married at the age of ~30, so I feel, this could be the happiest age.
2012-04-09 16:44:45 UTC
2012-04-09 16:42:00 UTC
scratchy feet
2012-04-09 16:30:50 UTC
2012-04-09 16:26:05 UTC
Just wu wei it, dude.
2012-04-09 16:17:22 UTC
I'd say I'll be happiest when I'm 21
2012-04-10 22:04:04 UTC
I'm pretty my happiness peaked in my early childhood and faded around the time permanent finished solidifying.
2012-04-10 08:12:45 UTC
I would have to say 33, and now am much older. Whatever come what may,every year I think is getting better...
2012-04-09 23:18:15 UTC
2012-04-09 22:53:52 UTC
always happy, no matter 10, 20, 30,40, 50, 60.....
2012-04-09 21:37:20 UTC
28- Your life is set career wise and hopefully family wise as well.
2012-04-09 20:17:31 UTC
5 because i was little, nice, carefree, innocent and always saw the good in people. it's the only time i truly thought i was happy . As for when and are i'm happy ,who knows.
2012-04-09 19:56:14 UTC
When I was fourteen; Those were the best years of my twenty-five year old life. I've yet to live to the age of 33, so I wouldn't know. I guess I'll find out then, huh? :D
2012-04-09 19:52:16 UTC
I will be happiest probably around my mid twenties. i'm thirteen now.
2012-04-09 19:51:35 UTC
Sean Jones
2012-04-09 19:22:59 UTC
Those diaper days, care free and living the dream :D
2012-04-09 18:42:03 UTC
Best years ahead of me. I have been through all the trials, tribulations and challenges of raising a family, working on my education and professional development. I have a rewarding career and am finally able to truly enjoy life - by myself and with my significant other. Middle 50's and beyond - happiest place to be!
2012-04-09 18:18:56 UTC
2012-04-09 18:07:59 UTC
I am fifteen going on sixteen next month & i think that I have most likely been happier in the past then I am now, but I think people have and always will be the happiest they have ever been when they make the decision to be . My opinion is that as a young child you are usually care free and happy without even trying, then as you reach your teenage years you kind of lose that. Most people in their twenties are probably not the happiest because they have just been thrown out into this so called "real world" and they are trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives, how they are going to make money, where they are going to live, not to mention they are still young so they want to just have fun .I can see how the age of about 33 would be chosen as the age of where you would be the most happiest because it is a likely age where you have found yourself a job, found someone you think you want to spend the rest of your life with, and are possibly thinking about having children of your own . However, if I had to pick a select age, I would pick about 50 . It is an age where most folks start to think deeply about the life they are living and they learn the lessons of the wise . This is such a difficult and complex question to answer because it is different for everyone . It is important to remember that happiness is a choice, not a destination . We are all about as happy as we make are minds up to be . Also, a good thought to ponder would be ; Is it possible for there not to be a time period for someone when they were the happiest because they were happy all their life at the same level or sad all their life at the same level? .... Interesting question . Lol
2012-04-09 17:44:31 UTC
I'm 18 and I luv it getting drunk, getting hit on (all the tiMe), having lots of relationships (not all at once), putting on make up, wearing stilletos, shopping, being a model, being a size 4, making girls and girls bf's jelous of my looks, hehehe I luv 18

Please answer my question luv you ppl who do:

Btw I'm rlly drunk so I'll shut up now......
2012-04-09 17:37:51 UTC
the year before I discovered Yahoo Answers
2012-04-09 17:24:36 UTC
im 14 now nd my best years are deffinatly ahead of me
2012-04-09 17:06:26 UTC
when I get out of Highschool
2012-04-09 16:45:56 UTC
I believe the answer is very subjective. For some people their high school years are their highlight and life goes downhill after that, for others it is their college years when they are partying and getting wild with kids their own age, and for some it is their adult years.

I am in the final year of my teens and my teenage years were a total wreck. I see myself improving more and more and more and in my 20s when I have my own career and my own life I see myself being happier even though I realize that the responsibility that comes with such things is vast.

The unique thing about life is you can be happy whenever you want to be happy so such a "study" is rather pointless.
2012-04-09 16:44:39 UTC

I'll be a pro at sex.

2012-04-09 16:22:10 UTC
Maybe deeper in my life.. I'm still young, and pressured by people to do more work and study,, etc. I think being 6 or 7 would be easy, no work or stuff... but not for me.

Peter Martin
2012-04-09 23:43:15 UTC
In our childhood when we even do not know that what is the sorrow is?
2012-04-09 23:01:52 UTC
Anytime you want to.

It's not about the age that makes you happy; it's pretty much where you are now and how you're dealing with life so far.

I'm 15 and I'm doing what I can to make me happy and it's brought me to a lot of nice situations and lesser problems

Just realizing what life can do to make yourself happy makes me feel alright
2012-04-09 22:12:59 UTC
27 or current age
2012-04-09 22:09:00 UTC
I guess when i was 10-11.since no worries..
2012-04-09 22:05:20 UTC
2012-04-09 21:48:35 UTC
My early childhood + primary school years were the happiest years, followed my university years (I hated my high school years and couldn't wait to graduate).
2012-04-09 21:31:09 UTC
18 lol:)
2012-04-09 21:26:54 UTC
As a child in your first School, where you were unaware how easy life was.
2012-04-09 20:43:49 UTC
Who cares about keeping track of our ages? Why be happy 365 or 366 days when one can achieve to be happy forever? :)
2012-04-09 19:36:43 UTC
In my 20's
Big Boss is a Badass
2012-04-09 19:25:27 UTC
I'm only 19. I hope I have a pretty stable and enjoyable life by my late 20s.

All I know is that these next few years are going to be some rough ones.
2012-04-09 18:47:48 UTC
I would say when I was eight. Because as a child you are innocent and don't look down on people, and that I really didn't have a care in the world at the time
2012-04-09 18:46:06 UTC
12, sixth grade :)
2012-04-09 17:31:44 UTC
I'm 16 now . But I was the happiest at age 12/13. But i'll defintely be the happuest at 21 or 18 . A new freedom kinda like a new life...almost?
2012-04-09 17:09:57 UTC
I'm 18, and certainly not now, as I'm a bit depressed at the moment.

I think i'll be happiest in my early to mid twenties, and hopefully for most of my life after that!
Carter Danglo
2012-04-09 16:57:29 UTC
I dont ever want to be 33.. I'd say 21 cuz then i'll be able to do everything i want, move out of Alabama and piss off my dadd (:
2012-04-09 16:55:01 UTC
I will be happy when i stop looking for happiness anywhere except inside myself.
2012-04-09 16:49:27 UTC
I was too busy at 33 and not quite grown up. My very best was when I was in my mid 40's. I was grown up, smart, successful and very, very happy. I've been happy my entire life, but began to be my happiest during this period of my life. There is a lot to be said for growing up and into the role you were meant to play in life.
2012-04-09 16:39:36 UTC
Any age
2012-04-09 16:21:49 UTC
45 - beginning of my short lived "cougar" years lol
2012-04-09 23:47:56 UTC
10-14 best years, great adventures.

