Do you feel the obligation to give back something to their fellow citizens? Why and Why not?
2008-07-07 19:14:06 UTC
Do you feel the obligation to give back something to their fellow citizens? Why and Why not?
73 answers:
2008-07-07 21:18:50 UTC
In certain extent yes. But I feels so annoyed when we responded to the charity shows by donating the money and yet we have to pay the admin charges or the GST when we make the calls. Why they need to charge us that when we are trying to raise the funds for the needed one? The amount is alot. Isn't should be given to the charity too?

And now, I do not really trust the charity shows b'cos there are too many of them and I m very doubtful abt how they spend the money. I rather give it to those I meet on the streets.

Lastly, I think that government should set more good examples rather than asking us to help since I believe majority of the MPs, ministers are earning more than us. Just a 10% of their monthly income should not be a problem for them. Right?
2008-07-07 23:12:13 UTC
I think obligation is probably not the best description. I will choose to buy products "Made in Singapore" even when I know the item will be more costly compared to products made in developing countries. Is this considered contributing back to our Singapore economy?

I still struggle with charity events and weekend donation drives in Orchard Rd. I can empathise that alot of our citizens are struggling with the recent inflation but there is limitation to what ought to be done. If every Singaporean were to give back to our fellow citizens, how would the government know the real impacts of the crisis? And the time comes when our Citizens decides to withdraw our 100% of giving back, is the government able to anticipant the pending crisis?
2008-07-07 22:23:36 UTC
A simple question:

How long can we expect the financially well off to support those who are not well to do?? Arent we feeding the cycle? Telling them indirectly that there will always be someone generous and rich who will help them?

I think its wrong to expect richer singaporeans to feel obligated to help their poorer fellow citizens. Its not an issue of the rich helping the poor.. instead, it should be a national issue of helping the citizens as a whole. It's in the hands of the government- Not increasing prices unnecessarily, having the interests of the nation's citizens at heart first followed by those of foreigners... etc etc. Housing, transportation, ERP!, uni fees, electricity.. dont they have a part in it too? Cant they use their power to retain prices for the citizens instead of hiking things up as always!!?

this country is becoming BS....
2008-07-08 03:22:04 UTC
Giving back to society is fine; giving when we did not benefit from the society in any great way is altruistic; and giving even when the society had been cruel to us is divine. In the context of the PM's speech, giving is to keep the peace....if there is a great divide between the rich and the poor, there will be resentment and social unrest. So, giving is not an is necessary to see that poorer Singaporeans are helped (even though the adage is that nobody in this world owes us a living)

I belong to the group of Singaporeans who are unable to give...already 50 years old, jobless, and maybe fortunately, single. I also do not think anyone will give me anything....maybe I have not met such a person, but I think most people are too busy trying to make ends meet, while the rich tend to think that money is never enough. It is said that the rich are even more stingy than the average income earners...(just a generalisation)

And being a man does not help either. I think the society is more sympathetic towards women than men....being a man is really tough. People still think that women are weak and fragile...what rubbish. Think of those women CEOs in large corporations, lawyers, accountants, manageress, I think it is time to change the Woman's Charter.oops, I have gone out of point. hush hush.
2008-07-07 19:32:06 UTC
Absolutely. Society is better served with virtues expressed to ones neighbor. Chivalry, honor and duty are characteristics that make living somewhere as beautiful as the scenery and as significant as a soft touch on a child's face. We should all give back a wholesome mutual respect, it doesn't cost anything and anyone can do it.

