1stly, to use a term like, "obligation" just puts people off.
2ndly, unless I'm sadly mistaken, Singapore already has the highest number of "charity drives" per annum in e World... CADC Charity, President's Charity, NKF Charity, Ren Ci Charity, ST Pocket Money Fund, Heart Charity, Lung Charity, Liver Charity.... etc....etc...
U get the idea.
And, mind, this is not even including e weekend rituals of school children with their donation tins or bags or what-have-you.
For goodness sake!!! Even Uni undergrads are soliciting for donations when the NUS owns at least 1 building in Raffles Place worth about a BILLION Dollars now, given the skyrocketing prices of property in Singapore, especially in e prime areas, like, err... Raffles Place??
Frankly, I'm pretty much tired of it all and, given e number of "charity" scandals, I tend to ignore ALL these Charities and just donate to my favourite "poor" charity, which is e SPCA, which is desperately underfunded and yet often neglected by e public at large.
I donate from e bottom of my Heart, WITHOUT any obligation, and I feel happy to do it.
Obligation is for taxes, which I dutifully pay every year, and for the Government to help the poor & needy Singaporeans.
Its very EASY for Government Ministers, with their MILLION DOLLAR paychecks to ask Singaporeans to be more "charitable" (as if we're not already) when most of us are living from month-to-month with our THOUSAND DOLLAR paychecks, {7% GST, 6-7% inflation (according to e Government, so we all know that its actually HIGHER than that!!), ERPs, etc, etc, notwithstanding.}
And I don't even want to talk about e costs of e so-called "heavily subsidised" $300,000 - S400,000+ new HDB flats!!!!
So, to end, its difficult to be more "charitable" than, I'm sure, most of us Singaporeans already are, when most of us are trying to make ends meet and supporting our aged Parents & Childcare/NurseryKindergarten/ and School going Children all at e same time!!!!