Will be happier after getting married.

Right now is okayish time, not at all bad though.
2012-04-09 23:43:30 UTC
2012-04-09 23:39:31 UTC
21...the legal age :)
2012-04-09 23:14:31 UTC
I'll be 50 in a couple of months and I have to say I am happiest now. Perhaps because I've learned to take life a day at a time, as it comes, and think about the present moment more. Perhaps because I've learned not to agonise over things and people I can't change. But also because I like myself and my life because they're mine.
FM radio
2012-04-09 22:11:22 UTC
My happiest year was 19 when i asked Jesus into my heart with everyday since then has been filled with joy and true peace when sorrow comes along he's my comfort.Lord I love you so much! He love YOU so much more than even i can image!
2012-04-09 20:38:18 UTC
I think college. Everyone i know said it was the best time of their lives.
2012-04-09 20:33:21 UTC
I think mine was when I was in elementary school. You didnt have to worry about boys, drama, clothes, how your hair looked, and about the bad things in the world...You just did what made you happy.:)
2012-04-09 20:08:31 UTC
I'm 41 and my best years are ahead of me. I recently met a very dear lady whom pleasant demeanor and sweet smile can brighten even the most gloomy day. She is aware that I'm currently broke and deep in debt but still manages to look past that fact, which speaks volume about her character. Due to the fact that she has an excellent paying job, she has also offered to help me get my finances straight but I would not feel right to ask that of her.

I'm a recent college graduate and career opportunities are starting to become available for me that did not exist prior. As a result of graduating college with highest honors, the stigma that my disabilities has brought on me since childhood has largely finally been eliminated.
2012-04-09 20:07:12 UTC
probably 27 for me being because I will have most likely finished all schooling I will need, and will start enjoying life.
2012-04-09 20:03:16 UTC
There is no doubt in my mind that my happiest years were the first 11. Anything was so spectacular and everything was an adventure. These days nothing is half as exciting as they were in Elementary school. I don't remember it all, but i remember laughing and having no cares in the world! *heavy sigh* oh how I miss those times.
2012-04-09 19:58:23 UTC
♂♫►§ Tisaianara §►♫
2012-04-09 19:55:57 UTC
Right now, 18 :)
2012-04-09 19:12:59 UTC
21 duh lol your free and can travel anywhere you want plus your parents wont tell you to do stuff.
2012-04-09 18:48:58 UTC
When your in high school, because you don't know how easy you got it when your young. No bills, morgage payments, or having to worry about kids, no serious relationships, or serious jobs. Highschool years are the best time of your life, especially your senior year!
2012-04-09 18:37:06 UTC
Define "happiness"...
2012-04-09 17:58:09 UTC
2012-04-09 17:26:11 UTC
When i was a child and when i had a relationship with Jesus at 17.

In between these were serious hardships.
2012-04-09 16:04:31 UTC
5, 10, 12, 14, 16, 30, 40,
2012-04-09 15:46:36 UTC
I'll be the happiest when I'm 18.
2012-04-11 04:54:45 UTC
I think their's no paticular reason that were happy because in every woke up we saw again the

sunlignt.And we see are family was okey from our good healt.
2012-04-10 18:36:18 UTC
I'm going to have to say around 25 26-ish.
2012-04-10 17:56:11 UTC
Like 30! By then I can be married and have a kid and a real life.
2012-04-09 23:21:46 UTC
when u r young u will think u'll be happy at ur comming ages

but as u get aged u will feel that u were happy at ur younger days
2012-04-09 22:46:54 UTC
now because i am better at skateboarding.
Nubis PYRO
2012-04-09 21:59:46 UTC
i was happiest when i was 6. everything was new and exicting, from public restrooms to all those lines in a leaf. every day was an adventure
2012-04-09 21:23:13 UTC
7. when the worst thing you knew were the monsters hiding in your closet, or under your bed.
2012-04-09 21:06:06 UTC
I agree with one of the other answers...the age you currently are should be the best/happiest times of your life. I remember 20 being a great year for me. I'm 25 now...I think my best years are still to come but I am content with being 25 and living in the present.
2012-04-09 20:02:55 UTC
The age that I have the most money.

You can't be living on the streets at 33 and still be more happy than you were 10 years ago when you were living on the streets.
2012-04-09 19:55:38 UTC

college is over, have a good job, loans paid off, have a house and in a solid relationship and over the party trying to impress people period of life :)
2012-04-09 19:42:56 UTC
1-5. U didn't have to wiry about a thing. No chores. Everyone thought u were so adorable. On long times walking people would carry you. NO SCHOOL!!! Everything was perfect . Of course I will always be happy! :)
2012-04-09 19:38:48 UTC
Well i'm 19 right now, i have never been actually happy in my life. So i still i have yet to find out.
2012-04-09 19:19:57 UTC
10, and I'm now 16. I didn't appreciate it at the time though.
2012-04-09 19:17:32 UTC
2012-04-09 19:05:13 UTC
When I graduate Med. School and finish college
2012-04-09 18:39:55 UTC
yah 14 sounds good haha
2012-04-09 18:11:29 UTC
I Am Happiest At Any Age Because Jesus Christ Fills My Heart With Joy And It Doesn't Matter How Old I Am! Teenage Years They Say Are Hard, But I Have A Pretty Good Life As A Teen. I Also Have Amazing Parents That Help Me When I Feel Like Giving Up And Rejoicing With Me When I Have Success. I Am Blessed! Thank God!
2012-04-09 17:37:17 UTC
I'll be happiest when I am in my 80s.

I will finally realise that life was too short, and will start doing things that I WANT to do, rather than letting my

biological clock (need to get married at certain time),

biological urges (obligation to husband, and vice versa to wife if you are male),

biological children (or adopted, really love makes them indistinguishable)

affect what I do.

Then, I will post all my adventures on Facebook (if it's still around)
eamon johnson
2012-04-09 17:28:15 UTC
In this moment.
2012-04-09 21:49:39 UTC
I will be happiest at age 18. I will be done school, move out and have a serious relationship hopefully.
2012-04-09 20:39:25 UTC
Whatever age I die at.
2012-04-09 20:20:46 UTC
You really can't answer that question !

Why ? Well because we can't see where will

be at in the future. I feel i was the happiest at

birth & my first 5 years on earth.
2012-04-09 19:55:22 UTC
Your lucky numbers are!