If we do not give something back, to our fellow citizens then we our no better than robbers and barbarians. While, this may seem to over state the facts, history tells us that some of the greatest civilizations where reduced to barbaric activities, decency was not the order of the day, only and I for an I.
2008-07-08 02:40:38 UTC
firstly i would like to expressed how come our dear PM asking singaporean that are stable in income to help those poorer citizen whereby our dear government could suffice to this. meaning to say our government could practice the same system in the usa and canada whereby there is a welfare funds set up to help the poor.

is it not the government responsibilities to look into this matter and how come it becomes to citizen issue?

to cut long story short. i think our government is not doing much on helping the poor despite giving gst rebates once a help helping the minimum amount. but in the end, these money that are given have some how spend on the high increase of 7% gst. and the rising of erp. if our government is so concern about these poor citizen which in turn affect the contribution of taxes because we know that singapore do not have natural resources only depending on people singaporeans to work and work to get the taxations thus it is a so called resources to the country. however if these poor citizen grow in big numbers then it will affect therefore well off citizen should not oblige to help however it is the duty of the governement to do this and carry the burden. examples, to get the gst discount for these poor citizens. collecting the erp fees annually and give these poorer citizen a rebate for them as they take public transport.

anyway, poorer citizen are poor due to many reason and it is because jobs are open mainly to foreigners and lesser and lesser jobs offered out to locals. therefore, i think singapore government have to seriously sit down and look into this than rather ask well off citizen to help the poor. i think it is not fair to shed off the responsibilities.
2008-07-08 02:38:14 UTC
I have no objection but definitely not an obligation. When the ministers n the top grade civil servants are talking about 'fair' salaries in millions, why should common people like me talking about obligation and patriotism??!!

And after all the controversies in the NKF which were 'endorsed' by so many top ministers before they shy away from the scandal, how can i trust that the rest of the charity org are all good n clean?
2008-07-08 00:48:26 UTC
I feel that there is no obligation in giving back because I have already given back to society. Our average life in Singapore are already indirectly helping and contributing back. For example, everyday when we spent, 7% will goes to GST. Isn't that the primary reason in increasing the GST is to help the poor. Here is another example, everyday so many people are buying TOTO and 4D. Isn't that the money used to do charity work by Singapore Pool are coming out from these people. Aren't they also indirectly doing charity work and giving back to society. If there is more to be done, isn't that the government are supposed to do something? After all isn't that why they are elected in the first place is to make our life better. Are yours better now?
Hwee Y
2008-07-07 20:45:07 UTC
No , i have never have any obligation to give something back to our fellow citizens but to donate and have to also include the GST is totally out of question . Why want us to donate , if i have 20-30k above a month for my salary for the pass few year just 1-2 month no salary will help whose who need $ . So for whose people that earn 20-30K a month please make a good example think a lot of follow people will follow :)
2008-07-07 19:58:58 UTC
"Obligation" doesn't seem right. Sounds like one is forced to. Maybe the question should be "do you love giving something back" instead.

Anyway, why not give? People need help, and we can't rely on the government to do all that. I'm sure for all of us somewhere along the way we've been helped by others also, be it time, love, effort, money.

As to the comment that the government should be the ones doing it, I think the government should lead by example. Increasing GST, ERP rates do not show us that. Nevertheless, as I mentioned above, we can't rely on the government to help. If not us, then who will help the less fortunate in our own country?
2008-07-08 02:13:56 UTC
Yes, I do feel the obligation to give back something to their

fellow citizens, because their success are built on their fellow

citizens,and now they ought to return a little bit back to their fellow citizens.
2008-07-07 19:44:45 UTC
It is not an obligation but rather a duty as a citizen and as a fellow counterpart to the human society at large.
2008-07-08 00:22:50 UTC
NO! because the charity organisation accounts are not so open to public and not so clean so turn me off right away especially a several incidents oredi happened regard to charities' accounting! Also, the rich and famous in Singapore dun seem to donate as much as we the citizen of Singapore do. The charity show oredi tell us the facts.

Yes I will give back something to our fellow mates but this time directly to the hand of needies and bypass the charities organisation!

Why would a dollar of donation is not given as a dollar to the needy one when hand over to the charity organisation?
2008-07-07 22:42:22 UTC
I do not mind giving back something to my fellow citizens, but the problem is, I did not borrow or take anything from them...