2012-04-09 19:38:31 UTC
I was happiest when I was 18,and I don't see myself that happy again until maybe 60.
2012-04-09 19:35:35 UTC
2012-04-09 19:25:56 UTC
10, 21, 18, 8.
Italian Bell
2012-04-09 19:25:31 UTC
I was probably the happiest when I was 10. Right now I'm only 14 so I haven't really experienced much to say what age I was the happiest.
2012-04-09 18:57:51 UTC
i would hope the best is yet to come.
2012-04-09 17:58:53 UTC
I'll be happiest when im gone...
2012-04-09 17:42:15 UTC
i went to our Community College late in life, i was 39-41 years of age. i went for my Associates of Applied Science in Secretarial. i got 66 college credit hours, and my college degree is for 64 college credit hours. i am 13 college credit hours away from my degree. but, i took a lot of Art, (i even learned to Oil Paint, and took 4 semesters of Private Music Lessons-i can sing one whole song in Italian). i had such pride because i worked so very hard. i was an A Student in College. i still remember College as "The Thing" in my life; and it still is. i loved our Allen County Community College.
2012-04-09 17:04:38 UTC
Anywhere from 1 - 10, everything was better in the 90s, TV shows, music, pretty much everything in general really, for one fact, kids TV shows could say the word "die" and actually have people/characters dying, theses days people are way too overprotective. Life was so simple back when we were young, we didn't have to care about the news, bills or work, just what episode of Kim Possible or CatDog was on Disney Channel that day :)
2012-04-09 17:02:27 UTC
i think it depends on you and what you do. so far i think it's when i was four.
2012-04-09 17:01:25 UTC
College will be my happiest.

Family years will be my most satisfying.

Retirement will be a sense of fulfillment.
2012-04-09 16:45:13 UTC
I think we all achieve happiness at a young age in our life.

The question is - when will we be content?
2012-04-09 16:41:09 UTC
I think and hope they are ahead of me. I am very ambitious and hope to have a future in singing!
2012-04-09 16:40:12 UTC
18 or 21 idk
2012-04-09 16:22:43 UTC
in your mid-20s
2012-04-09 16:15:59 UTC
2012-04-09 22:50:30 UTC
Ruben H D
2012-04-09 22:37:46 UTC
18 to 21 years old, because it is the time when I plan to get married, have babies, live on your own and all that good stuff.
2012-04-09 22:35:11 UTC
Sure because i saw 13 going on 30.
2012-04-09 22:16:52 UTC
2012-04-09 21:40:59 UTC
2012-04-09 21:27:45 UTC
when we were children, and fall in love , get married , have a children !
2012-04-09 20:38:34 UTC
5 because I broke my leg
2012-04-09 20:16:14 UTC
2012-04-09 19:38:55 UTC
I think age 25 is a happy life, because at that age a person started on a life full of challenges. And at that age one begins to determine what to do to face the future, such as employment, marriage, etc.
2012-04-09 19:37:50 UTC

Now on a serious note, maybe in my 30's when I have my own house, my wife/kids, family pet, and pretty much set for life.

(currently 17)
2012-04-09 19:36:58 UTC
watch that woody allen flick, "midnight in paris". addresses this question really well.
2012-04-09 19:27:43 UTC
Well, I'm 29 now I don't look forward to turning 30 much less 33. But so far I loved being 17-23
2012-04-09 19:17:27 UTC
Life for me is to much of a mixed bag to say for sure. I am 33 now and am hopefully losing my youth to wisdom.
2012-04-09 19:10:55 UTC
I'll be the happiest when I'm 18.
2012-04-09 18:32:09 UTC
2012-04-09 18:11:58 UTC

I have found true happiness and will forever be happy.
2012-04-09 17:25:16 UTC
To be honest, every year has been good for probably the past 20. Now I'm 75 years old and have no pain. I exersize daily, walk plenty (along the water)....enjoy the good weather along with the bad. My hobbies are reading, doing watercolors, shooting pool and heading north to New Hampshire and Maine in the summer. And yes, I am single, have been for the past 22 years....Life as I see it still continues to be an adventure. When I was young I traveled, here in the N. America and europe. A short trip to the middle east once. Russia and Siberia for about a month. I still consider visiting Australia....maybe next year. Looking back, I have no regrets.....and looking forward with great expectations. Yes, life is good!

Would I change anything in my past, absolutely not! I'd probably do more of it!
Yesenia Melinda
2012-04-09 16:57:15 UTC
21!! =D
2012-04-09 15:44:10 UTC
whatever the last age you were. If you're 23, 22 was the best year of your life. If you're 35, it was 34.
2012-04-10 13:38:20 UTC
We are all happy,its just that we don't know it yet .. Like kids,happiest time of life,but they all wanna grow up :\ .. Its a pity we all realize this when its too late ..
2012-04-09 22:00:26 UTC
150, then I'll have lived longer than anyone else.
2012-04-09 21:27:45 UTC
69 Because I'll be-able to get a seniors discount at McDonalds . :)
2012-04-09 21:10:19 UTC
21. You're young and free to do anything you want without parents.
2012-04-09 19:56:16 UTC
I think I will be happiest at any age no matter where I am
2012-04-09 18:50:33 UTC
who cares just be happy and dont compare. the more u compare, the more sad u will get and we cant have that. live everyday with a smile and laugh alot.
2012-04-09 18:23:01 UTC
When I was 16 and in love for the first time.
2012-04-09 18:14:26 UTC
Im 33 at the end of this month,so i hope the survey is correct.
Princess Jo Jo
2012-04-09 18:09:01 UTC
35 was the best for me
2012-04-09 17:38:33 UTC

You have nothing to worry about, no stress at all.

You can just enjoy yourself, eat, sleep and poop. After 3, you start to have to deal with school, then work and taxes, then raising a child.

You can just be happy when you are 3.
2012-04-09 17:04:55 UTC
12 and 14
2012-04-09 16:41:56 UTC
21! cuz then I can drink booze!
2012-04-09 16:29:42 UTC
2012-04-09 16:08:07 UTC
Age was for me to be happy with 25 years, I am 30 years old today.

I also know that in the face of 30 years is better than have ...

2012-04-10 22:22:18 UTC
About 10, because you are just a kid without a care in the world...
2012-04-10 21:04:49 UTC
When i was a baby. I liked being a child, lots of play time, nothing to worry about, and being taken care of.
2012-04-10 17:28:25 UTC
2012-04-10 15:34:10 UTC
I think I will be happiest when I'll be 17
Htu Chm
2012-04-10 12:55:38 UTC
probably when i reach 50.. its always good to look back, with all the mistakes and right decisions i've made, without having regrets, then i would be the happiest. :))
2012-04-10 11:52:21 UTC
i think for me is from 12 to 25 after that work and family come to my life
2012-04-11 11:48:12 UTC
I certainly wasn't happy at the High School
2012-04-11 10:26:42 UTC
around 20s and 30s , when u r independent , have a god job with fresh salary , an awesome , friendly and chef-ish wife! with cute playful kids! ah~
2012-04-11 09:53:55 UTC
We should be happiest in the telling what the future may bring.
2012-04-11 09:50:56 UTC
Me personally was 14. Hope that wasnt my peak! in my 20s now!
2012-04-11 06:00:20 UTC
I hope at 33 also.
2012-04-10 20:40:55 UTC
im 27 and cant say which age was the happiest :( it didnt come yet. i am getting married soon then kids so lets see
2012-04-10 17:54:06 UTC
I enjoy being 14 alot
2012-04-10 15:49:18 UTC
35. Met Mr. Right. Died unexpectedly when I was 43. Will never be happy again.
2012-04-10 15:31:10 UTC
When I was 7 in kindergarten!
2014-06-28 03:22:35 UTC
the parts that are least unheard of. People requesting me where they want me to visit and to go there are make a video of it. I am actually planning to do that. Wish me luck, guys!!! I could even do sketches during my travels!
2012-04-11 18:56:19 UTC
i think the age is in your younger years because you have so many child hood memories and then i think that the ages ahead of you will also be happy to because you get to get married to the man or woman your in love with and have kids.(:
2012-04-11 17:13:07 UTC
Well, I am 10, so............... maybe like 2 because you don't really have anything to stress out about and you don't even have SCHOOL! you just get to stay home all day having fun! GO 2 YR OLDS!
2012-04-11 10:19:24 UTC
when your 4 years old, your able to ignore the world and have the greatest time of your life, without being judged for anything. :)
Panic Attack
2012-04-11 08:59:44 UTC
When I was like 8 and all I had to do was worry about crayons, scabs on my knee, and watch American Dragon.
2012-04-11 03:40:56 UTC
I think at 30-32 .
2012-04-11 03:36:33 UTC
80 - 85 yrs age shud be happiest stages ..
2012-04-11 00:45:44 UTC
2012-04-10 22:21:18 UTC

still young, career, marriage, starting a family..

these years are just ahead of me :)
2012-04-10 13:37:59 UTC
It doesn't matter what age you are as along as you some who supports you and wants you to be very happy your whole life.I hope you agree with me and good luck!
2012-04-10 11:55:23 UTC
My best year was 26, I was healthy, and that was the year I fell in love with my husband.
2012-04-11 10:18:58 UTC
4-10 because everything is beautiful, your young and innocent, and just exploring the world but also it depends how ur life is , u should be happy all your life :)
2012-04-11 10:04:01 UTC
33 !
2012-04-11 02:40:12 UTC
Right NOW! 62 baby and lovin it! Never felt better! Wish everyone could be this lucky!
2012-04-10 23:05:41 UTC
i think at any age i was/will be happy

life isn't always what i want it to be but i choose to live a happy and full life and i am grateful to all the times in my life
2012-04-10 21:42:54 UTC
14. You dont have to work, you dont have stress or bills, you just start high school so new experiences:) but you should enjoy every year of your life u only live once!!
2012-04-10 20:59:32 UTC
I think .. I mean, I know it was when I first found out about GOD, and His son JESUS, and His miracles that HE performs everyday...In My life, I could not be any happier without Him..GOD SPEED to EVERYONE...So I would say it was when I was baptized... age 4...
2012-04-10 20:15:17 UTC
so far: 10 years old, in the future: 24
2012-04-10 17:28:34 UTC
When we are young kids, like I would say 5 years old.
2012-04-10 14:41:54 UTC
Life for the moment - NOW. The Power of Now!
2012-04-10 13:14:18 UTC
sweet 16
2012-04-10 12:45:57 UTC
Its doesn't depend on the age. if you think you are happy you are happy. leave the one,one u hates you.and love the one,one you loves you.Then you will be happiest person in the world.....
2012-04-10 11:48:56 UTC
9, when I read Harry Potter for the first time
2012-04-10 11:15:49 UTC
Every year gets better, with a positive outlook. :-) This is the best year of my life, and there are much better ones to come.
2012-04-10 05:15:09 UTC
i like being a young man at 26 and 27 on my birthday on may 7th because i like being alive and well for a long time the good thing about being young is i will live for a long time
2012-04-11 05:31:38 UTC
this depends on when you will be most successful in all aspects of live, money, friendship, family, love. is there really a specific age to that?
2012-04-11 01:27:44 UTC
I just turned 33, and I'm just as miserable now as I've ever been.

I've never been happy, and I never will be.
2012-04-10 22:24:30 UTC
probably age 5, good times
2012-04-10 21:08:16 UTC
veezie - the real deal!!!
2012-04-10 20:08:55 UTC
it was absolutely when i was in my 30s to early 40s....i'm lucky to always looking younger than my true age and during that time i was having the time of my life!!!
2012-04-10 11:22:37 UTC
2012-04-11 21:50:33 UTC
35, proably the age were you have a longterm job, a permanent home, and a family
2012-04-11 09:15:35 UTC
2012-04-11 07:32:19 UTC
Any age! Each age is all about new things, new experience, and new adventures ahead of you!
2012-04-11 05:06:24 UTC
i think about at ages 5-10 :)
2012-04-11 02:37:01 UTC
I personally think 18.
2012-04-10 20:27:46 UTC
10 years old! When things seemed to be great, no worries!

You get old and things start forcing you to realize life is what you make it.
2012-04-10 18:40:03 UTC
I'm 18, and I don't think I could be any happier than I am now. Life is wonderful!
2012-04-10 17:50:57 UTC
when I was 6 i think I was the best because everything was so nice and care free, and you could do whatever you want and no one would think you were strange, also everything was so new and interesting, life was never boring... I look forward to my late twenties.
2012-04-10 17:34:56 UTC
your the happiest in ur elementary days, when u didnt have to woryy about anythin but being a kid and enjoying life.
2012-04-10 16:25:03 UTC
50. established in my career... enough health and life ahead of me to enjoy technology, cars, my house, and my children.

i'm currently 22 in the military.
2012-04-10 12:39:03 UTC
I say 33 ,thats when man will bat his peak avereage of mental and physical ability...its wierd cause i think thats what Jesus was as well when he died.
2012-04-10 10:57:58 UTC
i would say age 21 I'm 13
Agent WD-40
2012-04-10 10:37:55 UTC
5-6 years old, because during that time I knew that daddy was going to take care of everything.
2012-04-10 08:50:25 UTC

I remember thinking when i was 9, that it wasn't as good as being 8, and what if it just got worse every year after this... and it did.
2012-04-11 18:42:59 UTC
27! but this site has a buncha comments, check out the source
2012-04-11 03:35:31 UTC
16, 17,& 18 because the're your last years of being a teenager :)
2012-04-10 13:49:45 UTC
In the middle of my childhood, because I was had only some few problems...

Then, a hug and until more!
2012-04-10 11:46:54 UTC
When I was about 7 and younger and when I retire.
2012-04-10 09:44:34 UTC
About 23 I think!
2012-04-10 02:26:54 UTC
10,11,12 maybe 13. 11 and 12 were by far the motherf*cking best
2012-04-10 23:45:32 UTC
I think 12 and under. High School was tough.
Little Miss Mischief
2012-04-10 23:09:40 UTC
Right now I'm still young I've got my whole youth ahead of me :D
2012-04-10 22:58:33 UTC
when i will start earning and live my dreams!

but i was always happy in my past and present but i think ill be happiest when im 27! :D
2012-04-10 20:39:57 UTC
haha defiantly not 18 maybe mid 20's im hoping
2012-04-10 18:08:22 UTC
4 -7,no study,no work,no pressure,only play and sleep,and be with parents.
2012-04-10 13:57:51 UTC

There is no drama, no mean people, you don't have to work, you don't have REAL school...