By the way, the word 'Obligation' is not the right word to use...
2008-07-07 21:30:48 UTC
To me, is the government who shd giv back something to the fellow citizens. With the living standards getting higher and the salary that we are getting, is never gonna be enough to support ourselves. Government increasing the GST?ERP?. A lots of things are going up in prices. The government shd share more of what they hv earned with the citizens, since the govt has the largest reserve fund. and this largest fund comes from the taxpayers(personal income tax), biz taxes, GST, ERP..etc, why dun the govt give back to the fellow singaporeans instead of asking the wealthy singaporeans to give back?
Your average singaporean
2008-07-07 23:55:06 UTC
Yes, i strongly feel that it's important to give back to the less fortunate but at the same time i strongly feel that there should be a minimum guide line for wages so that the less fortunate will be able to earn a decent living without depending on charity. Can u imagine someone who's less fortunate, someone say e.g. a Janitor (Cleaner) who works 8-10hrs a day and earns $800-$1000 per month & has to support his/her children & not to forget the ever rising cost of living. It's sad to see the ways of the world that we live in.... Imagine the billions of dollars wasted fighting each other when it could be used to help the less fortunate.....
2008-07-07 23:16:16 UTC
Frankly , it doesnt matter if we are rich or poor to donate. All you need is a heart.

But for that we don need someone to tell us what to do.

I think most of our citizens are sensible donors just that we have been squeezed by the govt too much. On the overall do u think the govt is doing enough for us, we are not asking money just give us subside and no price hikes is that too much to ask as a fellow citizen !!!!!!!
2008-07-07 23:09:25 UTC
I do not feel Obligated but I am willing to help.

But with the standard of living that we are all having now, I think all of us needs something back. So I'm sorry to say 'NO'.

Our people are paying so much already, any which way you look at it, its the people who are still losing the money, so we leave this question to the government.
K Ricky
2008-07-07 21:33:25 UTC
No obligation to donate.

However, I give donations regularly and VERY SELECTIVELY. I never give to NKF since it's inception - don't like the way they promoted and marketed themselves as a charity - I really pity our Mediacorp Artistes - dangerous stunts - abused in the name of charity - and those VIPs who just want their big names to be in the newspapers and on TV.

I give to those who truly deserves - those who work hard for themselves and strive to be independent - not those "community" who thinks that the world owes them.

As a Singaporean, I think we are getting into a "welfare" state where "able-earners" are more and more relied upon to support the growing number of dependents who thinks that the government should support them. Don't be naive. No government can give to the poor if they are not collecting enough money from somewhere else.

As "able-earners" are "taxed" more to subsidise the poor, e.g. higher income earners have to pay > 1 month salary on income tax while lower income earners gets "tax exemption + benefits" and the government is still asking for more private "donations" - what is the government's agenda ?

One day, the "able-earners" will pack their bags and leave - not because they have to make donations, but rather they are unhappy to give away their hard earned money in exchange for temporary social harmony - is like you need to generously and continuously feed a tiger, so that it wouldn't bite you now, but you know that one day, it will bite you, when it is dissatisfied with your food or you have no more food to give. So why give ?

Too complicated to understand ? You bet ! Ask those who donated to the Sichuan Earthquake.
2008-07-07 21:09:12 UTC
I think the government appointed holder should contribute part of their salary to help the poor instead. Normal citizen has barely enough to make ends meet. We will help if it is within our means but shouldn't the government, all MP, Minister and Senior Appointment holder, take the lead? For a start, they should have monthly contribution, at an acceptable level rather than S$1, as an example!
2008-07-07 19:47:29 UTC
To me, is the government who shd giv back something to the fellow citizens. With the living standards getting higher and the salary that we are getting, is never gonna be enough to support ourselves. Government increasing the GST. A lots of things are going up in prices. The Government shd share more of what they have earn with the citizens. We relying on our pay checks. The Government relying on us for taxes etc.
2008-07-07 21:18:54 UTC
This is a country where the government has a very prevalent regulating hand over the capitalist-movement. With little liberty, and most regulating powers in the hands of a government, we do not have a voice in the payouts to the governmental officials even.