You just sit back and relax while your parents bake cookies.

Ahh, good times.
2012-04-10 10:00:04 UTC
at age 25-35, I'm 18 now. i still have a long 7 years to go...
2012-04-10 08:13:28 UTC
Right now I am very happy with the way things are going in my life right now! And I'm only 19! :)
2012-04-10 08:01:12 UTC
3 - 5

Ignorance is bliss!
2012-04-10 07:55:47 UTC
i was happiest from 14 downwards. the ignorance the fun the igrance
2012-04-11 23:12:00 UTC
for me i think 33-36 was the best.
2012-04-11 08:04:23 UTC
5, because I get all the attention until my sister came in the i'm 27.
2012-04-11 07:52:06 UTC
Childhood, supposed to be carefree, still seeing the world as a child. that was nice =)
2012-04-10 19:05:03 UTC
15, didn't have no responsibilities! Just living the wild and free life lol :) Miss those times....
2012-04-10 15:09:47 UTC
Every 7 year, though it varies from person to person when their periodicity starting.
2012-04-10 13:57:02 UTC
probably when i was like 7.. i was poor as **** then but i couldn't care less and i was the most happiest person ever.
Blue Palace
2012-04-10 04:46:06 UTC
19 now. Best year was when I was 15. Started drinking, hanging out with friends at night, and driving.
2012-04-10 02:00:50 UTC
The 20's are definitely the best!!
2012-04-10 01:14:50 UTC
Age 11 and under.

Life after that really sucked! -.-
2012-04-10 00:15:56 UTC
Before I hit puberty
2012-04-11 09:26:53 UTC
2012-04-10 15:49:04 UTC
I try not to worry about these things.

I take things as they come; for me, that brings me the the most happiness.
2012-04-10 12:35:04 UTC
from18 to 19
2012-04-10 09:45:23 UTC
thats a hard question but i reckon even though i got bulied throughout secondary school i would gladly go back to being 12 thats where i met most of my friends it also taught me to be alot stronger and also when my life seemed alot less complicated im only 24
Candy H
2012-04-10 03:42:52 UTC
Age is just a number, you are as old as you feel and happiness is a state of mind!
2012-04-11 11:49:13 UTC
present age
Maxime Manuel
2012-04-11 09:58:18 UTC
33. Because I am just 33 yesterday :-)
2012-04-11 09:07:45 UTC
When you are in love, which may be many times/ages.
2012-04-11 08:55:12 UTC
before 7th grade. Since then its been a living hell. Death seems to be the only way out, or money.
Rashid Ehzaz
2012-04-11 06:28:53 UTC
Being 14 bcuz it had alot of adventures back then.
2012-04-11 05:06:43 UTC
I think you should be happiest at whatever your current age is
2012-04-10 18:27:57 UTC
Mary Monroe
2012-04-10 17:33:54 UTC
2012-04-10 16:38:58 UTC
id say 25
2012-04-10 12:58:00 UTC
i say about 21 because you can drink and party all the time and you dont have to whery about your dad or mom saying stop because you are young butt you are 21 young wild and free
2012-04-10 10:23:35 UTC
Anytime before middle-school.
2012-04-10 09:23:19 UTC
My best years are ahead of me... Every new year is more exciting n lovely than the last one... I m 18 years old gal... :)
2012-04-10 08:18:44 UTC
Somewhere at the age of 10 and above. :))
2012-04-10 02:28:44 UTC
My answer is "Now". Happiness never comes at a particular age but it is always there around you. So find it....
2012-04-10 01:33:07 UTC
30 to 40

because of health and wealth
2012-04-10 18:11:02 UTC
I have learned to be content with whatever God gives me. I learned to appreciate this at 27, and I'm currently 27. :)
2012-04-12 00:00:14 UTC
However old I was in Kindergarten. Good times!
2012-04-11 20:25:12 UTC
I think it will be when I am 21
2012-04-11 20:21:11 UTC
15 my first kiss! <3
2012-04-11 07:32:49 UTC
well all my life i will be happy because my parent are here and my gf make me fell like im the luckiest guy in the world.
2012-04-11 04:51:40 UTC
TEENAGE is the best time when you can be the most happiest
2012-04-10 21:42:59 UTC
the day when u start loving yourself will be the happiest day and u wont be looking back after that.
2012-04-10 17:16:01 UTC
Child hood. But beig married could be fun!
2012-04-10 16:25:49 UTC
21! Independence, newfound adulthood, yet not a lot of responsible without a family yet in my case.
2012-04-10 15:49:50 UTC
20 and more because that is when you are young and you can do all fun


like getting drafted to the nba
2012-04-10 13:29:52 UTC
i think when you are young you dont care how many friends you have what you wear and life is just not stressfull at all but i think you should just try and be happy all year round to be honest :)
2012-04-10 13:06:58 UTC
Happiness is pretty stable over the lifespan.
Destinee Smith nelson
2012-04-10 12:04:25 UTC
i'm only 10 so i'd say 16/17, my friend says 10 and 16 (she is 10 also)
2012-04-10 11:39:29 UTC
I feel like my mid-20s will be my happiest.
2012-04-10 06:44:14 UTC
i will be happy when im 50 and alone with no1 to keep me company but 50 cats. no im kidding i wil be happiest when im 18
2012-04-10 01:21:19 UTC
4 years old I was happiest because it was a lot simpler back then.
2012-04-11 20:53:13 UTC
3, because im the king of the house
2012-04-11 04:16:51 UTC
i think my happy days are gone im 38 now my happy days was when i was 22up to 30 when i had less worry be i will be happy again who nos
2012-04-11 02:16:21 UTC