Yes, i feel right that i should give back to my citizens. I have always stretched a hand out to the street-side beggar. And my heart goes out to them. But it makes me think of what social services are available to them. And also - why are so much of these funds going back to the upper elite of the society, as regulated by the government, and not back to the poor in the society. Liberty is taken away, and should not these be given back to those who cannot find comfort in today's society and what it gives to them? - or what it does not give to them?

I feel that our government should not be the one asking us to give back more to the society. We have our minds and directives to give or not. If I were to ask my friend to give, I would give myself - to a proportion which is perspectively rightful in relative to how much I have.
2008-07-07 20:06:32 UTC
It is NOT an obligation but as citizen and human being, we MUST help those who are less fortunate than we are. The only difference is, I would rather give help personally to the needy than through organisations. Right now, I seriously DO NOT trust them.
2008-07-08 01:46:00 UTC
Before the NKF Saga, yes.

After the NKF Saga, no.

How do we know that the money we give, goes into good use. Or does it go into some rich man's pocket, making the rich richer, and the poor, as per normal, but the middle class, poorer.

Remember, the man involved was even appealing against the 3 months imprisonment that it was served. Isn't that a bit ridiculous?
2008-07-08 00:13:29 UTC
Yes,it is true that we should try our best to help those fellow citizens poorer than us,extending a helping hand wouldn't hurt at all right?

However,I don't want to sound mean but with all the basic necessities prices rising now,PM Lee is urging us to donate more? We soon are unable to fend for ourselves,who is the cause of it? If I remember correctly,PM Lee is the highest paid head of state in the world,earning even more than the President of United States,donating money is peanuts to him.

Why is he encouraging us to donate when he has a million times more money than us? Shouldn't he set a good example first by donating to the needy,improving their lives and alleviating our and the poor peoples' burdens by coming up with effective ways to cope with congestion instead of rising ERP rates blindly?

If he is someone who can make transport,a basic privilege for all citizens a luxury for people,like me now,why can't he take out a sum of money from his huge money filled bank that he pocketed and cheated from us to give back to the society instead of not walking the talk?

Again,I don't intend to sound mean but we are all suffering now,and I will contribute as much as possible within my means back to the society and the people in need.

I rest my case.
2008-07-07 20:26:22 UTC
Unless we know who are these fellow citizens. Who knows if some rich man pretends to be poor (stays in 2room flat etc) and receive the benefits?

Btw, the govt should be rich enough to help the poor after all the ERP (yeah, receive $100 for gst credits and expect to pay $1000 for erp, pub and fuel price hikes), income tax, COE, fuel tax (we are still paying market rates for fuel, aren't we?), HDB oso not helping the young generation to start a family.

We help others then who help us? The govt? Seems like we can only suffer...everything increase expect our pay package. Everyday i read My, IND and other govt helping their people but what is our govt doing actually for us?

And btw, what do our govt do with all the extra ERP & GST they suck from us? To invest in more ERPS?
2008-07-07 21:13:47 UTC
I agree with Greenie, the Govn should be the 1st to donate and show example to their citizens.

Infact, selfishness is the culture the govn have been injecting us, they hold our CPF money and control the amount given to us like we are little children, tats our own hard earn money and who are they to tell us how much to spend.

They are just afraid to fork out money to feed us, they make us realised evry1 for their own. And they keep increasing their own pay, a small island pm's pay is more than president of USA.

And telling us to donate is kinda contradicting with the with the selfish culture. Infact i feel more like a consumer rather than a citizen.

I would suggest they donate all the GST and ERP money to charity instead of asking us.
Depressed Citizen
2008-07-08 02:41:30 UTC
Our government is just too rich and kiasu. Collect and stretch its citizens to the max. They dont know when it is going to break! The breaking point is near....Generally, the government should be ashamed as they are rich enough to do more, like free medical/hospital treatments for the lower income families.Singaporeans need no reminders to contribute. They are definitely doing more than the government... with all their heart.
2008-07-08 01:54:53 UTC
1stly, to use a term like, "obligation" just puts people off.