I added the my above website to yahoo. One month has passed, but still weren't index pages. Why?
A Random Person
2012-04-10 23:01:27 UTC
When I die. I will think back to all the wonderful things that have happened to me, and the wonderful things I have done.
2012-04-11 14:30:24 UTC
for me till 20 because after that a lot of problem rise.
2012-04-11 09:50:53 UTC
probably 35, you can have a good job and a good family at that age
2012-04-11 07:44:27 UTC
17. I'm currently 21.
2012-04-11 07:40:51 UTC
5 years old because at that age no responsibllity just nap time and stuff.
2012-04-11 05:43:27 UTC
I will happiest at whatever my current age is.
2012-04-11 16:42:24 UTC
anywhere after high school and before 33
2012-04-11 08:57:12 UTC
Why would you be happy when you're 33?
2012-04-11 08:51:04 UTC
2012-04-11 07:30:29 UTC
16 because you can do so many more new things! plus a sweet 16 party :)
2012-04-11 05:56:24 UTC
in the earlier years of my Life because when i grow up my problems grow up faster and my hope to have great life becomes less.
2012-04-11 03:26:07 UTC
a day before this gay girl got invoved with me so aged 24
His Royal Highness
2012-04-11 00:55:13 UTC
definitely my 30s. my 20s were all about finding, learning, and bettering myself. went through a whole lot of trial and error phases. made mistakes but i learned from them. it was a very trying time for me but i made it out. 30s here i come. here i am. :-)
2012-04-11 00:06:27 UTC
whens I was 2. I had a really good job but I got fired.
Tracey Gonzales
2012-04-10 18:56:29 UTC
41, I thought I was happy before this age but in your 40's people tend to have grown up and gotten their "partying" and "experimenting" behind them and know what they want
2012-04-10 18:55:05 UTC
I will be happiest at the age I can get facebook. If you get facebook, you get everthing else. Everthing is through facebook. I cannot wait for my birthday.
2012-04-10 18:40:03 UTC
i wanna say 21 but 30 is probably good too
The Mom
2012-04-10 13:35:21 UTC
when we have an expendable income. around 35-40
2012-04-10 12:51:08 UTC
Happiness can be found at any age. There is no age set for when you find yourself and find happiness.
2012-04-10 11:35:44 UTC
3, you didn't have to think you could just smile and laugh without a care in the world :)
2012-04-10 10:51:05 UTC
1 day old. God, didn't have to deal with the dramas of life at that point aha... nice and relaxing ;)
2012-04-10 12:31:09 UTC
I'm going to always be happy and stay strong and stick up for what I believe in, I'll be happy forever... and always try to make everyone around me happy too. xxxxxx STAY STRONG
2014-06-19 14:16:05 UTC
More confident have a better job and more money. Kids are almost grown love this time.
2012-04-10 19:54:43 UTC
lol. When I was a child. 4-10.
2012-04-10 16:00:18 UTC
Any age you want to be. It's the outlook you have that determines happiness.
2012-04-10 14:56:33 UTC
The age of when im going to die
2012-04-10 14:37:06 UTC
When i retire from my future job. You're a child again but with no school.
2012-04-10 13:26:19 UTC
somewhere between 24-36
2012-04-10 13:22:13 UTC
i think in ur mid 20's or early 30's
2012-04-10 09:19:37 UTC
Probably my current age which is 47.
2012-04-10 06:13:37 UTC
I'm 16, and I think that the happiest time of my life is right now. :)
2012-04-12 07:36:57 UTC
6 and younger
2012-04-11 11:05:42 UTC
18 when i can move out
Skyylar Pearl
2012-04-11 06:59:58 UTC
We are truly the happiest in our childhood.
2012-04-10 16:17:05 UTC
I'm happiest when I feel good about myself.
2012-04-10 11:57:53 UTC
8 and younger... life was worry free and you didn't care what you looked like or how others view you.. <3
Emma Sparkles Might
2012-04-10 11:48:28 UTC
Whatever age gives me Alzheimer's :D I think doctors prescribe marijuana for that.
2012-04-10 11:16:21 UTC
After I go to Jannah.
2012-04-10 09:17:57 UTC
you'll be the happiest when you learn your place in this world. some are quick learners and some others, not so much....
2012-04-10 00:27:29 UTC
probably 35..... Ill be way done with puberty, ill have an established job, ill have my own car and home, probably 1 or 2 children(hopefully not teenagers) ill be planning my retirement
2012-04-10 07:56:35 UTC
Childhood. the days where we had no cares in the world, and all we had to worry about was what crayon we had to pick to colour with. We had no obligations to fill, and all we did was play, and have fun.
2012-04-11 20:57:36 UTC
When I drift off to Heaven.
Denise Dee
2012-04-11 06:42:45 UTC
18 you can do anything at that age
2012-04-10 23:33:15 UTC
My present age, every year.
2012-04-10 13:20:05 UTC
the past because thats what started our way to a great lifes
2012-04-10 12:30:02 UTC
I don't know, but I'm gonna hope for 33 :)
2012-04-10 06:35:34 UTC
My best years are when I graduate college, and work at Bethesda Game Studios, then all my life will be happy.
2012-04-11 21:19:21 UTC
31 my golden birthday. :/ i have/had to wait 31 years for it so OF COURSE.

not telling age
2012-04-11 11:26:21 UTC
i think i will be the happiest when i am out of high school and can do what i wont.
0x90 sled
2012-04-10 22:40:07 UTC
What ever age I am when I have the most sex.
2012-04-10 17:02:25 UTC
age 1, cause you were so carefree and had your whole life ahead of you.
2012-04-10 16:56:07 UTC
I'm hoping 14!
2012-04-10 16:48:55 UTC

Have my big nike n life going n no more college ****.
2012-04-11 09:45:08 UTC
I'll be happiest when I'm dead and in the ground.
2012-04-10 18:56:17 UTC
Don't remember ever being truly happy. Perhaps that lies ahead.
2012-04-10 18:02:34 UTC
16 because you get to drive and you can go to your bf/gf house with your parents not driving you everywhere, also girls have their sweet 16
2012-04-10 15:59:02 UTC

2012-04-10 14:50:51 UTC
All American
2015-01-29 21:48:04 UTC
That's easy, in your teens getting laid for the first time.

God bless America!!!!!
joe r
2012-04-10 07:50:25 UTC

was old enough to have the knowledge of adulthood with none of the responsibilities..
2012-04-10 01:05:00 UTC
I think in your/my teenage years because you do most partying, kissing and other fun stuff.
2012-04-11 09:47:14 UTC
Well u can't really say it all depends on you as a person
2012-04-11 07:36:00 UTC
I will always right now - though two years ago, I had better hair.
2012-04-11 04:40:40 UTC
The childhood years, where our worries were small and insignificant.
2012-04-11 00:33:53 UTC
at least not now...i think it will be around 30 when i got a stable job
2012-04-10 15:27:38 UTC
10 months

Someone feeds you, changes you, and thinks your great until you get older and they realize your a B****
2012-04-10 14:50:52 UTC
24. Out of college, and on your own, Free to be who you want to be, live where you want to live, and know who you want to know. Easy enough. (P.S. I'm 15)
2012-04-10 11:14:16 UTC
behind you- my toddler years were the best! seriously.

i was so little, innocent, and naive, with no worries in the world
2012-04-10 07:33:30 UTC
24, hopefully out of college and starting a family (:
2012-04-10 04:18:08 UTC
well to me i think atleast 25 its probably when your finished with school(uni) probably dating en even marriage will come eventually within the late 20s:)
2012-04-11 08:45:44 UTC
whatever age it is but i think when you have your first child and you look at him/her for the first time:)<3
2012-04-11 08:09:27 UTC
child hood age because you have no worries an responsibilities
2012-04-10 21:17:59 UTC
probably in the 30's.
2012-04-10 14:56:05 UTC
16 because then i'll get my license, and have a super sweet 16!! Can't wait!!!!!
2012-04-10 07:21:47 UTC
when your in your younger ages becuz you havent got a care in the world:)
2012-04-10 05:59:04 UTC
I just turned 18.. and it's the best time of my life!!!!
2012-04-10 03:27:39 UTC
18, or whatever age you become legal where you live. Drinking, smoking, sex, driving, decent wages, all between ages 16- 18 (here in UK).
2012-04-11 08:03:04 UTC
Any age i'm healthy and indepenadant.
2012-04-11 03:55:07 UTC
when i turn 18
2012-04-10 17:17:14 UTC
5, nothing to worry about just fun
2012-04-10 05:16:52 UTC

I'm only 21 though.
2012-04-11 10:10:25 UTC
i would say 21
2012-04-10 13:03:52 UTC
2 and my 18th birthday
2012-04-10 12:12:34 UTC
Every age. I adore my whole life.
2012-04-10 01:00:13 UTC
I think your happy at whatever age you are now.
2012-04-11 15:47:25 UTC
0... when im 6 feet under
Jonathon Young
2012-04-11 10:07:46 UTC
whatever age I learn to love myself at.
2012-04-11 08:33:08 UTC
26. Old enough to know what's what and young enough to enjoy it!
2012-04-10 20:32:46 UTC
18-22 i was coming to terms with myself more, self-love and my first love.
2012-04-10 12:13:12 UTC
20 will be epic
2012-04-10 10:11:50 UTC
i think it would have to be age 23.
Bongo Drums
2012-04-10 08:31:00 UTC
The day my mortgage is paid off.
2012-04-12 01:52:13 UTC
it depends on a person according to me .my childhood rocks
2012-04-11 20:42:18 UTC
33 because it's my favorite number! (:
2012-04-11 12:15:01 UTC
To be honest, Im always happy.
2012-04-11 08:29:05 UTC
age 40, i appreciate life, and life starts at 40.. :)
2012-04-10 22:20:51 UTC
around 30-youthful as well as wise.
2012-04-10 13:47:24 UTC
80. You've lived your life and ready to go to heaven.
2012-04-10 12:24:59 UTC
My best years is ALL THE TIME exept for some times.......
2012-04-10 09:57:00 UTC
Uni days will be the best!
2012-04-10 08:08:07 UTC
8 when my mum and dad were together, i am 13 now.
2012-04-10 16:08:51 UTC
10. Thats when I got my old Nintendo !
2012-04-10 05:02:22 UTC
about 2 when your totally oblivious to reality :)
2012-04-10 02:26:32 UTC
at what age yahoo answers team was happy?
2012-04-11 23:50:35 UTC
When I reach immortality.
2012-04-11 04:12:26 UTC
25 :)
2012-04-10 20:58:25 UTC
Never. Life is constant sorrow.
2012-04-10 17:13:41 UTC
Once you retired, and you did what you were supposed to do before that
2012-04-10 08:41:41 UTC
25 give me best answear plese ineed points
2012-04-10 06:30:20 UTC
when i will be 28 :)
2012-04-10 02:24:38 UTC
23 I'll probably be out of college and school by then
2012-04-10 01:38:21 UTC
34. good years before that, bad years to follow.
2012-04-11 06:16:43 UTC
25, thats when I 'found' myself, since then I have been so happy
2012-04-10 17:34:35 UTC
10 and under when you basically don't have anything to worry about.
2012-04-10 15:41:36 UTC
12, I didn't have so much to worry about
Louise S
2012-04-10 07:07:46 UTC
When i'm 30
2012-04-10 04:41:47 UTC
at all the ages...... ofcource depending on the situation environment and circumstances family friend circle etc etc........
2012-04-11 10:30:23 UTC
2012-04-10 19:18:37 UTC
21 its when u should be able to start a family go to collage and start being an adult :)
2012-04-10 07:05:45 UTC
best age is in ur 20's
2012-04-10 07:04:58 UTC
25. I will get my first job and maybe promoted already and I can party all night! :D
2012-04-11 08:48:53 UTC
21 - You're young but then again you can do anything you want
2012-04-11 03:45:16 UTC
It's depending on yourself, I personally think it depends on how you are, different opinions.
2012-04-10 22:51:26 UTC
Well I want to be immortal. Does that count?
2012-04-10 19:20:21 UTC
30, nyc
2012-04-10 12:49:41 UTC
16 because it is when you are not too young or too old to enjoy what you can do.
Chris Hayes
2012-04-11 07:08:57 UTC
2 because everything was done for me
2012-04-10 23:42:18 UTC
20's for sure
2012-04-10 21:32:34 UTC
6, a little carefree girl :)
2012-04-10 21:01:49 UTC
It depends on your life in the past, if you did good or not.
2012-04-10 19:58:48 UTC
i was really happy when i was 5
2012-04-10 19:04:01 UTC

Too old to still be naive, broke & stupid,

and too young to be worried, corralled & feeble.
2012-04-10 15:35:45 UTC
when im 28
Mobius One
2012-04-10 06:44:04 UTC
I will when I'm at my early 20s..
2012-04-12 09:37:41 UTC
20 and younger now i just feel like crying all the time
2012-04-10 17:23:11 UTC
until you're 9
2012-04-10 14:17:22 UTC
i loved 12 -13..the other years just suck
2012-04-10 11:40:19 UTC
21 of course;)
2012-04-10 16:54:23 UTC
65 when I'm retired.
quaker life cereal
2012-04-10 13:52:38 UTC
This question makes me upset. Go away.
2012-04-10 11:20:19 UTC
16,19 and 21
2012-04-11 08:39:52 UTC
i was happiest at 18-20... then LIVE HELL
Holy Smokes =)
2012-04-10 23:09:18 UTC
whatever age puberty ends.
2012-04-10 11:22:21 UTC
I dont know why .. but when im 27!
2012-04-10 05:16:29 UTC
most people are happy when they turn 21
2012-04-11 22:12:26 UTC
im happy at every moment

{ human [ being } positive ]
2012-04-10 20:41:04 UTC
Honestly, there is no true answer to this.

hope your happy everyday!
2012-04-10 18:02:07 UTC
Let's hope it's ahead of me...
2012-04-10 16:03:26 UTC
18-Freedom no parents bossing you about i'm 13
2012-04-10 11:41:14 UTC
"4" four, years old
2012-04-10 07:57:41 UTC
You should be happy whatever age you are, happiness doesn't depend on what age you are. :-)
2012-04-12 07:13:45 UTC
i havent lived long enough to judge that
2012-04-11 21:55:28 UTC
2012-04-11 20:05:45 UTC
i think you can be happy whenever you want. it's all in your mind. be positive! It's a chose.Choose to be happy! (:
never cry
2012-04-11 11:59:49 UTC
you should be happy at each and every age.
2012-04-10 20:44:29 UTC
The younger you are the better :)
2012-04-10 20:20:28 UTC
worry = sadness

no worry = no sad = happy

I was happiest when I was a kid .. :))
2012-04-10 18:47:03 UTC
What does age has to do with happiness?
2012-04-10 17:58:20 UTC
17-18 because I'm gonna get laid senior year! ;)
2012-04-10 07:54:26 UTC
At whatever age i can do whatever i want.
2012-04-10 07:07:08 UTC
i think 25 to the day that i die
Cassie o
2012-04-10 23:44:16 UTC
18 when im what seems to be "free"
2012-04-10 23:13:10 UTC
now I am happiest
2012-04-10 22:15:05 UTC
now, because i live in the present moment.
2012-04-11 00:17:17 UTC
u need to wait and see u will see lol
2012-04-10 19:47:16 UTC
It really depends on how you spend your life,time,money and people you are with........