2ndly, unless I'm sadly mistaken, Singapore already has the highest number of "charity drives" per annum in e World... CADC Charity, President's Charity, NKF Charity, Ren Ci Charity, ST Pocket Money Fund, Heart Charity, Lung Charity, Liver Charity.... etc....etc...

U get the idea.

And, mind, this is not even including e weekend rituals of school children with their donation tins or bags or what-have-you.

For goodness sake!!! Even Uni undergrads are soliciting for donations when the NUS owns at least 1 building in Raffles Place worth about a BILLION Dollars now, given the skyrocketing prices of property in Singapore, especially in e prime areas, like, err... Raffles Place??

Frankly, I'm pretty much tired of it all and, given e number of "charity" scandals, I tend to ignore ALL these Charities and just donate to my favourite "poor" charity, which is e SPCA, which is desperately underfunded and yet often neglected by e public at large.

I donate from e bottom of my Heart, WITHOUT any obligation, and I feel happy to do it.

Obligation is for taxes, which I dutifully pay every year, and for the Government to help the poor & needy Singaporeans.

Its very EASY for Government Ministers, with their MILLION DOLLAR paychecks to ask Singaporeans to be more "charitable" (as if we're not already) when most of us are living from month-to-month with our THOUSAND DOLLAR paychecks, {7% GST, 6-7% inflation (according to e Government, so we all know that its actually HIGHER than that!!), ERPs, etc, etc, notwithstanding.}

And I don't even want to talk about e costs of e so-called "heavily subsidised" $300,000 - S400,000+ new HDB flats!!!!

So, to end, its difficult to be more "charitable" than, I'm sure, most of us Singaporeans already are, when most of us are trying to make ends meet and supporting our aged Parents & Childcare/NurseryKindergarten/ and School going Children all at e same time!!!!

2008-07-07 22:23:52 UTC
With their huge salary pay-outs, the PM and his cabinet ministers should be obligated to give back something to THEIR fellow citizens.

And helping their grassroots community do this/that doesn't count coz thats part of their job!!
2008-07-07 19:45:52 UTC
I believe in giving back to all, I am happy to give to those in need. This includes financial, material, emotional, spiritual and mental support. I think if people can open up their hearts and mind to help those that may need a little bit of assistance, we would all be better. I do not believe in discriminating the overall human race, so that is why I help as much as I can (it also brings me inner peace to know that I helped someone and that is the greatest reward in my life).
2008-07-07 20:32:38 UTC
I believe in helping where we can, within our means. But the average Singaporean seems to be having their cost of living rising, and standard of living lowering, and it does not help very much by the govt to increase the cost of many aspects of our daily lives. The average Sporean is not that well off to be able to help much in the haves and haves not; in my opinion, the haves and haves not the PM talked about can better managed by the PM or govt herself, given her substantial wealth and position - the govt should lead by example every time they take the moral high ground of exhorting the citizens to give. Yes, i believe in giving within my means, and again, I am not sure if it is better done by giving to the charity themselves, or through organization that seems to have strong political connection.
2008-07-08 03:10:16 UTC
There are afew Charity Organization that are not trusted and some even fake the company name to get donations. I'm sure you guys will notice it when you walk around central area in North Bridge Road where they are selling $10 donation cards which were not approved even by the company.
shinning boy
2008-07-08 00:54:57 UTC
Giving back something that you have to the fellow citizen who needs it is of no obligation. We live to learn how to received and give.I am low class earner in Singapore, I use to help and give to those who come to me for help, I even divided my salaries into group to help those who need it, I thanks God for giving me what I suppose to have and delivered what I have to those fellow citizen who needs it.
2008-07-07 20:58:44 UTC
Yes. Especially to the education, orphans and old folks. Singaporeans are very good at giving to overseas causes, however, we seems to be ignorant of our fellow citizens' plight.
2008-07-07 20:58:23 UTC
Yes. Not necessary in the form of monetary donations. But just helping people, who happen to be living in the same country as you. We have donated quite abit, but the money does not seem to be reaching the poor in Singapore fast enough, considering we have only a small population.
2008-07-08 02:27:44 UTC
So long as the government doesn't lock me up in an air con room to interrogate me, and later on go on national television and denounce me as a "marxist conspiracy" like they did in 1987 I'll be more than happy to oblige.
Singapore Citizenship for $1
2008-07-07 23:42:31 UTC
Are you mad?! Let's compare how much the government earns monthly as MPs and ministers. On top pf that, the PM, President stays in a tax paid house.