Ask God to lead and you follow..............
2012-04-10 15:55:25 UTC
I wish I was still YOUNG N FREE!!
2012-04-10 11:22:05 UTC
im 98 years old and im very happy :)
2012-04-10 07:37:14 UTC
the day I retire
2012-04-11 15:33:17 UTC
I'm anticipating that it is yet to come.
2012-04-11 14:27:59 UTC
i say 26-ish cuz imma marry zayn malik LOLOLOLOLOL
2012-04-10 16:17:57 UTC
6 months old. no worries then ;)
2012-04-10 15:32:11 UTC
50 cuz my period will be over! O_O
2012-04-10 13:33:04 UTC
in the womb...i didn't have to do anything except hang out.
2012-04-10 11:27:39 UTC

Why? Just a guess.
2012-04-10 05:46:01 UTC
when i was a baby. i didn't have to do any work and all i had to do to get what i wanted was cry :)
Shuddhasattwa Paul
2012-04-10 01:46:54 UTC
during childhood
2012-04-10 00:30:26 UTC
when u start a family of ur own
2012-04-11 07:37:17 UTC
when your out of your parents house and you can do whatever you wanna do!
2012-04-10 05:37:14 UTC
10 & under. I loved being a little kid.
2012-04-10 00:51:34 UTC
13 . i had nothing to worry about .
2012-04-11 13:08:23 UTC
you will never know

because we do not know what is the next
2012-04-11 07:42:01 UTC
100+ :)))
2012-04-10 23:26:04 UTC
right now, cause there really is no past or present, there is only now.
The Sacrificial Llamma
2012-04-10 22:07:19 UTC
when your born
2012-04-10 15:08:56 UTC
Life is what you make of i should be happy right now! :)
2012-04-11 17:49:52 UTC
8, the nineties baby wooooo poop sex snake boobs
2012-04-10 14:57:00 UTC
when i get old enough to leave this place
2012-04-10 01:20:52 UTC
probably when im 21
2012-04-12 10:05:40 UTC
100... Then I will truly be finished!
2012-04-11 01:31:03 UTC
1337, now
2012-04-10 18:57:35 UTC
Now! beyaaahhhtch, Now! lol.... and forever hereafter~
2012-04-10 12:58:20 UTC
when i'm 24
2012-04-10 12:35:49 UTC
You would have to figure that out for yourself.
2012-04-10 10:37:11 UTC
4!! no cares in the world!!!!!!
2012-04-10 08:20:53 UTC
teens and 20's
2012-04-10 04:20:15 UTC
100 .... we will be really happy for living this long !
2012-04-11 06:43:32 UTC
every age, i have always been happy.
2012-04-11 02:15:24 UTC
the year in which u turn rich b*tch
2012-04-10 22:44:07 UTC
7... ignorance is bliss.
2012-04-10 11:57:11 UTC
18.because I test what ever I have never test:) & .....
2012-04-10 23:57:24 UTC
9.....I was friends with everyone and a really big flirt!!!LOL
2012-04-10 20:37:12 UTC
Any age, right after sex.
You Don't Know Me!
2012-04-10 12:57:15 UTC
2012-04-10 08:27:17 UTC
2012-04-11 09:02:26 UTC

answer mine now:
2012-04-10 19:31:04 UTC
who cares
2012-04-10 08:09:22 UTC
10,15,16,17 & 35
2012-04-10 00:01:09 UTC
When i retire and pay all my bills.
2012-04-12 03:45:27 UTC
i think it would be 26...
2012-04-10 22:58:41 UTC
Cindy West
2012-04-10 19:06:59 UTC
6 No worries----just fun kid stuff !
2012-04-10 18:48:09 UTC
22. That's when you can do anything.
2012-04-10 17:13:23 UTC
i'm 16...

2012-04-10 03:48:32 UTC
my current age :-)
2012-04-10 01:55:13 UTC
in childhood
2012-04-11 06:27:05 UTC
The age at our FINEST. :)
2012-04-10 23:59:12 UTC
21 stoned and very gay..
2012-04-10 11:47:41 UTC
Eight or nine.
barcjerdu ☼
2012-04-10 09:17:24 UTC
38...then i was so young!
2012-04-11 04:46:43 UTC
my wedding day
2012-04-11 08:59:20 UTC
3 because you don't know anything!!!!
2012-04-10 18:42:03 UTC
21 baby !(:
2012-04-10 03:51:54 UTC
"My salad says ,when I was green in judgement"
2012-04-12 06:35:28 UTC
when im retired
2012-04-11 07:20:54 UTC
happiness is right now :)
2012-04-10 05:09:14 UTC
When i die

I hate my life
2012-04-12 06:36:12 UTC
In the womb and dead
2012-04-10 19:25:52 UTC
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....... ^ ^ ^ ^ Hard to say! Tricky question .. ! ^ ^ ^ ^ <
2012-04-10 00:06:33 UTC
before preschool, before primary, before colege and before u go to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! being young is so awesome.
2012-04-10 23:38:48 UTC
so far now
2012-04-10 21:00:46 UTC
tell u
2012-04-10 17:54:59 UTC
When I am dead
2012-04-10 16:41:58 UTC
i dont even kno
luisa a
2012-04-10 16:23:52 UTC
when i'm 64! ha!
2012-04-10 04:16:34 UTC
the day i retire :D
2012-04-11 04:29:30 UTC
when i leave school.
2012-04-10 11:32:06 UTC
when i was a kid, no worries then
tareq mahamud
2012-04-10 02:12:41 UTC
eleven to seventeen.
2012-04-11 00:32:01 UTC
2012-04-10 15:06:42 UTC
2012-04-10 14:17:51 UTC
every year.

girls answer mine
2012-04-10 11:58:26 UTC
18 you can have sex
2012-04-10 08:21:49 UTC
When I was a kid ^^
Incendiary Aether
2012-04-10 09:27:51 UTC
When you're dead.
2012-04-11 17:56:47 UTC
Whatever age I am...

2012-04-11 08:21:20 UTC
2012-04-11 09:50:49 UTC
Idk when your on your own I guess!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.