On the flip side, we earn an average of $2.5K per month per family (to feed 4 mouths). AND YOU STILL ASK us to donate? I think its either I donate my life or my pink bloody IC.

Who is he trying to kid? Robots? Idiots? THIS is the very reason why we singaporeans HATE to stay in Singapore. To hell with this bloody pink IC. I'm giving it up asap.

I'm seeking asylum overseas!!!!
Like a dream
2008-07-07 19:25:49 UTC
Yes because we should all help each other we all share the thread of being human and were all connected in someway. It's altruistic and having a good heart to give back to others. Our lives shouldn't only center on us and on monetary awards, we should do some good in this world and do good for others.
2008-07-08 02:13:05 UTC
Yes. As a fellow Singaporean I feel that I must share with people who do not have much for themselves. It will be like being selfish if I do not share with others.
2008-07-08 00:06:36 UTC
only needs 30% of Minister's pay for a yr to help the Poor or to charity ?? there so many taxes that the citizen is paying that not include income taxes . or use the daily ERP income for a month to help the poor .
2008-07-08 00:50:31 UTC
Nope. The cost of living in Singapore is so high that even many in the middle class are struggling to keep up. It's the PAP government's job to look after the less fortunate and needy. LKY, I hope you read this and wake up your idea!!!
Vis T
2008-07-08 00:19:38 UTC
Use my blood to donate or sell it ??to the rich ??invest billions but where the return at what amount the return??

that also can help not the growth divident a peanuts mah 600 /3 month

we not beggar ok .
2008-07-07 23:55:51 UTC
Those who are successful are already tax far more than the rest. The Govt should be spend wisely based on the tax returns to take care of the needy. Unless the Govt see that they are incapable to take care of the needy.
2008-07-08 01:37:33 UTC
good idea, why dont the President donates half of his 4 mil dollars to kick start?

then followed by the garcious act from the ministers and the man in the street will surely be inspired to follow the act
chan w
2008-07-07 20:41:22 UTC
definitely. we should always contribute back to the society where we have gotten ours. But as a singaporean, i feel ashamed. Not ashamed by ourselves, but those words that came out from my PM. let not forget the ministers of singapore are really the top earners in the country.

come on. show us the philantropic side of you first, before you start 'urging' us to do so.
Ryan C
2008-07-08 02:03:40 UTC
I will help only those really in need, and i will do it myself, instead of giving money, where u dun know where the money is going, why dun we give can foods and stuff, making it more difficult for them to cheat our money, and since they are charging so much for erp, why dun they they use some of it for charity use since the erp is not used to charge those who are working in town, possibly those who are richer, then use it to help the poor and needy lor
cheong hock g
2008-07-07 20:24:23 UTC
Obligation?? if its an obligation, then should we give when you,re not given ...(personally i experience that,and i believed many too)...many will *siam*..a.k.a.-avoid if its an all comes from the heart, not for publication or for others to see.......
2008-07-08 02:20:59 UTC
Vincent C
2008-07-08 01:21:32 UTC
Sure why not, wealthy businessman and others in US, and other countries had done it. Singapore should do likewise. It would be one up for the top men in the government to lead the way.
2008-07-07 23:01:37 UTC
hmmm... this qn was first meant for personal... i dont see why we are pointing fingers. for me, i dont feel obligated to give back... but i felt a kind of resposibility to bring my fellow citizen out of poverty... thats all I can say...
2008-07-07 22:31:57 UTC
honestly speaking whether we wanna give back something to our fellow citizens or not is really up to each individuals... no offence but if we wanna do good deeds, we dun need to be forced. neither do we need to advertise. seriously, it really shd come fm the bottom of the hearts. it's such a pity that we have to have our PM to tell us wat to do.. come on we are not robots that our lives have to be dictated even for charity...
Nicolae E
2008-07-08 00:41:08 UTC
i think its the goverment that should give something back becuase all living cost are getting really high and normal average family like mine is finding it really hard to cope already and cost are still increasing. the goverment should stop raising costs and do some things to help everyone
2008-07-07 23:16:24 UTC
yes its a must for those with ablities to donate and help our poorer fellow citizens. we dun wish to see them being push to committing any crimes to survive,to just have a bowl of warm rice. we should give them hope and never let them give up in life.there are many ways to help besides donating.we should alwys remind them never to let problems get them down but reminds them to look up.
2008-07-08 00:30:26 UTC
Bottomline...NO...Basically i have lost faith with this government. The way they conduct and carry out their game-plan is purely a Business Venture. There is no soul in them.. just a number game.

Anyway, that's my point of view...Can't say about others.
2008-07-07 20:00:35 UTC
Best way to do charity? LTA increase ERP -> Donate to the poor. Questions?
Sal Yeo
2008-07-08 03:26:54 UTC
Yes, I would give some donations to the poor & needy directly but not thru' any organization. I have no faith in any charitable organization.
2008-07-07 19:39:45 UTC
Personally, I feel that doing charity comes from the bottom of your heart. Doing a good deed is not just for praises, no offence, just from my own point of views.....
zip it up
2008-07-07 20:50:20 UTC
There should be a law that governs Singporeans who earn over 20K to donate 10% of their earnings to the poor!!!!!-cheers-
2008-07-07 20:08:32 UTC
absolutely.. we have to depend on 1 another.. if not den y do we called ourself fella citizen.. it is our duty to help another, be it a fellow citizen or a foreigner from a foreign land...
2008-07-08 02:16:56 UTC
ERP, GST 7%, COE, $700K Boon Keng Road flat...$$$ already not enough leh. So how to give to charity ?
Stewart SS
2008-07-07 20:03:46 UTC
I hardly can make ends meet. Every month is stressful. Unless I have excess, otherwise I only can do voluntary work instead.
2008-07-10 19:13:10 UTC
i dont want to give back cause were the reasons for shortages death wasrs and global warming so no i do ZIP for my fellow ppl
2008-07-10 19:17:03 UTC
honestly, i think it is ok if u have spare, but seriously who is really rich here, i mean most people pay a lot to gov so why not get the gov to subsidise
2008-07-08 03:07:06 UTC
ask the fuc.ker pm lee dont talk nonsense..try asking him to lead by example..see if hes willin to donate 30% of his salary to charity for a year..
Peace ruLes~
2008-07-08 03:05:32 UTC
Yes.Why not?We are all in one family and should help one another in a growing and thriving city.So,lets put our helping hands together and help others.
2008-07-07 23:23:00 UTC
NO! no young man is happy with their lives these days. i foresee a downfall in this current governance.
2008-07-08 01:38:50 UTC
Yes because we must help our Singaporean if necessary.Not other nations.
2008-07-07 22:04:14 UTC
Why should we? Coz inflation is going up but yet our pay remains the same. Who should help us then?
2008-07-07 21:32:03 UTC
we are like dolls being manipulated. i can't believe the PM even said that.
Eric H
2008-07-07 19:17:54 UTC
I'm here, aren't I?

Because you kids need some straight answers.
jlm c
2008-07-07 22:25:26 UTC
look at the new ERP Charges today... NO !
Angie S
2014-12-05 08:36:05 UTC

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